The pedos of Hazard country
Did you know trump donated to the Clinton Foundation ?
You cant force Twitter to un ban him, just like bakery's can't be forced to make cakes for faggots
Companies are free to do as the choose in capitalism, the govt forcing Twitter to do anything would be communism
This, I need an answer on de-certification, and soon!
when do you think we'll get an answer one way or the other?
are they decertifying or not?
I'm not sure, I know our beautiful autists are putting stuff together but I really just want a yes/no answer on de-certification you know?
What has been found is both encouraging and revealing.On the positive side there were no substantial differences between the hand count of the ballots provided and the official election canvass results for Maricopa County. This is an important finding because the paper ballots are the best evidence of voter intent and there is no reliable evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any material degree. Based on our other findings, however, we recommend that the Legislature tighten up the election process to provide additional certainty going forward,
wtf this is in the first report volume, I don't understand are they saying the votes totals are fine and there talking about securing the Next election??
someone help me out are they going to decertify or not?
It's happening boys!
Yep lol fuck yeah here we go!
I'm sorry to hear that, maybe you should try some Imodium?
you're eating me alive LISA!
lol, Im not agreeing with it just saying that that is what the MSM is reporting...
It's been months and this isn't the first time they've delayed with little explanation to those waiting for these important results, give people a break we've patient af, and I finally want to see some these SICK CRIMINALS GO TO PRISON WHERE THEY BELONG (hopefully the meet hunter's good friend Tyrone too lol)
Do you have more info/a source on this?
why 2 million specifically, why not release(or 'leak') it now etc
If her kids in public school she does