Looks like the “meta-Human” App on the TV Series Legends where a demon possessed CEO designed a tracker for citizens to turn non humans and magical creatures. A clause in the app’s fine print, which no one read, was that your soul was sold to this demon or to hell upon agreement.
Horrific, I agree, but what ppl are bringing their children to these ridiculous events? If it’s the parents, unfortunately, I’m afraid they may be seeing the same thing at home or at other social events. Very sad. Lord help them.
My voice cracks profoundly when I’m tired or nervous. I have X-linked CMT and minimally affected by disease as a whole. Lots of medications and vaccines can be neurotoxic for ppl like us, so we have to be very careful.
Monica Lewinsky may only be alive today because Linda Tripp exposed the affair. If I understood correctly, in a bio, Linda outed her friend to protect her from being another Clinton statistic. Just a little interesting tidbit.
Sorry if this comment already made. In a hurry, but essentially—criminal politicians are manipulating congressional criminals into allowing billions of American tax dollars to be sent to foreign criminals who launder the $ in clear daylight. Does this sound right?
Good thing you didn’t have to push a 9 lb toddler out. Vaginal deliveries are terribly overrated and the comments above are either from men or women who never had one orifice tear and become one with another—to say it nicely! There’s a reason celebrities have c-sections.
It was very warm in Indian Jones when we went a week or so ago w/less than a dozen viewers. It’s close to August and super hot, so hard for the ACs to keep up when having to run nonstop. It is, however, ironic that it would be this movie. So, it may have been placed in this theater room specifically.