Could you link said site please?
lol the age of the TV screams boomer meme but also I kinda laughed? Oh no.
Qanon is a pretty cool dude. He's an hero and doesn't afraid of anything!
(It's an old halo meme plz forgive)
Let's not forget "Mentally ill."
This was the tip off for me, I can maybe tolerate 1-2 rounds outdoors without earpro and even then my ears are ringing for a while. That whole crowd would have been mega disoriented and scared shirtless at the sound alone.
Does make me wonder if they had a low power blanks or riot rounds or something though.
Haha a rebel from the start! Good on you.
One of the most arrogant and dangerous thoughts we could have IMO. Work with and in nature, use what you must and be grateful for what's provided, but to claim supremacy over something that both nourishes and can crush us in an instant is peak-hubris, you're right.
That last line is plain great life advice too. Be the person you would follow!
This likely seems esoteric but should ring true to those who can step back for a moment and not immediately dismiss it as woo woo stuff. Listen to your intuition on this one and sit with the idea.
We are more than our physical bodies, and even those have been misconstrued to us. There are nothing but benefits to acknowledging our individual God-sovereignty in our lives/embodiments right now, truly I tell you!
We'll get there, along with the rest of our human family--even those that seem too far gone. They are His creation too and have just gotten too caught up in the densities and gravity of this world ❤
Infinity!!! But sideways, so 8!
High quality memory
There is truth in simply entertaining the possibility of an intelligent and benevolent creator without having to also weather the dogma by which the major religions have been irreversibly perverted.
Not trying to convert anyone; your choices are your own but knowing God is to know oneself and isn't closed off to anyone. "Seek and ye shall find." Not getting caught up in what the world has to offer regarding religion while being close to God is not only possible, but I'd say the ideal path ATM.
I had to look at the brick for a bit too in order to understand what I was looking at!
Love this energy! They can only control you if you allow it, for we are each sovereign individuals.
I can only suggest adding meditation to your already awesome routine if it isn't already. The benefits of sitting with oneself and letting go of external illusions are too plentiful and individually tuned to describe.
20mins a day becomes pretty easy to work into even a busy schedule; especially when there is no judgement of progress in the practice (ideally, but if you find yourself judging or getting frustrated, try to step back and observe those thoughts, because they are not you, and are being allowed to rob your personal power if you don't step away from those thoughts/emotions and just observe; they WILL pass :D )
TBH that's just her face.
I understand yes, those who do that will get there in time. I am grateful for my own accelerated path and I owe everything to The Infinite Creator. Thanks for explaining, truly.
Maybe, but you're so caught up in what we label things that you're potentially missing the point. I hope not, but it really doesn't matter what label is given to our beautiful planet.
Also was looking for the Half-Life references but it's still a nice tangent!
Amen, Mary. We are Her stewards and will be again. Gaia has weathered much abuse and has had enough; the time for Her/our renewal and reunion draws near.
There is some channeled information that points to the flood being a reset/wipe of what was basically human v1.0, wherein the human body was far more primitive and reptilian-brained than our current "model" which also required much more maintenance and recreation. Some info states that their creation was related to the Atlanteans and needing the ability to inhabit a physical instrument/body as this dimension reached physical density and separation via time.
Some theories indicate that human v1.0 being the Infinite Creator's first try at experiencing consciousness expanded and separated by time, and needed to be remade in order to rejoin with the Creator/First Source eventually, because the primitive beings were likely never able to make that return journey (what we call enlightenment, nirvana, zen, Oneness, Being Centered, etc etc. all of which requires the capacity for one to seek from within.)
Supposedly those primal humans were much less autonomous/self-sufficient and didn't have the full range of sensory input [biological implants] that we do, despite having the potential to "live" in their bodies much longer than we can, some of which is supported by biblical record.
I hope that within our lifetimes now we'll be able to know and share our true history as a species and Human Family.
This is good info and it is called the Enteric Brain, and more folks should educate themselves about their bodies [instruments] so I'll take any opp to link some relevant info!
You can still forgive the lost while meting out justice; it is more in line with the Laws of the Universe than most law we know of today, I believe.
Many more fail to understand that it does affect that person on an energetic and quantum level, locking you both into a time density of negative polarization.
It's important to remember that God and other higher beings aren't subject to time like our consciousness' are, though we unwittingly wield these forces throughout our lives. Luckily, more and more people are waking up to the calls of their higher Self and are beginning to hear and intuit His word and intention. This aligns us with His will [DIVINE LOVE].
Not to get too woo-woo on everyone, but please, stay with me: this is the power of forgiveness. It's not in the Lord's Prayer for show because forgiveness frees both you and the other entity from that negative emotional time-lock.
Yes, even the monsters we admonish here on GA deserve our love and forgiveness-- as difficult as that may seem for many. They were given souls and the same free will to choose their path that we were blessed with, and they are still our brothers and sisters in the human family despite the pain and turmoil they cause in their ignorance and narrow-consciousness.
Evil is borne of those who lost their way, and is strictly a creation of man and not God. Luckily this means that it is ALWAYS overcome with love and loving acts, without fail. Some of these people are privy to the secrets of these systems and have chosen to attempt to "game" it -- to them I say you've only bought temporary sovereignty to this dimension of poverty, but your time to realize His glory will come.
Try to validate the message with yourself, and it won't matter from whom it's received. This is what [they] fear mpst: sovereign individuals who can use their innate discernment to detect if something aligns with their truths.
I don't mean to attack you but genuinely ask you to try this. Sit with ideas like this and literally feel them out. Our intuition has been enslaved by the external and its time we took it back.