Remind them that leftists had no problem with RBG supposedly attending a wedding last year with no mask and no masks on the bride and groom.
Let them lose out. Call ones that aren't so upfront and just causally ask if they have any political leanings as a business and if they tell you the truth question why they would support a movement like that and if not then check their social media and call them out if they lied. Make sure they KNOW they would have had you but lost you because of their hateful beliefs.
You've got to throw it right back at him. Tell him all the experts said masks only prevent people from transmitting the disease not catching it. So ask him if he trusts the experts and why he would feel like a mask would make any difference around you.
It seems like he's got the public support to keep himself in place if he wants to.
I work at a major corporation likely to try this soon. My HR guy is actually very based and anti-vax but he doesn't think they'll have the balls to try it.
Makes me wish I had the right mindset for the military. (And it didn't require being shot up with whatever vaccines they deem fit at the moment)
The US was shaped from the beginning by a lot of the same families. Your problem is you're judging the entire public based on their government. Based on that logic we should be collectively held responsible for the damage these families did through our government.
I'm all for real pranks that are blatantly mocking the hysteria but to make people think you're actually having some kind of seizure or episode is horrible.
Satan will absolutely let you believe you can dethrone him and rule in hell.
He'll tell you anything you want to hear.
Exactly what this guy said. Enough of the Doomerism. Literally all they have going for them at this point is getting us to doom.
The Beatles were on the other team. But the concept is good when done for the right reasons.
Look at the phrasing. A big problem is they have us running around telling each other that they will succeed in their plans. We think we're raising awareness but what we're SAYING (words matter) is the they WILL do these things to us. Implying there's no chance we stop them. They need for us to think that way.
I would say to really look into Messianic Judaism and . I spent a long time doing the vague new age/spiritual "everyone has their own path" method. It sounds great but under serious scrutiny I don't believe it holds up. I would recommend One For Israel Ministries for information on first angle. Also people like Steven Bancarz or Alisa Childers who do a great job breaking down the modern/new age interpretation of Jesus and Christianity and highlighting what I feel are irreconcilable flaws.
Like others here have said, nobody can or should try and push their beliefs on others, but to say any path is valid is quite a leap. I hope you take the time to really give it a shot.
As a side example, I cannot tell you how many times I've heard someone complaining about going to a store and seeing a sea of people wearing masks and they immediately assume every one of these people bought the narrative hook, line, and sinker except for them. This despite the fact that they themselves begrudgingly wore one to get in and out of the store. But they never, ever, consider just how many of the other people in the store were exactly like them, not at all buying the narrative but trying to get through their day. It feels better to believe you're smart and everyone else is an idiot, than to accept that you're all putting up with this stuff despite knowing better. It's easier to justify your own decision to wear one by telling yourself nobody else has a clue what's going on and there would be no point pushing back.
If this were true none of us would be having this conversation right now. They'd have rounded us all up. The fact that they haven't shows they aren't in the majority or even particularly close. They need DESPERATELY for you to believe that they are.
No way in hell Bolsonaro would be in power right now if these people had the means to really rig an election against Trump (without him letting them do it).
Be careful how they get you thinking. When you accept your enemies success as inevitable you aid them.
My thinking is that when shit hits the fan their only real option will be to barricade themselves in major urban centers, the only places they have the numbers to maintain control without the media illusion of majority.
Stop letting them get into your head with defeatist quotes like the one above. They've had us going around for years repeating quotes like that which in a very subtle way teach us to think their success in these plans is inevitable. Ironically the only way they would ever happen is if we all drank enough of the doom kool-aid and convinced ourselves they will succeed.
The replies are pure concentrated soy.
There do have to be bare minimums when it comes to making what some would consider Christian values into law. We cannot allow parents to transition their five year olds by the millions and call it okay because conservative parents are allowed to say no.
It's more likely going to happen near but not quite to the point of large scale physical uprising. You don't want to have to stop what's already started just make it clear to people how close it came.
I think Kemp is far more corrupt than most of us realize. He tried to purposely lose to Stacey Abrams and couldn't pull it off. He wasn't even supposed to BE Governor in 2020. This arrest? Probably done for the cameras to give bad PR to election reform bills.
How's that doom juice?
Actually not the craziest theory. Just couldn't have all of them on deck at once obviously but one by one they could be securely opened and searched.