Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm sure not interested in waiting until 2022.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

You'll find that an awful lot of financial institutions have a 33 somewhere in their address.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

What are you talking about? Latin "Antifa" are masquerading cartel.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

I see no reason to be insulting to professional clowns. --It's a tough job.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because all the pump posts appear when it's up, not on a low flat.

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

Interesting, although I discount the animated satellite graphic at the bottom. --Nothing can orbit the planet in ~30 seconds, because anything moving that fast would be traveling at over a hundred times escape-velocity, and therefore fly off into space on a hyperbolic trajectory.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

"...our taxes...."

As I suspected: a Soviet peasant. You're a collectivist communist, and too stupid to know it. A thieving government paves all creation with its flat-fences to pen everyone into squares, and you demand payment to cross the easements. Eventually you work for it (probably already do, given your spirited defense of its standing army), and your soul is dead and bound for Hell, but won't understand why when it gets there.

"how are you paying for that internet connection and device you are using"

--I bought them in a voluntary exchange. But you're not interested in agreements' you're interested in coercion.

Honeyko 3 points ago +4 / -1

Any book with pictures, let alone color ones, isn't old enough. That includes the cover.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

"If you are polite and reso--"

Lily-white crackerjackin' Dudley Fuckright is gonna be hassling sleeping black guys in the middle of a nationwide race-riot while surrounded by a mob of bruthas and sistas all escalating their mouths?


It was a fucking psyop. That asshole was passing his 'leveling'-ritual for further advancement within the Cabal's standing-army. Him and his dance-partners and the bystanders acted out their scene in perfect safety because there were a dozen covert eyes on every person there to make sure no hidden knives or nines came out. After their theatrical production was recorded on the phones, the word was sent out the rioters brought in to burn down the neighborhood. And, later, the funeral was quite lovely.

These things are paint-by-numbers productions now.

Honeyko 5 points ago +6 / -1

I ask that my country leave me alone.

Honeyko -1 points ago +2 / -3

"It's not about getting rich. Most of the apes are already millionaires and a good amount of them are never going to see their investment again and they're totally cool with that. It's about fucking the hedge funds and shit."

--Almost every sentence of that represents a tenacious evasion of reality.

  • "It's not about getting rich." --Bull. I can't go a day in this forum without tripping over another pump-weasel thread stuffed full of rubes who "bought another share" eagerly anticipating the moon-shot.

  • "Most of the apes are already millionaires" --Every trader is a millionaire on the internet. Only their broker knows for sure.

  • "a good amount of them are never going to see their investment again and they're totally cool with that." --Traders with that attitude are not millionaires, and never will be.

  • It's about fucking the hedge funds and shit." --Just sit back and marvel at the elocution of this statement: "fucking the hedge funds and shit".

You talk like a 25yo (which means you talk like 15yo did twenty years ago).

Honeyko 0 points ago +2 / -2

You really think you know everything.

--You only get an auto-stimmy if you file. (And I'm sure that a tax-parasite like you recoils in horror at the prospect that any American would volunteer to remain outside the clutches of the IRS.)

Stupid Soviet peasant. You haven't known real liberty your entire life, despite its crude facsimile once being a ubiquitous centerpiece of forgotten films. It's a completely alien concept now. If someone gave it to you, you wouldn't even know what it was for, let alone clamor for it in the first place.

It'd be like giving an electric-guitar to a caveman.

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

He made a general comment to no one in particular, and was greeted with an immediate F-bomb.

So...what's your current average loss per share in your upsidedown GME position?

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

The dirty little secret of the stock-market is that ALL of the exchanges that "little people" are glorified bucket-shops market-makers dump the chum and harvest your stop-limit data for resale to the HFT riggers.

Honeyko 0 points ago +2 / -2

Unless they didn't request it.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

You seem to getting plenty of downvotes without my assistance, but if you'd like a few more, I can make time.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

Prove it, or you're a liar yourself.

Honeyko 3 points ago +4 / -1

It'll take HOW long to hang 234,420 unsealed indictments?

Let's not, and spring for the ammo. Line 'em up three-deep for each shot. Besides, everybody needs range practice.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

"But there was a time even as recently as the 1970s where the Media was not completely corrupted...."

Mike Wallace was a Cabal puppet, as was everyone else at completely corrupt CBS from before the day Dan Rather reported from Dealey Plaza. This was the CBS anchored by the treasonous globalist "Pinko Cronkite" that constantly lied about Vietnam and everything else back in the day. What CNN is today, CBS was in the 70s.

Realize that the Cabal plays both sides: It'll infect you with a bug, soak you at Big Pharma, then roll you yet again as a taxpayer to pay for the class-action lawsuit against the government.

Pretty sweet gig for the ethically-bereft.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

I never took a stim check, let alone a 100+k salary in the nationalized Cabal rackets.

Honeyko 1 point ago +3 / -2

Garrett Rolfe is a fucking asshole. Fuck him. -- Let's hassle some harmless black guy sleeping off a bender in his car (note that the cops showed up after his car had been moved to an out-of-the-way spot in the parting lot) for forty minutes until he freaks out, and then shoot him in front of a dozen witnesses in the middle of nationwide rioting. Right. All stereotypes of both "untouchable" Nazicops and joggers are reinforced for Fabian cabal race-war-baiting purposes.

It was crisis-actor psyops, just like Floyd-Chauvin and Ashli Babbitt. And, we're now in the phase of the cycle where Nazicop has his image rehabilitated by gaslighters who'll relay the serpent's hissing whisper that victims of state-sanctioned murder deserve it.

Virtually every one of these media-circus incidents follows a familiar pattern: either it's a white cop shooting a black man in questionable circumstances during an altercation that was entirely avoidable, or a cop of color (e.g., Mohamed Noor) shoots a blond woman (not just any brunette will do). In these latter instances, the cop is probably a stupid affirmative-action hire patsy MK'd into it rather than a "professional" cabal crisis actor.

Honeyko -3 points ago +5 / -8

"Deserve"? According to whom, and what right do they have to anyone else's money to dole it out?

"Polices, EMTs, and firefighters" are, along with teeeeeeeeaaachers (the fourth leg of the stool), the biggest collective bunch of affirmative-action parasites immune to criticism and enjoying Cabal protection from free-market competition since East Germany. And they uniformly vote Democrat now.

Want your "Heritage America" back? Disincorporate the towns, and quit applauding whenever politicians hand out money that isn't theirs.

Great Awakening? You people are nowhere near awake yet if you're still cheering these types of handouts.

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