I saw this and did some checking. About all I could find was Hobby Lobby employees favored republicans, but the rest I checked were pretty neutral. Except for Sephora - they should not be on this list.
Also, some of the supported candidates are RINOs, so that kind of works against them.
More money laundering?
I have a coworker who likes to track school spending - says the worst inner city schools spend the most money and have the lowest scores and lowest rates of graduation. Doesn't seem like more money is the answer.
People like Fauci have used carrots and sticks to control academia for many years. Do and report what we want, here's your grant money, your degree, your job. Don't do or report what we want and you get no grant money, no degree, no job, and we'll blacklist you because, well, we're just plain evil and we're not going to let you get in our way.
Never forget that the blood of Jesus covers all sins once you confess your need for forgiveness. It doesn't remove all consequences, but you can be grateful for the sacrifice made at the cross on your behalf. We all have regrets of some sort, and we all fail to take into account just how much every little sin requires washing away by the blood of Christ.
If you look at the Greek in 1John 1:7, the verse is in the present continuous tense - it never stops washing away sin.
Sorry about the little sermon. I just assume many don't know that because I didn't for probably 30 years of going to church and hearing many good sermons, but few showing me just how good our God is.
Hopefully, they are singing a different tune come spring.