HoosierHawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think that McConnell would rather be in the minority. It's better for him to be in the position of dealing to bring a few Republicans across to get pass a filibuster, than to be the one who has to make concessions. He'd rather be selling votes than buying them.

HoosierHawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are correct on both counts, but if McNally actually won, then she would be better than Kelly, Ducey won't have much choice and the worthless Mitch M will be the majority leader which takes the legislative agenda away from Chuckhead.

HoosierHawk 25 points ago +25 / -0

Finding out that Trump won AZ will merely confirm what I already know. At this point I want to know about the senate race. If McNally actually won, that is something that AZ can fix quickly. Demand Mark Kelly to resign, and the governor can appoint McNally, that will change control of the US senate, and handicap the Dems efforts to destroy our country.

HoosierHawk 0 points ago +1 / -1

Or perhaps a sinkhole was forming under the foundation, it's Florida and sinkholes happen regularly. Controlled demo's of occupied condos, not so much.

HoosierHawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, someone else had the same thought I did. It's Florida, sinkholes happen all the time. Here's a link to the latest Florida sinkhole news. Https://sinkholemaps.com/resources/fl-sinkhole-news/

HoosierHawk 10 points ago +10 / -0

Mad cow was spread by feeding cows "protein" from rendered cows. Kuru is another form of transmisible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that was common in New Guinea, it was spread by cannibalism. Kuru is a form of CJD Other forms of CJD are contracted differently, about 10% are geneticly inherited. In those cases it doesn't show up until later in life. These diseases are scary, as they are spread by infectious prions, which are proteins. It's like a virus without any genetic code.

HoosierHawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure what it is, but early in audit when we found out that they were UV scanning the ballots, and the scanner could pick up watermarks, the audit team explained that official AZ ballots do not have watermarks. Any ballots found on watermarked paper had to be fake.

HoosierHawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not at all how they work, the circles represents sets that share a common attribute. The attributes have to be defined for it to make any sense.

HoosierHawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I try to look ahead to what will happen when it becomes obvious that Biden wasn't legitimately elected. It's very hard to say, but he can't possibly govern. I can't imagine that Americans would accept that.

HoosierHawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it also sends a message to any potential nominees, you won't be welcome on bench, we (the rightful justices) will shun you.

Subtle, but anyone in the judiciary probably already knows what the deal is.

HoosierHawk 14 points ago +14 / -0

It would seem that SCOTUS is sending a message to the court packing crowd.

If the 9 current justices agree to back whatever ruling any 5 of them concur on unanimously, the additional justices will meaningless.

I can't imagine what else it could mean, it can't be that they all agree on the merits.