GigiRN 2 points ago +2 / -0

No shit. I have come to hate the term “food dessert “. There’s a reason why the grocery stores folded up and boarded their windows. There’s a reason why there are “shopping desserts, restaurant desserts, gas desserts, etc.

GigiRN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is going to arrest Biden or anyone that has committed treason? The FBI? The CIA? Do you trust them with your best interests? I don’t. I am more trusting of local authorities.

GigiRN 4 points ago +4 / -0

Look into the robotic/minimally invasive coronary bypass. Not sure what the excluding criteria is. Praying for you

GigiRN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a small amount of sympathy for those who fell for the kool-aid/vax;then, I am reminded of some of the messages/reception that we received like the above meme.

GigiRN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tin, I tried showing various docs & personnel articles/research that showed that the surgical masks everyone was being forced to wear did not protect anyone from viral particles. I recd questions like: why do they wear them in the OR. The answer: to protect the patient from large droplet/particles from sneezes, runny noses, etc. I was scoffed at...trust the science, right?
I am sorry to hear about your family member and friend. The family of these patients may want to request their medical records including vital signs, lab values, medication administration, etc. I still believe lack of early intervention was by design by the DS/cabal. Never do I recall a time when the orders are: "Are you having trouble breathing? No? Go home, isolate, and come back if/when you have breathing issues." WTF! On top of that it is my speculation that once admitted to the hospital that antibiotics were not ordered and administered emergently (for the subsequent pneumonia); that's not the case with the patients I cared for, but...My hospital conglomerate does initiate nutrition as early as possible unless contraindicated. The "proning" is something that I do agree with. We use the Roto-Prone beds as much as possible. This movement from the bed or self-proning prevents fluid from settling in the lungs in an attempt to mobilize fluid and prevent further consolidation.
My hospital did not provide the jab to inpatients; they had vax clinics for their employees...

GigiRN 19 points ago +19 / -0

DC, can you elaborate? Been a nurse for over 20 years. My observation is: todays hospital conglomerate does NOT value experience; hospitals will gladly hire newly graduated nurses and shit on their dedicated experienced staff to save a few bucks. At the same time claiming that “providing quality care & safe care” is their priority. Sorry about your experience. I highly recommend anyone going/staying at a hospital to have an observant advocate with them at various times to ask good questions. I have no problem with a patient/family member asking questions. I will tell them if I don’t know the answer…

GigiRN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly! What was the narrative during Kavanaugh's confirmations..."all women should be believed..." except for the ones above plus many more...

GigiRN 1 point ago +1 / -0

So glad I'm not way out there flapping in the wind in my perception, interpretation, and predictions. I think there are quite a few "actors & actresses" playing adversarial parts in this movie. Thank you, Frens, for your support, validation, and vision (there are so many smart people on here that share their knowledge and I very much appreciate you). God bless us all!

GigiRN 14 points ago +14 / -0

Sometimes I get the feeling that these “backstabbers are playing a scripted part. They are in positions to either influence or spy on their enemies/employers…surely not everyone that was part of the cabinet/administration is stupid enough to believe they are smarter than Q/Trump

GigiRN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like "Tiffany blue"...isn't there a story behind the Tiffany blue and JFK jr's burial at sea as well as the gift that Melania gave Michelle (Big Mike) was in a Tiffany blue box?

GigiRN 7 points ago +7 / -0

Not that I follow Oprah, but I don't recall O doing the poses & gestures on the red carpet such as the video you shared. And, this "O" seems very petite compared to the what the original O was...Please let it be Diamond! Please!

GigiRN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. I had several coworkers chomping at the bit to get the vax when it was introduced. I decided I would hang back, wait for more information/research/data. I couldn't understand why they didn't question the lack of data, trials, etc. I have asked a few of the docs that I work with "when in medical school did, they teach you not to question or test/prove theories for yourself?" Not making too many friends...don't give a damn! I was never anti-vax; now I am! I think Covid was created in Shypl"Chyna, Ukraine in a U.S. DOD-funded lab.

GigiRN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sky, that it exactly! I have often asked myself why I could see it (have skepticism), but so many others (including my nursing & doctor co-workers) could not. Nothing sent up red flags to them...why did I see the flags?

GigiRN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't it sad to realize how many people in the field are clueless?! I tried to talk people out of the vax and other "unproven" treatments....I was the "conspiracy nutjob"..."our government wouldn't do that!"...doctors wouldn't order it/give it if it was dangerous". I, also, find it pathetic how many people extorted their family members by threatening to withhold visits with other family, if not jabbed...

GigiRN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Irish, I agree. I just looked up some of the Board Members for several local hospitals. Read the Bios...formerly worked at Pfizer, Merck, CDC, yetta yetta. They along with administrators are part of the Con. Science is nothing but a Rich Man's Trick currently!

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