so now what? Vaccine mandates dropping all over the place.
What are the options for those of us that want to wait for better safety and efficacy data and are not willing to participate in a clinical trial?
havent been posting here much, but I agree. This is 100% shill trash. Go back to reddit.
holy fkn shit
Best part of AMC / GME is how many sheep it's waking up to the fact the gov isn't on their side and is completely bought and paid for.
this is my fear.
Doesn't matter to me though since I'm in a blue state w/ RINO gov. NO chance he eases up restrictrions.
have talked to a few people that have clumps of hair falling out....even months after their infection and recovery.
Yeah, I can't say it's a big lie having known so many people, even healthy ones that got it, and hearing their accounts. It CAN be bad if you get it.
What pisses me off is the discrediting of HCQ from the beginning. I think potentially that could have saved alot of lives, but god forbid trump be right about anything.
You can tell he was waiting to talk about the election fraud. Tone has def changed. LOVE IT.
two more terms! called. They miss ya.
My only concern is the vax push. I can't get on board with that.
THIS. My only concern with this speech is the "take the vax".
yep. All the concern trolls should head back over to
2 of which are complicit in the stolen election as well.
5 u say?
as in....1700 hours?
late as always. classic GEOTUS
watch this video then talk. Video breaks it down really well.
It's 100% staged bullshit, just like the entire capitol "riot" was.
please mail me this
gonna need a link to this clip plz
when do the arrests start?
aren't most private companies forcing the vaccine also?