Hing 10 points ago +10 / -0

It sounds a bit too turbulent to be manageable by WHs and doesn't align with "you and your families are safe". I do have a feeling something will happen before the election though.

Hing 15 points ago +17 / -2

They're burning hotels that host illegal immigrants. Based.

Hing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good, at least they'll have someone to fight. This slow boil has gone on long enough.

Hing 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're just not angry enough yet. Whites have a long fuse but when they finally pop, it's ugly. In my own country, historically, uprisings cleared entire regions of occupying forces. Men went ahead and killed the men, women followed and killed the women and children. Not a single non-native soul was left alive. If you have the numbers, the government can do nothing.

Hing 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be fair, the "you're a filthy sinner and will burn in hell for eternity unless you live in shame and obey" part was probably added by the cabal.

Hing 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's the ONLY source of truth on the planet period

Says who? This is dogma and it's no different than normies believing everything they see on TV.

Hing 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Q said revealing it all would mean a world war as countries would find out about massive betrayals and collusions. Like they said, it's for humanity.

Hing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nicely topped off with a surprise hyena cackle.

Hing 7 points ago +7 / -0

Didn't wait long before going against the constitution, lol.

Hing 1 point ago +2 / -1

... who has explicitly said that they know future events because of control. Knowingly putting POTUS into a situation with a 99.99% chance to die and hoping for a miracle is not control. Fake attempt, a movie by WHs.

Hing 1 point ago +3 / -2

Ritter was the subject of two law enforcement sting operations in 2001.[43] He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl.[44][45] He was charged with a misdemeanor crime of "attempted endangerment of the welfare of a child". The charge was dismissed and the record was sealed after he completed six months of pre-trial probation.[45][7]

Ritter was arrested again in November 2009[46] over communications with a police decoy he met on an Internet chat site. Police said that he exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl.[5]

The next month, Ritter waived his right to a preliminary hearing and was released on $25,000 unsecured bail. Charges included "unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a communications facility, corruption of minors, indecent exposure, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt and criminal solicitation".[2] Ritter rejected a plea bargain and was found guilty of all but the criminal attempt count in a courtroom in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, on April 14, 2011.[5][47]

In October 2011, Ritter received a sentence of one and a half to five and a half years in prison.[3] He was sent to Laurel Highlands state prison in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in March 2012 and paroled in September 2014.[4][6][7]

In the early 2000s, Ritter and his wife Marina joined Delmar’s volunteer Fire Department. Ritter became one of its most active members, and was eventually selected as an assistant chief. According to court testimony, by 2004 when Ritter stopped attending therapy, he had made an almost daily habit of trying to meet women from chat rooms, in cars or out-of-the-way places, so they could watch him masturbate. Ritter has blamed this behavior on his ongoing depression. In 2009, when Ritter's sexual offenses with a minor became public, he lost the only regular job he had had in recent years, writing analyses on world events for a private energy firm, and was reported to be heavily in debt. Also at this time, Ritter was also removed from active duties in the Delmar Fire department, something he described as “one of the most profound disappointments I have experienced.”[5]

Hing -1 points ago +1 / -2

Scott Ritter, a convicted sex offender, was saying the same things more than a year ago.

Hing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not tired yet.

Hing 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm following him just to see his reaction in November, lol.

Hing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only for people who have community styling enabled. The rest of us who don't like the constant CPU load it causes see nothing, so a link is appreciated.

Hing 5 points ago +5 / -0

He did it after "shooter down" was shouted multiple times. Watch it with sound.

Hing 3 points ago +3 / -0

The extra threads can be reported as duplicates and mods usually clean them up.

Hing 4 points ago +4 / -0

I disagree. If Q put him in a position to be shot in the head with hilariously lacking security, they're incompetent, compromised or worse. That shot could not be executed safely with a real bullet.

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