The same way banks finance your mortgage. They don’t have the money, they don’t actually pay for it, yet you pay them back with interest for something they didn’t pay for (probably for 30+ years). It is all smoke and mirrors, an illusion, and people are finally going, what?
Mexican Metal
I understand that when you first go to prison, you are required to interview for a prison job (making license plates, laundry etc), one of the top questions they ask is, “Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?”
Well … he hasn’t seen any.
Wanna hear my impression of Tom Hanks? He is a CoMo. Wanna hear it again?
She has more Chins then a Chinese Phonebook!
Better put her on one that has wide seats for that Phat @ss!
No, I think his “wife” is the one in the military outfit, the one with the riding crop.
When it’s a Jail Bird.
He definitely needs TP for his bunghole!
IRS as well
At first, Donald Trump was made fun of and endlessly mocked and ridiculed by the establishment when he decided to jump in the political ring. Then he really pissed them off by daring to not only take them on but to beat them decisively. When he made it clear that he believed and loved God and everything good about the American Dream and made it clear, it is winner take all, he scared them to death. You can smell their fear. They are fucked, you know it, they know it and everyone knows it. The only unknown now is how much pain can they inflect on as many as they can in the throws of death and annihilation. I expect it will be much less impressive as they wished for. They won’t be missed
Giving the Ole “Stank Eye”.
I don’t have any sauce on this, only remember it because it seemed so strange. I retired from the Navy. On one of my ship’s I served as the Nuclear Weapons Handling Officer and attended several schools for this position. They use to transport warheads from the Pantex Facility in Amarillo, Texas (final assembly point) to other destinations in armored trucks painted to look like Coke Trucks. Of course there were plain escort/chase vehicles escorting these. Highways were deemed safer and more secure then rail roads or air transport. Makes me wonder if Coke does the bidding of certain government agencies. Just a thought.
Who isn’t?
Suicide Weekend, whenever it happens, should be made into a National Holiday of Thanksgiving.
And ….. It’s gone!
I was thinking the same thing!
Since you are harping on spelling - you should have used too. Not that it is that important.
A few months ago someone bought $100 million in Silver Eagles and it was a very difficult task to fill it. In the video he is talking what is available for sale. All the big retailers make their orders at the end of year. He is not talking about what is already being held by smart people, they are not going to let theirs go until the price is right or until they absolutely must. He is talking about what is available for purchase by everyday people. It is in high demand by high tech and the price is suppressed/controlled, however; When it goes south they will not be able to suppress it and the amount available for sale is not something that can be increased quickly. Meanwhile the price goes up like a rocket. That is his point in the video, he explains it very well i thought.
He is from Miles Franklin and he lays it all out. Further in, he says it very bluntly. Act now because when it happens, it will be gone in hours.
He knows a lot of things!
Jill, call the FBI, someone shit in my pants!
Here it is Thursday and my Twatter is still banned. I know, yada, yada but Twatter is still a very important battleground and I’m itching to mix it up with the tards. Has anyone (normal people like us) been reinstated yet?
They need to start droning the deaf translators, sick of that shit.