Sum of All Fears my ass…
I had to show my ID in New Hampshire and the Camel Toe still won
No he didn’t.
People be reaching….he’s says “something” is gonna happen on the 15/16. Nothing did ON THOSE DAYS like his “data” predicted.
I predict “something” will happen tomorrow!
He’s nothing more than a conman with a dash of mentalism thrown in for good measure.
Just be careful and don’t go spouting this doofus’ stuff around. You’ll be made to look like a fool 10/10 times.
Ask me how I know?
Signed, Former Cliff Fanboi
Oof. Is this dude ever right?
I wouldn’t call this a Q proof…
A tip of the hat from Elon to Q for sure,
but no Q Proof….
Cates is a dipshit.
People like him are the reason the world is the way it is.
No wonder the kids keep misbehaving when they know the parents are just gonna forgive them in the end…
I see what you did there 🤣
Don’t pasty’s go on nipples?
Sooooo….you are saying J13 Trumps J6?
See what I did there?
I’m kinda with you on the adding up numbers thing…some folks streeeettttttccccchhhh a bit too much…
But don’t you find I just a little eerie that the first shot was at 6.11 which conveniently lines up with Ephesians 6.11 and that Q drops reference “The Armor of God” and Ephesians 6.11?
I mean, as Q asks, “at what point are coincidences no longer coincidences” (rough paraphrasing here)
Tell me this ain't a simulation WITHOUT telling me it ain't a simulation...
Came here to say this.
Crap like this makes us look like looney-tunes…
If true. Kill em all.
But use some discernment before screaming it from the tree tops…
Holy Updoots Batman!
You sound vaxxed.
I don’t settle. Ever.
Why not just cal HIM “HIM which would be more insulting?
Thats what I do.
And yes, I have literally done this in real life…wanna see one of those knuckleheads get triggered, do that.
Those dudes hate that shit.
Him: “Oh you misgendered me, I’m sure you didn’t mean to…please call me she/her”
Me: “no thanks. There are two genders. Male and female, you are a male.”
Him: speechless.
He Couldn’t believe I didn’t cave. FAQ HIM
“IT” is not misgendering.
Call the damn spade a spade.
This should have more uproots. Good one Fren!
Give HIM an inch….
HE's still eligible, but HEwould have to swim against men (BECAUSE HE IS IN FACT A DUDE), and if HE does that, HE can't win.
Fixed it for ya.
Don’t play their silly word games, call a spade a spade.
If she jumped in the air she’d get stuck!
No matter how many times I see it the word “Updoot” makes me laugh…
So, for that….i give you an Updoot you deplorable SOB!
Yeah, I never bought that bullcrap theory…would be kinda dumb to base a plan off a movie…