Honeyko 3 points ago +4 / -1

I wouldn't mind having one, but to my knowledge nobody has created a good Pepe-as-Conan-pushing-the-Wheel-of-Pain yet.

Honeyko 3 points ago +4 / -1

If you're not logged into a YouTube account, you can't report it. If you are logged in, you can.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you have any idea of how big "the entire stock market" is in relation to the entire crypto space, not alone Doge in particular, or the valuation of a second-tier hedge-fund? You're talking about fleas and dogs and brontosaurs.

"once the short squeeze hits the entire stock market will collapse."

That's not what stock prices do in a short-squeeze.

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yep. It's a fiat crypto with no cap. Mining-rigs go brrrr. (There are lots of cheap, even free, coins without this limitation.)

Honeyko 17 points ago +18 / -1

Recommended daily allowance of 17s. Mmm-mm.

Honeyko 5 points ago +6 / -1

This cropped version of the pic cuts off Jimmy's clown-shoes.

(And why do we not yet have a Gandolf & hobbits meme of this?)

Honeyko 33 points ago +34 / -1

There's nothing linking the news announcement in the upper-left with anything else other than "rr" in the misspelled "starring", which the bread-baker assumed meant rocket-reentry even though the post on the right side suggests that "RR" are the initials of a person (in those dreaded brackets).

There was no ordinance on this busted can, and why the hell would China try something so obvious as a space-launch attack when they've pioneered smuggling missiles in containers precisely for the purpose of avoiding such easy detection?

Honeyko 0 points ago +2 / -2

Spin the wheel faster, hamster.

Honeyko 0 points ago +2 / -2

Buying (snicker) or selling?

Why not set your limit-sale price at $10 million/sh?

Oh.... You're using a lame trading platform that herds its users into parameters the market-maker algos can handle.

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

In a rational world not run by thieves, Ghosty Boy would have fifty million followers and a harem wrapping around the block waiting to be serviced.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's actually funny (although I had to look Bolton up, because my brain so viscerally recoiled at Season 8 that it essentially deleted the whole show from my memory.)

Honeyko -1 points ago +1 / -2

"Your antics and mannerisms paint you as a wall street shill"

Project much yourself, SHILL?

Fuck off, clown. You GME and Doge pumpweasels are given permanent free run of this place when you should have your balls ripped off with a dull spork. Slowwwly ripped off.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

Charlie Ward and the rest of that paytriot bunch should be slow-roasted in a hog-cooker.

Honeyko 0 points ago +2 / -2

You just used your experiences with Fidelity as a tortured-logic exercise to convince yourself that GME was going to blast off. And I just told you that other brokers don't have the limitation you're experienced with Fidelity.

Meaning: your reasoning is flawed because it only considered the variables in your box. (Not that such a conclusion was warranted even then.)

Just because an exchange will let you set a limit-price of N doesn't mean that the valuation of the security will ever get there. I could set a limit-sell price of ten million dollars for Ford if I wanted to.

Honeyko -1 points ago +2 / -3

I can set a limit-order price to anything I want.

Fidelity sucks.

Honeyko 4 points ago +7 / -3

"Illegal" -- Defined: anything that Cabal Gov. tells you that you can't do or have.

(Are you really sure you want that as your standard for morality?)

If the governor there has his way, New York will have vaccine passports, and they'll be "legal", and the logical end of your argument will then be to slavishly adhere to that new edict from the throne -- and thus Cabal has you as its Janissary.

Honeyko 0 points ago +2 / -2

"brokers like Fidelity are increasing their market sell orders from 50% above market value, to 600%" -- Says who, mysterious stranger on the internet?

Honeyko -1 points ago +2 / -3

Welcome to Dump, brother of Pump.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

What is the "it" that you're referring to that you say didn't work?

("It" is the word I hate most in the English language; 90% of the time you use it, your reader has no idea what you're referring to if you haven't associated it in a preceding sentence or sentence-clause.)

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

The whole fucking stock-market influences "these companies" because they're in it.

Blackrock is a name that you're told about; this means that they're ultimately not that important to the Cabal. They're just a holding-tank containing some assets, which are easily shuffled to others accounts at the touch of a button while the hired scapegoats are "grilled" by committees of chair-warmers over why little old ladies lost their life's savings.

Everything is a bucket-shop.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

You're missing the point, which is that anybody with money can buy the shit (and they're not restricted to Class-C common-stock). If Blackwater, nay, the entire stock-market, are corrupt and Cabal, it's because they're money-laundering facilities tapping infinite fiat. The OP's "MOST POWERFUL RED PILL VIDEO" by "forbidden truth" looks at it all exactly backwards (as these sorts of brain-dead, anti-capitalism-as-it's-defined-by-Marx screeds typically do).

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's smaller than SkyLab. Maybe it'll make a pretty picture flaming shrapnel over Australia again.

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