Islam is evil. Personally I think that’s why the Left is so supportive of Islam. They all serve the same unseen master…
I’ve wondered about that many times. On J6 Trump said “it takes more courage to do nothing” that was directly at Pence…it’s like he was telling us that he was asking Pence to stand down.
Thank you for saying that. The “everything is a WH op” doesn’t make much sense to me. Q posts said moves and countermoves. Both parties are still playing. We just hope the DS is at a major disadvantage.
There’s photos of John Mcaine shaking hands with leaders of ISIS 6 months before they made their horrific debut. I have no doubt our gov created ISIS. Shameful and disgusting.
This guy has an actual egg head. I can’t believe it.
Sky quakes, the mysteries been solved. What have they been doing with this? The tsunami that hit Thailand all those years ago? wtf was that?
Historically yes China is filled with bizarre inhumane behavior. It amped up to another level after Communism though.
That was THE moment I believed it was a hoax. I was floored. Could not believe it. We saw him “get into character” right in front of the cameras.
I guess if SNL won’t roast them, they’ll just do it themselves.
Remember a few months ago when Tucker kept saying their next logical move was assassination? We were being given their next move.
Scroll down the article to see the cover. It’s a bombshell.
I know way more than 4-6% who somehow still think Trump is the source of all evil in the universe and that Biden is “doing a pretty good job “. I don’t buy the 4-6% number. Over the last few years I’m not really a fan of the sit back and enjoy the show. I can’t say that I’ve found much of this shit amusing.
Honestly 33% is scary. I hope that’s a fake number but based on the number of people who hate Trump That I personally know…it might unfortunately be accurate.
Gavin Nuisance could play the Joker.
That’s John Stossel, a well known investigative journalist- the guy who made the post, Musk is retweeting.
The “logic” behind that article is a mind fuck.
Now we know the real reason Ben Shapiro hates/fears her so much. Daily Wire is a MOS Op? Makes sense to me. Can’t believe CO is a 911 truther now. Holy shit…
What they’re doing to CA is outright horrible.
Amazon prime
The Boys writers are woke AF or they are BRILLIANT satirists. Every season they trash. Christians, conservatives and anyone who isn’t 1000% on board with the message.
Anyone wondering about the fake sign language convo - she’s asking does anyone believe this crap. And he replies some people are really stupid. I can’t believe they mentioned Hanks and Oprah by name.
It’s like this has nothing to do with AI at all. It’s about consolidating power and inserting surveillance into every aspect of our lives.
That sounds like the punchline to a joke.