They don’t. They just believe in a twisted form of karma. They need to tell us what they’re doing. They just know and have conditioned most people to not pay attention.
If they leak what they’re doing and people go along with it anyway, in their mind it absolves them.
There just happen to be certain pockets of individuals who see through their shit. But that’s just an uncontrollable “margin of error” in their calculations. Not enough to stop what they’re doing.
In their mind most of the people who survive this first wave of mass extinction will be wiped out by the impending collapse of all vital resources, once the majority of the population is wiped out.
You have no idea what you’re talking about handshake. Best to leave these decisions to those who actually have balls. This isn’t about making a few bucks, or even life changing money. This is about world changing money.
I have a little of each. I’m no expert though.
It is. Aaaaany day now lol.
Good insight. Imo there are far worse places to put your money right now if you have it. Better than holding paper.
Fair enough. Just think it’s the perfect cover to drop the hammer, while staying in control the whole time.
You don’t want to fuck with a bunch of retarded apes, hopped up on Mountain Dew, each with 20,000+ hours bank on first person shooters.
It’s not too late to buy in again.
GME? Yes. The plan is to sell on the way down. AFTER the peak. You must HODL on the way up. But afterwards, yes it’ll crash back down like everything else. But the meme value will last a lifetime.
This is not financial advice. But I own some shares.
Thank you. Please accept our asylum seekers and we’ll be first in line to help build the northern border wall.
The only wrong way to reach the top of the mountain, is to wander around, telling others that you encounter, that they’re going the wrong way.
You find this productive? Even if you were correct, you certainly aren’t effective at delivering your message.
After many years of rejecting religious influence, I’ve come to realize that this world needs faith, and that faith in Christ is paramount. You may not agree, and that’s perfectly ok. But what’s not ok is for you to mock and belittle others for having faith.
Some day you will see your own truth, and you’ll laugh at how childish you were in your past when criticizing others.
There are a significant number of people resisting. The problem is they are blasted as “reckless” and “selfish” by all media, and the docile, gullible, obedient masses believe it.
There is a member of parliament (similar to a congressman) named Randy Hillier, who is one of the most outspoken representatives. He has organized many protests, and he boasts about using all his unlawful citations as wallpaper.
In sick irony, the Premier of Ontario (governor) at a press conference, was complaining about people protesting outside his home. He told people not to disturb his neighbours, but to instead protest down at Queens Park (capital building). So Randy organized a protest at Queens Park. Guess what? The boot licking cops showed up, and cited him for organizing an unlawful gathering.
There are many people who are standing up, speaking out, and organizing, but we have far too many “loyalist” cucks, who take pride in bending over and being obedient to their masters. They seemingly take pride in tattling on their freedom loving neighbours.
Long story short, Canada is simultaneously a failed state, and a communists wet dream.
Where’s big mike when you need him?
Smoking isn’t cool, but smoking a cigarette while doing something cool makes you even cooler.
I get your point, but this pro eugenics mentality is literally what we are fighting against.
Cancerous website
I like that saying. Thanks fren.
You can’t even go camping in Ontario. Especially not on crown land. They pay people to go out and ensure you’re not enjoying the great outdoors, getting fresh air and exercise, in such remote places that you may go hours or even days without encountering another person.
“But it’s for your own good”.
Premier Ford (like a governor) was absolutely thrown under the bus today. Of course, he deserves blame, but he is just 1 talking head. Media is feigning outrage. Ford cried on tv from his home, in isolation allegedly due to exposure to covid. Bleeding heart Canadians are falling for it and feel bad for him. Officials are walking back certain measures, but it’s just a “big ask” negotiation tactic.
They went too far, so you’d be outraged about the most egregious restrictions, so they can roll those ones back, and most people will feel content and accept the remaining restrictions.
Seriously, fuck this commie hell hole.
More and more I believe we’ve been set up for a “boy that cried wolf scenario”.
The first year of the pandemic was a primer. Push the fear and disruption until you get 2 distinct tribes: those who comply, and those who are skeptics of the narrative.
Give plenty of reason to doubt and be skeptical, and force people to become so pent up and angry that they start yelling “virus be damned, we’re not going to live like this anymore”.
Then, once most people are vaccinated, their immune systems compromised, there will be a wave of mass death, making the first year look like a picnic. This of course will be a result of autoimmune priming, and those who were vaccinated will be at greatest risk.
Wait until people are fatigued, desensitized, and have let their guard down. Then hit them with the “real deal”. When this wave hits, I expect we’ll see that 10%+ figure. If not the 80% described in many other places, including the Georgia guide stones.
These deaths will be blamed squarely on the skeptics, and those who refuse to take the jab and comply with the insane lockdown measures.
This will give justification and support among the normies, to forcibly vaccinate those who have resisted, or to have them forcibly removed from society.
IMO we can’t let this scamdemic control our lives. But we also can’t pretend like it won’t turn into a very real threat. Don’t let your guard down.
These are not inherently “conservative” issues. They’re “truth” issues.
For most of my life, the major conservative leaning personalities were not talking about this stuff.
Please don’t turn this into a tribalist circle jerk.
Edit: Seems like some tribalist faggots can’t handle truth.
Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering is not the same thing as flat earth.
You had shields with swastika decals? When you were 12?
Something about this makes my anon senses tingle. Those shields really stood out to me. The language and dialogue seems way over the top. Maybe I’m just naive, but it just doesn’t seem natural to me.
Watch for False Flags.
You’re right. Left eye looks bruised around the nose.