HuntersCrackDealinHo 25 points ago +26 / -1

Strange...all I see are the words.."Chris Christie at Roy Rogers at 11pm in the evening trying to console himself."

Where do you see the word 'fat' or anything like it? If you get the idea that Chris Christy is a tubby fat ass piece of lard, then it's on you...and perhaps the actual visual of Chris Christie, but not Trump or his words. You sound like a pathetic leftist trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Choctaw living in Chickasaw Territory here. The Chickasaw Nation pretty much owns my old home town and everything around it. They are deeply entrenched into the Democrat Marxist money train and life, including "newspeak". My wife is a well respected medical professional and she lost her job due to vaccine refusal. The clinic she was head of has gone completely downhill since she left and they replaced her with basically what they could find..which means anyone willing to take the clot shot.

If you look at their political contributions it is nearly 100% Democrat. They STILL require facemask in their hospitals and clinics and require the shot for employees. Of course they were getting tons of money for Covid, so much that they are having a hard time spending it all...so now they are using it for road projects and whatnot. This is the same tribe that got rid of the "Chief" designation for their leader and now call him Governor. The same "Governor" has been in charge since the 80's, and if you speak out against him or don't support his re-election, you will lose your job within the nation. They also have a rule that says family members can't be Governor and Lt Governor, well this last go round his son was elected Lt Governor. Of course nobody ever really runs against them. This tribe is still sucking at the teat of American taxpayers and making billions from countless casinos and horse tracks. Absolute scum of the earth...they don't worry about small pox blankets from the government, they gladly hand them out to their people in exchange for nonFederal nonReserve notes.

How bad is the "Newspeak"? Check this out. Please look at a picture of one of their buses. https://www.flickr.com/photos/charlesduggar/12677864033/

The LOVE to flaunt "Unconquered and Unconquerable". Makes me laugh every time I see the things. Also, it begs the question...What are you folks doing in Oklahoma? Weren't you in Mississippi? What made you decide to move?

Seems as though the Trail of Tears and "forcibly removed" somehow now equal unconquered and unconquerable.

One more quick note..it is in their Constitution that you can not sue them for any reason. If they kill you in their hospital, too bad..and it has happened more than once. Sounds exactly like what our uniparty wants to do to our country. On the bright side..there should be a whole lot less of them in the next few years.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think he cares about the twig and berries....just sayin.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 2 points ago +2 / -0

My first car, a little Fiat Spyder 2000, only had one outside mirror...to think I was saving 2.5% that whole time. Why did I ever sell it????

HuntersCrackDealinHo 5 points ago +5 / -0

“When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.” ― Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange

HuntersCrackDealinHo 1 point ago +1 / -0

My absolute favorite is Alistair Begg with Truth For Life. Catch him on ewetube. He has a great website that lets you go through the past thirty so years of sermons by topic and other filters. He has a great Scottish accent and he isn't into any of that woke nonsense. In fact I've been listening to him preach against it for the past ten years or so. Highly recommend!


Also on Bott Radio Network


HuntersCrackDealinHo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I absolutely LOVE Dr. Gene Kim, but since we are all out of innerwebs these days I don't get so see him anymore. He talks about A LOT of stuff that belongs on GreatAwakening and Conspiracies.win but with a Biblical perspective. He is a little high on himself sometimes but it isn't terrible. As kman81 said.. "He doesn't play around!"

HuntersCrackDealinHo 1 point ago +1 / -0

EXACTLY! I would like to think that this place is full of critical thinkers and more common sense than most other sites...but every damn day I am proven wrong. Constant "BREAKING NEWS" that is weeks old and NOBODY seems to be smart enough or respectful enough to see if what they want to post has already been posted...hundreds of times. Drives me nuts. Just use the friggin search function people...goodness sakes.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 1 point ago +1 / -0

The story says it was updated 12AUG...so 12 days ago?

HuntersCrackDealinHo 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are right. Satan is trying to take over everything that God has created and make his own version, which comes out bastardized and evil. I believe personally that there are three main "scientific" theories considered "facts" that have helped along the way.

The THEORY of evolution being the first. Even Charles Darwin was afraid that his theory, mainly consisting of natural selection, would be misused and misunderstood. This theory is there to go against the fact that God created everything that exist. I am often met with "undeniable realities" such as...this fish has a bone that looks like a bone in a human..therefore we were fish once. Give me a friggin break. If you buy that nonsense then I have some super duper special covid vaccines for you. 100% safe and effective.

The Big Bang...everything out of nothing. Look folks...we aren't meant to understand and know the how and why of everything that has ever happened, and we never will be able to understand it all. These things shouldn't even be a concern. But this is one other way to use creeps in lab coats to lead people away from God and His Word.

