ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lord help us. This hits way too close to home. I can’t stand how these questions simply get ignored and met with double speak. It should honestly be illegal to do so.

ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

James Corbett is one of the most on point researchers / journalists out there. He thinks we’ve all fallen for a black hat psyop but I respect him and have learned a lot from his work.

ImStartingToBelieve 17 points ago +17 / -0

That’s what to do when your boss is about to go down in flames.

ImStartingToBelieve 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agreed. I just can’t think of any better pop culture figures for this particular pay per view event.

ImStartingToBelieve 32 points ago +32 / -0

Commentated by Joe Rogan and Alex Jones

ImStartingToBelieve 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lrrr wouldn’t even sink to these levels of evil. He loves earth’s cultural exports too much.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hasn’t Willie suffered enough?

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both of their ties kick off to our left (their right)

ImStartingToBelieve 5 points ago +5 / -0

Remember. You’re watching a show.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck that. By “committing” to testing, you’re capitulating. You cannot cede any ground to these tyrants. They will continue to erode the ground you stand on. The vaccine mandate is the “big ask”. It forces people to compromise with things like exemptions. Slowly but surely they’ll chip away at you until you are compromising on things you would have vehemently opposed a year or 2 ago. Slowly but surely they’ll push you farther and farther away from your principles. Do not give these people an inch, or they’ll eventually take everything you have.

ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s true. He’s very calculated in his stances on controversial issues. Notice that when he talks about ivermectin he’ll state that “some studies show it is effective. Some are inconclusive” and then proceeds to err on the side of “idk”.

Similarly, he takes every opportunity to state that he believes the vaccines are for the most part safe and effective, but if you read between the lines, he was very clearly not vaccinated.

I think he’s overall on the right side of things, but he’s so annoying.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, he’s annoying like that, but he claims he only took the ivermectin after he was already starting to feel a lot better after taking the monoclonal antibodies and others. He claims it was only after his doctor insisted that he finish the full kitchen sink treatment that he took the ivm and zpack.

ImStartingToBelieve 12 points ago +12 / -0

Two weeks to flatten the crown

ImStartingToBelieve 4 points ago +4 / -0

Zoom in. 100% shopped. Well, maybe 99.5% if you count the elderly with pre existing conditions… like Brandon.

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

I randomly woke up in the middle of the night last night and my router was flashing. No connection. Needless to say I checked GA.W and had trouble falling back to sleep.

ImStartingToBelieve 9 points ago +9 / -0

I absolutely think this would bring unity, at least for people who remember his presidency. There was a huge opposition to Bush from the left. It was part of pop culture. A lot of people were woke up when they went down the 9/11 rabbit hole. People on both sides of the aisle.

Personally I think Bush going down would bring more unity than pretty much any other. There are still too many Obama fan boys out there for it to be him. If it’s Killary or Bill, people will suspect Trump was seeking revenge somehow. I don’t think enough people know of Pedesta for it to really hit home for most. But Bush? It would be kind of perfect.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +2 / -0

The commenter below is correct. This isn’t definitive proof, but check out this CTV poll page:


Look at the poll from Oct 6th. I’ve been following these polls for a while now, and they typically foreshadow what is coming.

“Will you be checking the vaccination status of your thanksgiving guests” what the fuck is that? Next thing you know I bet you’ll see the idea floated about having to report anyone that enters your home. It sounds absurd, but everything is absurd now.

ImStartingToBelieve 12 points ago +12 / -0

Date fagging for some. Small American flags for others.

ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

I highly recommend watching some of the Dark Horse podcast episode with Dr. Malone. Here’s a link to a clip.


The podcast was heavily censored and now I’m struggling to find the full version.

The whole problem with institutionalizing things like medicine is that you can easily get things locked up, or have people silenced due to conflict of interest. Very strange indeed.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +2 / -0

You wouldn’t listen anyways. You’re already digging in your heels and conflating all sorts of stuff like a fucking retard.

The non compete didn’t silence him. It prevented him from working with the development of mRNA technology. A non compete is also different than an NDA.

Come on, this is basic stuff. If you can’t keep your terms or facts straight with this, how can you be trusted to do so when it relates to Q. You should just bow out and become a lurker. You can’t be trusted after making such misinformed statements, and continuing to double down on stupid.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +3 / -1

You are making a massive false equivalency. It’s very clear you don’t understand the science you’re criticizing here. For lack of a better expression, you are fucking retarded.

Let God judge. And if you are going to make claims, at least have the knowledge and ability to back up those claims. What you’re doing here is nothing short of pathetic, presumably stemming for your lack of education on the subject.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +3 / -1

So in the 1980’s when Dr. Malone was in grad school and happened to discover the basis for RNA transfection and the preliminary basis for mRNA technology, he knew exactly what was going to happen in 2021?

The covid vaccines aren’t even based on the same type of mRNA technology as what Dr. Malone discovered. He wasn’t even allowed to work in that field for 20 years after his initial discovery.

Come on man... it’s good to be skeptics, but you’re so off base here. You have to be careful about burning bridges with allies, simply because your enemies have clouded your judgment about who you can trust. You’re doing a disservice to humanity with this type of baseless accusation.

What side are you on?

ImStartingToBelieve 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dr. Malone discovered RNA transfection and the basis of mRNA technology in the 1980’s when he was I grad school. Due to a non compete clause he was unable to work in that field for the next 20 years. Today’s mRNA vaccines for covid aren’t even based on the same technology he discovered, but a more modern adaption. He really has nothing to really cover his butt about, besides making sure he doesn’t get suicided for speaking out.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +3 / -1

This dude discovered RNA transfection and technology that became the basis for mRNA technology back in the 80’s when he was in grad school. Due to a non compete clause, he was not able to work in that field for 20 years afterwards.

Dr. Malone has nothing to do with the mRNA vaccines that are used today. If you actually take the time to research about and listen to him, you’ll see that he’s about as legit as they come.

He speaks out about censorship, and substantiates many of the claims that I’m sure you and I have both made. We have enough enemies. Don’t let your biases steer you into conflict or to defame those who are possibly your strongest allies.

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