Gilet_Jaune 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand . I feel like the chaos and turmoil we are seeing is not over and won’t be for awhile. Even the plan implies this. There are many of us who aren’t in the position to sustain this. Sometimes I feel not impatient- but deflated at the thought that I had miscalculated the great awakening to come sooner. I thought more people would have awakened by now.
But that’s ok. The plan is still in place . I know to trust, just have to focus on the right things.

Gilet_Jaune 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah ok, thank you. So the first list of names flew into Saint Thomas

Gilet_Jaune 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can someone tell me-of the FIRST list of names- what they mean in relation to the second list

Gilet_Jaune 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well there was a “ virus”, if a viruses even exist. I think everyone should listen to the interview X 22 did with Karen Kingston. She’s not so easy to listen to, but she’s brilliant and explains that the same technology they used for the vaccines are what they used for the original virus, which she does consider a bio weapon. This pandemic has sprouted a lot of rabbit holes, not the least of which is one that has opened up to be on what makes something an actual virus, whether or not viruses even exist or whether it’s just parasites or bacteria. Karen Kingston explains it’s nano particle technology. when people say mRNA, We think of what mRNA is and many of us mistake it for more than it is. Karen says the mRNA is just “ coding”. The nano particals are causing symptoms of covid to appear in the body . I have to listen to it again but here it is, warning you , it’s CRAMMED with information https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/karen-kingston-big-pharma-unleashed-a-bioweapon-on-the-world-its-time-to-press-criminal-charges/

Gilet_Jaune 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t know when that man replied to Jon Brennan- it was cropped. But even back in December 2019, many patriots were on there espousing the cold truth to that traitor.

Gilet_Jaune 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the sauce - even better! I love to look at the comments back then… Over three years old but yes.. our patriots were in full swing . Notice how all the Ukrainian flags match up with the idiotic comments… The apple does not fall far from the Ukrainian tree:-)

Gilet_Jaune 2 points ago +2 / -0

You’re right. And they’re getting celebrities like Jeff Bridges to make it look more like it’s a car commercial than a covid commercial .


Gilet_Jaune 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think that’s just an unflattering photo of him.

Not to say there isn’t the technology or means to have a double of him, but why on the golf course ? Just saying.

Gilet_Jaune 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember that they tried to say this has happened before ( Chinese spy balloon floating into our air zones). Maybe Trump actually did shoot it down and no one reported it because , well, they are fake ?

Gilet_Jaune 4 points ago +6 / -2

How is that not DJT? Even if he does have a body double, people who know golf and watch form can recognize DJT’s signature swing ( I can’t ) It just doesn’t seem smart to use another golfer as his double.

Gilet_Jaune 6 points ago +6 / -0

Pieces of sh@t.. Let them HANG

does anyone know if there is an effort out there to pair corresponding lot numbers from people’s vaccine cards with the VAERS reported events ? There has to be a way to see who’s in greater danger .

Gilet_Jaune 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have convinced me to take up Latin! 🔥 🐸 🐸 🔥

Gilet_Jaune 6 points ago +6 / -0

Isn’t it interesting how a child tragically dies mid game, the school nurse says she’s never had to perform CPR on a student before , but the title of the article is “ HEALTH OFFICIALS DISMISS VACCINE INJURY IN RECENT SPORTS RELATED DEATH”

Got it . 😡

Gilet_Jaune 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good ones! In post 111: “Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee? “

Did Trumps Twitter get taken down before that last time ( and why?)

Gilet_Jaune 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow, I could have started this thread. Even after I stopped drinking and went to AA, I felt a little uncomfortable with how many times God was referenced. I was part of a group called “ We, Agnostics”. I still feel comfortable calling myself that because it just means “ I don’t know “ not “ I don’t believe “ or “ I don’t seek to do good”. I’m not uncomfortable anymore. I can be speaking to an evangelical and be just fine. ;-) Part of the challenge of the Great Awakening has been to convince people that this level of evil even exists , period . In fact, I’d say that’s most of the challenge. How hard is it to follow the money when we’re watching a Hollywood movie plot ? I guess actual fear turns people into sheep.I believed everything they said about the virus in 2020. I came home every night from work and would put my shoes in a huge Tupperware container for 3 days so that they could be decontaminated .I was wishing Trump would just wear the mask already and not talk about injecting bleach ( WHICH I FOUND OUT LATER HE NEVER DID) . I don’t know when the cracks started materializing for me, but this site was largely responsible. I became so angry…SO ANGRY. Not only that they lied but they have ruined any ability for me to give a fuck about a real pandemic ever again. Maybe that’s because I know we are safe as long as we choose good. I thank each and every one of you.

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