The THEORY of gravity. I know this will irk some people, but why is it a theory? Is there an actual experiment that shows how this works? Can it be replicated with the same results? You know what does work to explain these things? The Laws of Density and Buoyancy. It makes me laugh when folks start calling names and rattling off nonsense because they have been so well indoctrinated. Gravity can't be proven, can't be replicated, and only exist because we've been beaten over the head with it since a few years after birth.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just off hand, Christ talks about how He only taught out in the open, Pharisees met in secret. Christ teaches that God's knowledge and the true path to salvation should be a light shining, not a light hidden. Remember the song you learned when you were about 3 or 4...This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..hide it under a bushel? NO! I'm gonna let it shine.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Welp...better stick to my current plans. I'm awesome, but not that awesome.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 8 points ago +8 / -0

EDIT: Just saw another post about the COG that came to be in 2001, is that what she is referring to?

Which Bush? Not that it matters. You know for a fact that they NEVER intended to have another president that wasn't part of the globalist scum network if those powers started with one of them. Trump threw a monkey pox wrench into their plan and now it's all blistered and painful. Same line of thinking comes to mind when you know they want to expand the court and kill the filibuster. They think they will always and forever be in control if they do those things. Boomerangs and pendulums can be a beeeyotch.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 1 point ago +1 / -0

So..what exactly can I do in order to have her as my lawyer?

HuntersCrackDealinHo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Same here, changed up a whole lot about how we ranch during those times just to make sure there were no hospital visits. Unfortunately my son ignored that memo and decided to work a rather cantankerous Longhorn bull calf one day when we were out shopping for a new dishwasher. Got a call from the younger daughter who said he was spitting blood. He had gotten frustrated and just decided to tackle the calf and took a headbutt to the throat. Ended up being taken to a Oklahoma City hospital. I took him some clothes, laptop, etc and the nurse was nice enough to come get it from me in the parking lot because I wasn't about to put on a mask. Then comes the hatred and phone calls from the ex and his siblings.."you don't even love him enough to put on a mask???" Yep...that's exactly the problem. Morons.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Raised by based Grandparents and never once even considered it. Never got tested and never once put on a mask. Luckily, we live outside a very based small town in South Central Oklahoma. Wife lost her job managing a clinic over the whole ordeal. She was hired at a much better place, who will not follow these mandates, and given a huge raise. For the negative..my once semi-based daughter, who helped me make Ron Paul billboards in the past, decided that I was a conspiracy theorist who didn't deserve to see his new grandson because I wouldn't take the poison jab. She also now has given her mother (my ex) a book to explain and help her with all of her micro aggressions..LOL Haven't seen my daughter or my grandchild since about a week after they started pushing the vaccines. Keep praying that she has grown some sense and we don't get a terrible call about health issues for the grandson.

Pretty sure I could at least be on the podium for Most Based if we had a contest. I would give a speech thanking God for giving us His Word and THE ONLY PLAN that can be trusted, my Grandparents for teaching me to never trust the government and that "expert" just means a drip under pressure, Ron Paul for really waking me up in 2007, and Major General Smedley Butler for writing "War is a Racket", which also kept me from re-enlisting and has kept me from ever participating in Veteran acknowledgements. I see it more as a cancer than something to have pride in. Don't take that wrong..I love my brothers and appreciate what all of our based military members THINK/THOUGHT they were/are doing, but nothing we ever did had a thing to do with the DEFENSE of this nation and people.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't it either Louisiana or Arkansas that has a "Republican" governor but sure is on the covid train and comes across more as a RINO? Sounds like someone is liking the covid gibs.

HuntersCrackDealinHo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Morning Brother! You carry a great message and are among people who feel the same. On another note..the "I did not serve 8 years in the USMC to..." had me rolling. It came out of my brain in the voice of Walter Sobchak in The Big Lebowski.


Semper Fi

HuntersCrackDealinHo 24 points ago +24 / -0

EDIT: So he tried to get "help"...did he coax any of these people inside the building, and if so, are any of them in the gulag now?

https://heavy.com/news/tarik-khalid-johnson/ "News" story from January 2021

"Tarik Khalid Johnson is a Capitol police lieutenant who was suspended after putting on a red MAGA hat, but a video shows him convincing Trump supporters to help him save multiple police officers from inside the Capitol building. You can watch the video later in this story.

A report in the Wall Street Journal says Johnson donned the MAGA hat only to trick rioters into letting him usher other officers to safety."

Take it as you wish, but I haven't seen any of these jackboots use any brain cells before AND we know darn well there were no cops in danger from our people. The Antifa/BLM fake MAGA folks maybe, but no evidence of our folks being violent.

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