IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

They do have cleaning miracles, it's called "wives".

IamM 1 point ago +2 / -1

I guess the bigger question is what the definition of a "world war" is. If we're referring to multiple countries banding together to fight in a specific area, then couldn't the middle east with the US weapons and EU "peacekeepers" be called that? Couldn't the vietnam war, where dozens of smaller countries tried to fight off huge tyrannical governments, also be called that?

IamM 10 points ago +10 / -0

So I had a bit of a weird setback happen this week. Woke up on sunday with my left wrist swollen to the size of an apple and in an extreme amount of pain. Thought for sure it was a broken bone as I've been erring on the side of safety for my recent mechanic stuff (we've been jammed with requests, close to 50 cars coming in over the past week alone). Turns out one of the bones dislodged and was putting a ton of pressure on some nerves. The surgery took only 20mins and they put me in a rather small cast with a follow-up next month. Dodged a huge bullet as if there was broken bones it'd be 6-8 months recovery minimum.

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

See, I stopped following other ones after joining this one recently.

Mgtow is full of wanna-be wife beaters who hate women with a passion but aren't gay or want to propose solutions to fix said issues.

The main "patriots" site is about 90% twitter reposts and feels more like a controlled lefty discussion group a la reddit/fox news.

At least here there's variety in the posts and it isn't just the same boring repetitive shit you could see from cnn or newsweek.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thoroughly hate this and think unless you add it as a seperate feature with the gen-chat also there it'll sway away new members. One of the reasons I bookmarked this community is because of the wide-variety of topics discussed, with the first thing that drew me in being a question about tire choice right above a thread dedicated to sjw's ruining games.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, while their transmissions/frames have been terrible over the years (one "meme" over here being that if you fail out of welding school you can get a job with them) their engines are surprisingly durable, at least in the mid 2000s. It was when they started diluting/not quality-testing their iron in 2013 that everything turned to shit.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, we did the same thing with the CBC for the longest time too. If I remember right 2 of the 5 videos with the worst "vote ratio" on the platform are news stories from them.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean in a lot of the newer gas cars it's a similar thing too, or they cost a fortune to repair. I worked 55hrs over the past week, and about 80% of it was dealing with 4 cars whose engines had extremely brittle cylinders. Instead of adding OEM parts that'd break again after 4-6 months, we "borrowed" parts out of 2 2008 chrysler minivans.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're a pretty big elephant too. To follow up on the original story: the fire finally went out after they spent 17hrs isolating it and shutting down a pretty busy portion of the highway. If you're paying more for the vehicles, paying more for the fuel (right now it costs 15% more to recharge an electric vehicle than the average car), take longer to fuel said car, and are prone to hotter/harder to deal with fires in accidents, what's the benefit? A status symbol?

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fun fact: they used to be called "dailynews", but were so unpopular that they had to shift publication to only 4 days a month.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact he said aoc immediately makes me think it's false. If we're looking at crimes she already committed a ton of campaign-finance violations by streaming on twitch and accepting donations there (I remember a while back they were harassing andrew yang for even saying he'd do that stuff). I'm also pretty sure they can't arrest horses.

IamM 19 points ago +19 / -0

So we had a "big" event happen nearby. 2 brand new teslas smashed into eachother on the highway, causing a massive fire that lasted for 10hrs due to their batteries being extremely volatile. Noone died in it, but it was funny seeing the news reporters talk about it while also trying to suggest the cars are safe/environmentally-helpful.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

So wrestlemania weekend is here (tldr: wwe realized that they have so many storylines/wrestlers that they decided to make their biggest event 2 nights). For the first time in a few years, at least since I think 33 where all of their big stars got injured in the months leading up, the buildup has been so lackluster that I'm more interested in their secondary-brand stuff than this. At least over there we're getting to see the rock's daughter make her wrestling debut and a match featuring their two most-hyped prospects ever.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

From what I can tell it removes the extra 1% of dirt/chemical residue on the surface but isn't an auto-use for the average car person. I washed my 2009 corolla with a piece the size of a granola bar, windows included, and when I used the bar afterwards got a clump of dirt the size of a peanut. If you're one of those guys who drives around a 90s sports car and wants everything prestine then $10 for these would be a bargain. Me not so much.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

So I tried a clay bar for the first time (they had them on sale for 60% off at napa and the rest was history). Followed the instructions to a tee, and the result was okay. Like I could see how it'd work on those vintage cars with the high-end paint jobs, but for my daily commuter it didn't do anything special.

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

There was a similar joke among my wrestling buddies how they're doing wrestlemania on april fools because their current main-title scene is the biggest prank of all.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I've seen a few of his videos and they seem more click-baitey than anything. "This car is a TERRIBLE purchase, don't buy", proceeds to spend 10mins talking about how one ford-f150 he repaired had a small wheel issue.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because electric cars are riddled with issues too? I'm not sure if you saw the videos, but their batteries are huge environmental hazards that can melt asphalt whenever they catch fire. More recently it was also discovered that older teslas have poorly-built axels, albeit it's due to their "battery saver" technology which puts a ton of pressure on them when braking.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember there was a similar thing here in canada where electric car dealerships were accepting diesel cars for huge trade-in value, almost 40% the price sometimes. One of my mechanic buddies told me stories of people buying extremely cheap diesel-volkswagens and hyundai's, getting them barely road worthy, then "flipping" 3 or 4 of them for brand new teslas.

(Should add a bit of context: those two car brands are notorious for having the worst diesel cars of all time, stemming from a design flaw where they assumed they could put lightweight/plastic parts near an engine that burns 200 degrees hotter than a gas one)

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which'd make him that much better there. It'd be one thing to out-muscle them and play a "shaq" style with constant dunking/2 pointers. With steph he'd be beating them at their own game.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to think they'd use tranny shenanigans to subvert those laws though, by changing their middle name or taking on/off a piece of pink clothing to "count" as two different people.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean if anything they'd at least get viewers with him there. That being said I'd much prefer someone like steph curry instead, as you have to think with how many 3's he shoots he'd set every record imaginable in 1-2 seasons.

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yet when rittenhouse shot a child molester they painted him as a villain. The left really doesn't like kids, eh?

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

See, I barely watch hockey despite being canadian but remember during that super juniors tournament him/crosby were tearing it up. I've heard that there's this new guy, mcdavid, who many are pegging to be the next gretzky. Much like lebron/jordan and brady/montana I'll be skeptical until it actually happens.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I remember right a lot of this is stemming from russian players not wanting to go to the nhl and be forced into this stuff. I think it was ovechkin who said that if they continue to push it he'll finish the rest of his career in the khl.

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