If that were to happen, then it's the politicians fault for allowing this problem to manifest. We never had it before they started screaming that we had to allow the perverts in the women's washrooms. Just a note...just like in sports, it is only a one way problem. They don't have trouble with women ogling/assaulting men in the men's rooms.
This is a great interview. Thanks for posting it.
Wow.... what a concept. They would have to do physical labor in return for food and housing. And no one to listen to them crying.
They need to send Liz to where ever they sent the Land O Lakes Indian.
Not Chronicles of Narnia! The trilogy consists of "Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength." Narnia was really a children's story.
This says it all!!!
Pray for this reporter. Who knows what Commie tactics will be used in Commie Canadian jails.
This came from a Reuters article.
REAGAN REMARKS In a speech by Ronald Reagan delivered before the Orange County Press Club in 1961, and entitled “Encroaching Control”, he alleged that, “Three months before his last visit to this country, Nikita Khrushchev said, ‘We can't expect the American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find they have Communism.’”
Yes. All the more reason to get rid of the FBI
What do you have against Mars?
Tolkien and Lewis were good friends. Lewis also wrote a trilogy which reminded me of LOTR, not with elves and dwarfs, but with the clash of cultures. and overcoming evil. I liked his trilogy better, but it was not the easy read, the LOTR was. They are good books that let you know that evil will grow if you ignore it, but if you rise up against it, even the little man can persevere and conquer it.
Not enough time. Otherwise I would
Yes! He sold us out in a lot of ways.
Thank you so much. This is exactly what I am looking for!
The women suffragette movement which went on for decades during Wilson's presidency. Many women were arrested, and beaten in jail. The police didn't like Wilson being embarrassed by women thinking they should be able to vote.
You are exactly correct!
I have some ideas for memes. Can someone please post the "how to make a meme " link? Thank you in advance.
Good for him!! One less vermin in Chicago.
This is amazing! What a great concept! He is fighting the bullshit propaganda!
Yep, and wasn't he the one who had the women protestors arrested and beaten in prison? One died . It is not much different from how the J6 people were treated.
No 2 pencil yes, Steve Bannon, no, I pretty much just come to this site.
That is genius!! I love it!
Better stock the rivers with salt water fish!