INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know how she got to be ghetto trash. She attended an expensive private elementary school in St. Louis Missouri, Catholic High School, and universities. Her ghetto persona is an act.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

My local CVS has an app so you can book your vaccine as soon as it's available. There will still be long lines of people to get them. I guess the ones that didn't become chronically ill, or die, from previous rounds, are the ones lining up.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess? Not like we're big on PDA's, probably just felt like harassing someone most likely.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's sad about the Honey Bees. I've seen a resurgence of Bumble Bees where I live, I have lots of flowers around my front porch and backyard. The seem to love Begonias. Our little town has urged people to let their grass grow longer (no problem for me), and I leave the Dandelions alone. Our town has several areas of Wildflowers that are left alone to bloom, and it's definitely helped.

INK10 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can't remember the name, but there's guy on YouTube who interviews twenty-somethings about; geography, world events, world leaders and US history. The ignorance of his interview-ees is truly astounding. Answers like: there are thirty states in the US, the Civil War took place in the 1700 hundreds. Most of them couldn't do simple math at about a third grade level.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love her mention of raising her daughter, and her daughter being forced to have a baby that she doesn't want. She doesn't have a daughter. This bitch is insufferable.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

KEK, It was such a weird and funny thing to get pulled aside for. My husband said something similar, then started calling me "hot stuff".

INK10 3 points ago +3 / -0

My first thought as well. For some rather ghoulish entertainment, I've watched several Youtubers who show photos from the Victorian era, where dead people are propped up for a photograph. He'd fit right in.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember after the Earthquake in Haiti, Bush Sr., and Bill Clinton teamed up for an appeal to send MONEY to Haiti. They actually said not to send food, blankets or anything like that, just money.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've heard her sing, and she's excellent. Her personality...not so much. In interviews she comes across as patronizing, narcissistic and very unpleasant.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno, even enjoying them a little bit is pretty damned odd. BTW, psychopaths are often described as "odd" by people who've interacted with them.

INK10 3 points ago +3 / -0

Last time I flew, the TSA dweeb insisted that both my husband and I showed up on the scanner, as "hot" in the crotch areas. She said we could either get patted down where we stood, or go behind a screen. Neither of us are easily embarrassed, so we chose to do it in the open. This happened in Florida, so maybe we were just hot? WTF is it with these idiots.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, thank you. My daughter recognized the music right away, mostly from the Muppet sketch called Chariots of Eggs, with Kermit running a race.

INK10 4 points ago +4 / -0

I love trains, been obsessed since childhood, my favorite way to travel. I even have one of those sound machines for white noise when sleeping. The best selection on it is the train sound, and I've lived most of my life close enough to railroad tracks that I can hear trains several times a day. It's just so relaxing and comforting.

INK10 3 points ago +3 / -0

We elected a new governor in last the election but he mysteriously didn't win. That's how corrupt this system is here.

INK10 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't like it either. Isn't Charles involved in WEF?, and what about "Earthshot'. Not a fan.

INK10 4 points ago +4 / -0

I guess fat ass learned to not chase a tall, fit guy. I played that clip about five times. The music was the chef's kiss.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good advice, but I live in the midst of this insanity, and can't believe that so many people buy into this on a daily basis. The Star Ledger Newspaper is such a rag, and probably the largest one in NJ.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

MAGA personality Ricci Wynne was indicted by a federal grand jury for child pornography charges earlier this week. Never heard of this person, no clue why they are a "MAGA personality". Normies will read it, and of course leap to the insane conclusion that President Trump is personal friends with Ricci Wayne.

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