FourteenEightyFour 24 points ago +24 / -0

he makes a very good point, but he forgets that the election isn't about votes anymore. it's just about maintaining the illusion that the race is close enough for a steal to happen convincingly enough (again).

and I think he's also generous regarding the nation's intelligence. about half the country are demonstrably NPCs. MSM is indeed losing its grip but only by a small amount in my opinion. it's very slow. it's "the most excruciatingly slow I-Told-You-So in history" as one covid meme put it.

so the question is, is the illusion of a close race still intact?

FourteenEightyFour 3 points ago +3 / -0

he rides, shoots straight and speaks the truth. this was the latest thing I saw of him:


he's also been attacked by the ADL as antisemitic for not being israel-first

FourteenEightyFour 3 points ago +5 / -2

my initial thoughts were something along the lines of, "ok, maybe he is trying to roll with the punches, remaining defensive, stumbling slightly, so that it is clear that this is an unfair 3v1 setup, and that people will hopefully see through this, and (hopefully) realize kamabla is full of shit". But a few moments later I realized that was my copium speaking more than anything.

let's be real, there is nobody left to convince, there's nobody undecided, there's nobody still on the fence. at least no significant demographic anyway. what this WAS, on the other hand, this was THE opportunity to dismantle the harris campaign's hypocrisy and cancer in a "for the record" sense, so that it will remain written "in stone" that trump called her out face to face and warned the people of the impending dangers also "face to face" on live TV. but I don't think he achieved that. I don't recall him laying out a single "nailed it" phrase that could serve such a purpose, that could be quoted in posterity for its simple undeniable brutality.

after much thought and reading people's interpretations, no explanation can convince me that remaining subdued and defensive, going off on tangents on fringe topics, pointless repetition, and missing crucial opportunities at punching back, was a better alternative than being incisive, exact and eloquent as possible while dismantling the harris campaign in layman's terms for the common man

he got too tangled up in the bait they laid for him, instead of deflecting that shit with the sharp laconic wit that it deserves

FourteenEightyFour 7 points ago +7 / -0

I tried to pretend to watch the debate from the point of view of a libtard and I saw it overwhelmingly in kamabla's favour. trump insisting on digging into topics that libtards have been trained to be allergic to, in a manner that they have also been trained to be allergic to. I don't see Trump changing the mind of a single liberal during that debate.

that said, I only watched first 30 mins. i keep hearing how he got better at the end

FourteenEightyFour 3 points ago +3 / -0

either to subliminally portray him as the incumbent, or simply as a hollow gesture of faux respect. pick your poison

FourteenEightyFour 3 points ago +3 / -0

the quotes aren't even the same. you want me to believe "Q" knew this actor was going to die this week? and i'm somehow expected to understand that "the hunt for the red october" is oh-so relevant when it's currently september, the election is november, and the quote is from a different fucking movie altogether?

i'll open my eyes to anything when I have proof. i've come a long way in the last 4 years, things have been truly eye-opening. but I have yet to see "Q" make a non-cryptic non-ambiguous prediction that isn't contrived into meaning by nothing other than the Q-believer's mental gymnastics and pattern-seeking COPIUM, rather than something that is unequivocal proof that cannot be misinterpreted.

downvote me, ban me if you want, see if I give a shit, tired of this date-larping "trust the plan" bullshit while the world goes to utter shit and the west is raped in their beds. can't wait to see what you all have to say after they steal the 2024 election. probably another 4 years of date-larping and "trust the plan" nonsense. pathetic

FourteenEightyFour 2 points ago +2 / -0

you know i'm somewhat surprised that by googling "Make America Healthy Again" the results look pretty neutral / relevant so far. or at least not as neutered as I was expecting.

I was expecting result after result of a pundit / editorial slamming RFK or labelling the MAHA movement as thinly veiled fascism. but only one result in the first page is like that for me.

FourteenEightyFour 2 points ago +2 / -0

which Q post of all of them is the most irrefutable proof that it is directly associated to trump and/or "in control"

FourteenEightyFour 2 points ago +2 / -0

true, further into the video she became more intelligible (not thanks to the other people talking over her) but the first segment is lacking the context of what was immediately said prior so even tho i can of course make out "black people" "hate crime" "signs", i have no idea what the meaning is and her manner of speaking does not help at all

FourteenEightyFour 6 points ago +6 / -0

I specifically remember seeing a video about 2 years ago of some random venezuelan guy saying something (in spanish) along the lines of "just you wait and see what's gonna happen when we're in america". it had zero relevance so I never gave it any thought, but I have a pretty good memory and now the significance is uncanny.

so I guess this has been a while in the making, and the timing isn't a coincidence. who is paying them is the question.

FourteenEightyFour 3 points ago +3 / -0

wouldn't there be some form of security. also, why would they compromise it with civillian truckies

FourteenEightyFour 6 points ago +6 / -0

as much as i know for a fact that we are run by satan worshippers, I can't really see much of a pattern here, considering the gorillion celebrities who's firstborn didn't die, or the one's that died as adults, etc

FourteenEightyFour 4 points ago +4 / -0

they have a whole arsenal of psyops they can use to disrupt and/or steal the election without any direct accountability. why would the do the one thing that they are directly accountable for, and could potentially backfire into an even bigger landslide?

that said, they are dumb and desperate so the chance is never 0%

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