I mean... They've infiltrated everything. I'm a music Ed major. We had to take 3 music history classes. The first two were great. The third one... We had to study the (((2nd vienesse school))). Started up by Schoenberg, the goal was to "destroy western tonality" or something like that. Absolutely awful music.
The literally had to make the pieces so short because if the pieces become any longer, it just sounds like noise. The composers themselves said this.
Modern art was attacked in pretty much the same way. It's the infiltration of existentialism into the arts. There is no inherent beauty, beauty is a social construct.
Sam Harris is the absolute worst when it comes to what I'm talking about. I can't stand listening to him. He's a professional book salesman and charlatan, nothing more. And I don't like these guys like Peterson who have to know how philosophically illiterate Harris is, but debate him anyway for the exposure.
Jay dyer does a really good job breaking down some of these famous debates for normies, if you want to hear a sane deconstruction of modern day BS.
I was a Christian in high school, not devout but I took it somewhat seriously. After getting completely turned off by what was happening in the Catholic church at the time, I decided to really give atheism a try and to at least hear out their arguments.
I was really shocked at how dumb their arguments/apologetics were. After really trying to understand it, it really boils down to "religions are bad, therefore god doesn't exist". This led me to wonder what was happening in society in general, because I thought that these were the smartest people in the world defending the smartest worldview there is. Yet here these people are, making these non sequitur arguments, and not even getting called out for it. This is when I started to see through leftism, secularism, and most of all, academia in general. In general these academic atheist types have no respect for philosophy whatsoever. It's all just a show. That was over 10 years ago and every year I just get more confirmation on how much of a racket modern academia is. It's sad seeing other kids go through college and not seeing through this BS.
Can anyone take a guess as to what the actual percentage of Americans are vaxxed?
Look up jim_crenshaw on bitchute
She needs to see something VISCERAL. Show her videos on bitchute/rumble of people who took the vax trembling, having neurological issues, etc.
Numbers and statistics aren't going to do it. She needs something more primal to sway her.
I think only in a female oriented society could you have this much shit talking. Anyone I know who comes here from 3rd world places just doesn't tolerate this amount of nagging or bullying we have in our society. We have too much shit talking and not enough consequences for that talk, and it makes an unhealthy society.
A famous example of what I'm getting at would be khabib responding to mcgregor and his buddy a few years back.
A few decades ago it used to take effort to be a conspiracy theorist. Back in the 90s, all this evil was mostly behind the scenes, or contained in the power centers.
But now it's the opposite. Now that you have tranny and blm propaganda in every form of media, and now that everything on the news is crazy, being a conspiracy theorist is just natural. It's the normies now who have to make all the effort to think that everything they're seeing makes sense.
Bullets are like a social construct, man.
One of the best things the media does is spread hopelessness amongst us. Demoralization is a giant weapon for them. Go look at /pol/, 90% of the threads are to demoralize. When Cathy O'Brien wrote her book about her MK Ultra upbringing, she said how her handlers made sure to constantly remind her "there's nowhere to run, and if you ever did leave us and told others about us, no one would ever believe you". Making people like us depressed seems to be just as important for them as gaslighting normies.
Being upbeat and hopeful is a small thing you can do to combat the NWO.
Don't be such a gerbil
Whoa whoa whoa hold on- are you saying fact checkers can be wrong? Like... How is that possible? If you post your info and call yourself a fact checker, doesn't that mean everything you say is automatically true?
My head hurts.
They are herd animals at heart. Once they sense the tide is shifting, they will go along with it without question. They will also go back and erase all of their old awful tweets and posts so they can assimilate to the new normal seemleqssly.
Debunk and fact check were making me go a little crazy for awhile.
Jaques ellul and Ted kacyinski both talked about these kind of people. They are over socialized. They are too invested in being their role that they play in society, and will sacrifice anything and everything to keep their status and sense of superiority. Dostoyevsky covers this a bit in one of his novels as well.
This might be the best kind of propaganda for us. We need to show normies that the MSM/cabal doesn't just kind of contradict themselves from time to time, but are fully engaged in Orwellian doublethink style propaganda. Their goal is to mess with our minds until we just submit.
"The military and cops are evil/only the military and cops should have weapons" "Big pharma is evil and only out to make money/big pharma is perfect" "We are the resistance to the system/you should listen to us bc everyone in the system agrees with us" "There's no such thing as a great replacement/once whites are replaced everything will be better"
On and on
I like this idea, I do this kind of stuff here and there. Posting stickers/signs is the lowest effort thing you can do with the most reward. How much effort does it take to put a sticker somewhere? Put in the right spot, how many people will see it?
I'm sure 100,000 people have seen the stuff I've put up, I've put maybe 20 minutes of effort total into posting stuff IRL.
I think it's more about letting people know that they're not alone than changing people's minds. The MSM does a great job of convincing people that we are outcast crazies.
The more things we do, the more it will embolden people like us
Symbolism bypasses normie's defense mechanisms. I've made the most headway with normies just by showing people all the globohomo's "art".
Back in 2015 I was talking to a religious girl about all sorts of conspiracies. It was mostly in good fun, I was very jokey about the whole thing. She was not the type to entertain any of this stuff, usually she was very dismissive.
6 months after we stopped talking I got an email from her saying something like "I just was at the Denver airport. It's very creepy and I actually think something is wrong with this place, you might be right about it"
Showing people marina abromavic's art is also really effective
I thought this too. Maybe there will be a lot of door to door outreach in key areas, but this won't be that big of a program. Maybe their goal is to coax one of us into acting violently? Then they can use that as pretext for something else down the line.
I honestly think they already know who is for their agenda, who is against them, and who is on the fence. I don't see a point for door to door contact outside of agitating us.
Parents in these SRA families telling their own kids out is a common theme that pops up. I remember Cathy OBrien talking about this
Is there a site that compiles all these MSM contradictions? So we have something to link to when telling normies how much the MSM lies? /Pol/ would have threads with a bunch of these sporadically but we could really use something that looks normie-palatable. This could be an easy project for someone tech savvy...
All I can say is that I'm sure white people exclusively are to blame for this.
InB4 AP Edit to the end: "...except when we do it"
The way to beat the enemy is to be the enemy. He could be a pied Piper type, leading somewhat awake people off the right path.
Or he could just be a grifter. Maybe he knows that Hollywood is done and he's getting a new source of money going. There's just no way I would trust him.