Godisincontrol 4 points ago +5 / -1

What are you talking about? Either you believe in Light and Jesus Christ or you belong to Satan. The Bible is clear and to the point. Read the Gospels and it’s clear The Church of anything that doesn’t follow this

Admit they’re a Sinner Believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins Call out his name for forgiveness

Belongs to Satan.

Have you Lied? Have you Stolen? Have you used the Lords name as a curse word? Have you had premarital relations or looked at someone in a sexual way? Have you ever wished harm or death about someone?

If you answer yes to these which we all would that makes you what?

A lying, thief, Blasphemer, Adultering, Murderer And that was only 5 of the 10 commandments.

Your opportunity for saving is that Jesus paid your debts when he died on the cross and his last words were “it is finished”.

Godisincontrol 3 points ago +4 / -1

Wow, such a fight in the comments. Is this Reddit? Be better and save your energy for the people who want to vax you and your kids. 99% of the people here should be on the same team. We need each other and can save each other when the time comes but we have to stick together.

Godisincontrol 9 points ago +10 / -1


How anyone is there is beyond me. Pulling the same crap they pulled in the states by not showing the faces of the fascists Nazi that support this fool.

Godisincontrol 2 points ago +2 / -0

Satan is the king of this world. Man had a choice to stay in the garden of Eden and unfortunately made a poor decision like many today are making. I’m confused how you can blame God for giving us free will and the ability to see truth from lies. A simple thank you to Jesus for that and for the forgiveness of your sins is in order. I walk through this world with a smile and little fear for the promise made that he return. Don’t be left behind and use your faith in his return to guide you and set an example to those who are still lost. Many are lost because of fear and to see people who are not scared, will bring them to him. This is the battle we’re fighting.

Godisincontrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting. A person in the military is threatening civilians as they lose brothers in Afghanistan to terrorists and incompetent government. Focus your concentration on the people fighting to save your people. I’m sure they all have your back. Prayers for all in Afghanistan.

Godisincontrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

I did not come here to talk about my transition! I came here to kick some ass!

Macho man says dig it, dig it.

Godisincontrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they can mandate the vax, they can mandate the mark of the beast. Chips incoming when we lose body autonomy.

Godisincontrol 7 points ago +8 / -1

Do some research. Prior to 1856, it was common knowledge and the location of the ark was known. Guess what happened? Darwin’s theory of evolution and censorship. When you read scripture remember it isn’t every animal. For example every dog didn’t get on the ark, only 2 did and all breeds come from those 2. No insects or animals that live in the water. Probably with Noah being so smart they chose to take babies to reduce the size of the animals. Tons of room on the Ark. There are videos on YouTube you can search for that prove the location of the ark.

Godisincontrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

I work for a large company that everyone would recognize world wide. They continually push the vax and offer incentives to people who have received with time off and cash rewards. They have stated they will not mandate but our offices remain closed with only skeletons crews. With the reopening plan for some time in October people who are not vaxed must socially distance and continue to wear a mask. Meetings should be interesting with the non compliant being on one side of the table on their own. I already asked how they plan to determine if someone is vaxed as that is none of their business. So whoever sells out for the time off and cash reward will be receiving the okay to congregate and be mask free. What’s interesting is we have proven to be able to function from home so I don’t know how they can force us to vax and come back to the office.

Godisincontrol 1 point ago +4 / -3

I agree. It’s more cultist than anything and known to murder christians throughout history. They confess to a guy dressed like an idiot and don’t take the Bible at its word. These are big issues.... Remember there is no pope, no purgatory, and no you cannot help people that have passed by donating money to the church in the Bible. Need to stick to scripture and the only way to get to the father is through the sun. I do agree with this fella though and hopefully he sees the error in his ways.

Godisincontrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who is Q? Is that not the questions? 😀

Godisincontrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

At around the 1:50-2:00 minute mark the guy even says the vaccine doesn’t work for everyone. Add it to the list of reasons not to get it....morons

Godisincontrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we ever need to escape we can take an island in between!

Godisincontrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live in Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast. Can see Nanaimo side of the island from our main beach.

Godisincontrol 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only opposition just got arrested for anti masking freedom rally or something like that. Bernier got screwed by the machines in the conservative leadership race against Sheer. Only time the freaking machines were used in Comida.

Godisincontrol 4 points ago +4 / -0

I second this. As well the likes! And if you get the ban hammer. Lost my account for a couple weeks posting about that Italian video about election fraud. I haven’t activated it again because I’m waiting for that undeniable proof. I will get banned in no time if I don’t wait. I need that pill that can’t be denied.

Godisincontrol 7 points ago +7 / -0

Absolutely right. Prior to them all getting vaxed, I sent them a bunch of information from America’s first line doctors and they called it fake news. I told my in laws I was thinking about transitioning and they said why would you want to leave your job? I replied Job? No a woman. Would that make your daughter gay? Or do you believe I would be a woman? Their response was of course not. I said, okay, Why you keep watching the bullshit in TV? No response, I said come to me when you have seen enough for the truth. Don’t see them really at all now.

Godisincontrol 5 points ago +5 / -0

Right! I was picking up a dresser from a guy in Burnaby from Portugal. he said he was heading back there because of the communism rule of Trudeau. He was vax proud so even the fooled see what is happening. C10 has a revision in it where if you get found guilty of hate speech they can take any and all your firearms. This is getting absolutely horrible. Lucky I have started to make friends with a couple local conservatives and it seems like a lot of people are afraid to just talk about it for fear of persecution or being the minority. It’s crazy the smiles and relief i receive from some just to hear a similar opinion. I’m not afraid so hopefully I can continue to grow this group of like minded people. It’s frustrating though seeing all the maskers and people pushing the vax. Probably a cabal film but I will not go out quietly in the night, I will fight for my right to live. Independence Day.

Godisincontrol 14 points ago +14 / -0

It’s absolutely terrible here. I’m the only one I have seen around town that doesn’t have a mask on. In the office I work in I was told to not share my opinion on covid or politics. My family out east in Ontario isn’t as brain washed as my wife’s family here in BC who have completely stopped inviting us to family functions because we won’t vaccinate, due to the ‘internet people’. Get sent to woke training all the time where I have to listen about all the minorities and LBJGTY people talk about how great Biden is and how bad Trump is. Isn’t work supposed to be a place that doesn’t have political leaning? I guess not. Just shut up, listen and. Tow the company line I’m told. Comida is gone and only God can save us here. I have high hopes that Q is real or else I know it won’t end well for any conservative here. Got myself banned from posting in CBC for saying the rate is less than 1% and that God was coming. Some bitch replied I was fake news and got an email saying I can’t post anymore.

Godisincontrol 1 point ago +1 / -0

Send them to Canada and bring us Canadian patriots to the US!

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