Wasn't this guy's website full of freemasonry symbolism? I remember looking at it many months ago and he wasn't even trying to hide it...can't remember the name of his company right now though
My God, it is astounding to hear such patriotic words! His original response was absolutely breathtaking...I have forgotten how beautiful it sounds to hear words like that!
God bless all the good doggies & bless their blessings forevermore!
I pray God keeps you healthy & safe and that your blessings come three-fold ❤
You are not rambling...its uplifting to spend time with others in here, learning each of your stories and then piecing together the incredible quilt we make!
I am glad you recovered, and that you weren't on a ventilator when they started using them to kill people! I wonder how many people could have moved past covid quickly if they had such a doctor to care for them.
This really paints a picture for me, from when I was young (13-15) and my Mom started seeing a chiropractor. My Dad and his side called this incredible woman a witch & thought chiropractic was a bunch of voodoo! They chastised her heavily but she kept going. Little did they know what an incredible Christian woman she was, my Mom never said a word but she kept going because she felt better. We both learned to listen to our bodies from her and I am forever grateful to have met her so young.
Now we see a NUCCA chiropractor and he is incredible too! My twins were so sick and had night terrors for over a year, constantly sick with anything that was going around. He started adjusting them when they were babies, then I tapered off until the night terrors started. We struggled with those for months when my Mom asked if we could bring them back to Dr. Jung....2 weeks and 2 adjustments later, we had NO more night terrors & they didn't even get a cold for a year after that.
Now I make it a point to go regularly and push them to as well (18 now) & I truly go to him first when something isn't right! I am thinking I heard from one of them that they went to school for more years than a medical doctor does & that makes me trust them even more. Years of being taught what mainstream said was voodoo, and possibly one of the last vestiges of a good education in this country!
I would love to hear your story!
My chiro is my first line if defense no matter what is going on, cold, pain, emotional, hormonal, car accident, appendix, you name it, I feel better if I'm regularly adjusted and if I'm not, it takes far longer to recover I'm a believer & understand why western medicine wants to disregard chiropractors, it's costly to big pharma!
I assumed chiropractic care was derived from Chinese medicine, that's fascinating
No, I can't say that we experienced that type of confusion. More like being generally forgetful and not remembering having the same conversation several times. This sounds a bit more serious than our experiences. Perhaps because of his health history he is experiencing this on a different level. I'm praying for you both, this is beginning to close in on many of us and I , like you, feel trapped and am not willing to go to any hospital because I fear what they will do. I hope this passes for him, is he taking NAC and/or Glutathione? Our naturopath doctor added these to the vitamins and supplements already mentioned. I have not done a lot of research on these, but I do think they help with mental capacity. Worth checking into, I know I've seen them mentioned on here before.
This is wise advice, I don't know what to make of this but it feels hinky & we should not follow blindly.
2nd the pulse ox!
I think a mental fog is certainly part of this "virus" as my family got it and after several weeks are finally beginning to clear up. I had to have conversations with my Mom several times as she didn't remember us discussing anything prior. Both of my parents agreed that they couldn't think straight & seriously I thought I was seeing the early stages of dementia. It's frustrating on the other end to be constantly repeating everything you say, but it does lift! If nothing serious is happening biologically, I would encourage you to hang in there and ride this out. I don't know the extent of his confusion, but I can definitely relate to what we call 'the fog' in my family. I personally believe it's part of the virus & likely meant to scare us to gain compliance.
This is inspiring, ty for posting!
This was my thought too, OR several dozen eggs over the fence.
I will do my best, I have learned more on this thread than I have in a long time and I will talk until I'm hoarse. Truly appreciate all of the information you've laid out here, again, thank you!
Whenever I think I'm awake, I learn there's another hundred layers. Guess I'm headed down the many rabbit holes you've left in this post. Thanks for links, pics & sauce, amazing compilation of info.
Out of curiosity, are the people of that congregation Satan worshippers or are they deluded into thinking the Clintons are good, God loving Christians? I would freak OUT if someone walked into my church with an inverted cross on them!
I second this! Have been seeing a Naturopathic doctor for my daughter since around June. First appointment was 2 hours and the most extensive health history I've ever been through and she asked about EVERYTHING! She responds to my emails rather quickly, she makes suggestions and answers questions without billing me for it. She knows my daughter as well as I do by now and I am NEVER looking back! Thankfully her primary care physician is awesome and requests the blood tests so our insurance will pay for it. Definitely worth your time to check this out. And also, Congratulations!
I agree with this! I've only been hunting for 4 years now & even I could pick up a shot at 300 yards.
That's her nickname! She's better now that she is mine full time, but back then, we called her chonk all the time!
An eagle tried to snatch my shihtzu once but quickly realized she was too fat to carry!
Godspeed and thank you for all of the updates and information that you have shared. I am very inspired by your story and action, my prayers are with you pede!
Together we ARE unstoppable!
We ARE the news! I am always finding gold nuggets in the comments and appreciate the quality research I find here. I think some of the best digging I've found is in the comments, love it!
Hey fellow Ginger! Oh wait...circle back ginger hmmm....LOL! Keep going, there are symbols all over the site, I remember clicking on tabs and being grossed out!