IAMPISSEDOFF 1 point ago +1 / -0

I quit. No mask. No lockdown. I call bs

by Restore
IAMPISSEDOFF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Father in law died last Thursday when hospital gave him Remdesivir. It causes Renal failure. It destroyed his kidneys and they shut down. He was recovering from heat stroke when they suddenly diagnosed covid pneumonia. No xray, just decided he had it. His heart doctor came to hospitals did xray. Guess what? NO COVID PNEUMONIA. NO COVID. HOSPITALS WILL KILL YOU FIR THE MONEY. REMDESIVIR IS DEADLY. STAY AWAY FROM HOSPITALS. SLL HAVE SANE TREATMENT PROTOCOL. TELL THEM NO REMDESIVIR AND YOU WANT IVERMECTIN. A MAN IN OHIO JUST HAD JUDGE RULE IN HIS FAVOR TO BE TRESTED WITH IVERMECTIN AT THE HOSPITAL. HOSPITAKS GET PAID EXTRA TO USE THE CLINICAL TRIAL EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS ON YOU.

by Restore
IAMPISSEDOFF 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a Trump Patriot , I would rather have my sign vandalized or poop in my yard than the Biden supporters treatment of showing up in my front yard with guns yelling and screaming crazy shit, attacking me physically on street, threatening me and my family with death. Attempting to shoot me or run me over at a peaceful protest. The silent majority is easily 80% Trump Patriots. We are not silent in our communities, we just know Biden supporters are psychopaths and we don't need them getting shot in our front yards and homes so we hang our flag but leave the signs for our community gatherings.

by Restore
IAMPISSEDOFF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree. I'm a California native. Have yet to find a Biden voter. I see the bumper stickers but I never actually meet people who say they voted for him. I ask. Now I don't live in the pedo celeb wealthy neighborhoods and I know we have a lot of creepy sick corruption going on there plus your massive D.U.M.B.S throughout California. We have been on rigged voting system here for decades. The majority are RED patriots who believe in the Constitution but like the world has been hijacked by Satanists scum, we are ground zero for much of the scum like Dems, Shifty, Pelosi , Kamala , Waters and more

IAMPISSEDOFF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nuiscance is a pos. We haven't followed his lying guidelines for a flu that left has bought into as planDEMic and got deadly jabs to soothe their fears. Baaaaa. Unfortunately, they have only 5 years or lessof life to live. Oh the horror of realizing you drank the koolaid from CABAL

IAMPISSEDOFF 1 point ago +1 / -0

I too find her pretty arrogant and unlikable. I listen to everyone and hear it all. I verify it or if can't, I put it on to be verified list abd work on this list weekly. Things pop up daily to confirm and validate. I watch all you mentioned and We the people on Rumble, Mary. She is good. I also watch Mel K show and Beach Broadcast. Cirsten acts as if only she knows the truth. That bugs me. I don't care who her source is...it isn't Q. No one knows the whole truth and acting like she does is bs. She is stirring up drama all over. It is her trash talking others. None of them trash talk her. I think she is poison and trouble but like I said, I hear it all and at least inform myself of things I may not be able to believe yet like Lizard people. Cirsten, like Mel K came from Hollywood. Mel a screenwriter and I am guessing, not sure, Cirsten is an actress? When she says watch out on who you listen to, I know she is one to watch. Full of herself. Claims she can prove and verify all she says but she doesn't and can't. I'm staying out of their dramas but watching it all. Some are not going to come out as good guys and gals so gram of salt is right. It's best to do the research and verify for yourself what they said before buying it. That said...I do believe Trump is our President and returning soon. God bless

IAMPISSEDOFF 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was a buyer at corporate in Kirkland then Issaquah. This company is liberal extreme! Jeff Broughtmon started the company with Sinegal. Jeff's family is besties with Rothschild's, Soros, Bush's and rest of cabal. Here is legal link. https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/legal/mask-vaccine-attorney-intake-form

IAMPISSEDOFF 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best if workers there leave phones at home. Appears FBI has flyers up capturing all phone data, internet data and can even take over phone or plant things on it. Start at 32:20 . Video from Monkey Werx US https://youtu.be/9lKrVPIBudY

IAMPISSEDOFF 2 points ago +2 / -0

NEVER. Went to school with Bruce's sister Lisa. Met Bruce once. Seemed so normal. So sad. He is not an option for Governor, he is part if the messed up cabal.

by gamepwn
IAMPISSEDOFF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Removed already by commie PukeTube

IAMPISSEDOFF 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still think Trumo is talking about the original vaccine Hydroxychloroquine. It does work. I finished mine. You can also drink club soda with Quinine. Take vitamin d3. Frontline doctors have a site you can go, sign up as patient and get Hydroxychloroquine delivered to your door. One a week fir 20 weeks. My girlfriend has used it for 30 years for her Lupis. Another friend fir Rheumatoid arthritis. It's actually good for you. https://speakwithanmd.com/americasfrontlinedoctors/

IAMPISSEDOFF 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who running it? AF/CIA plane ...who's plane now? Good guys I pray

IAMPISSEDOFF 3 points ago +3 / -0

2. Article says he drowned in diving accident in Bahamas. Not car accident. Odd

IAMPISSEDOFF 2 points ago +2 / -0

There goes the pensions. Darn! We hated Trumps hair but he saved our pensions. We liked Biden sniffing but he just kissed them goodbye. DUH

IAMPISSEDOFF 7 points ago +7 / -0

If it's on your television, it can be faked. We don't really know he is even having any of his orders carried uut butt his movie makes it seem so. Lots of green screen,deceptive editing. I only look for amateur uploads and even then I need multiple sources to vaguely believe. I trust Trump. Only truth we have. Just watching the movie. He will be back soon

IAMPISSEDOFF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are they missing 2 justices now? ?????

IAMPISSEDOFF 5 points ago +5 / -0

Extremely windy here. Trampoline up and away. Fence blown over. All posts cracked. Insane

IAMPISSEDOFF 1 point ago +1 / -0


IAMPISSEDOFF 3 points ago +3 / -0

Best is yet to come! So happy. Got tons of popcorn. We love you Trump! God Rocks!