If you have to claim you lost your guns in a boating accident, it's time to use your guns.
Have this lazy effort: https://scored.co/c/TheDonald/p/16amdJTls1/me-voting-for-trump-in-2024/c
Who can acknowledge that publicly? That very small group can get anyone cancelled in a heartbeat.
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Natural resources is all they have to offer. They cannot offer any kind of technical services like India or manufacturing like Indonesia. Why that is an exercise left to the reader, but natural resources it is. And for the same reason they cannot muster a more advanced economy, they cannot make any kind of defense against outsiders so someone will be the one doing the exploiting.
Nothing is secured unless traitors are swinging. They'll cheat again.
What poor people need is opportunity. A lot of the rich people in this country aren't hated for being rich, but for having pulled the ladder up behind them.
Burger flipping jobs are not opportunity. They're busy work for retards. Meanwhile that's exactly what most of our "service" economy is. Pointless busy work that only exists because the market rate for labor is suppressed via excessive supply.
They ban people who follow the 'wrong' accounts. They have plausible deniability to claim it's a misfire of their bot detection algorithm.
The media is their only source of information.
Not so sure.
It used to be, sure. But in this era of hypernormalized LGBT nonsense, transtrenders are a thing.
Jews get a free pass to practice rampant nepotism and regularly shut down legitimate concerns with cries of "anti-semitism". All of the things they accuse "white supremacists" of doing. Additionally, if they ever fuck up so bad they need to flee justice, Israel will take them in with open arms.
Power corrupts. And jews do have power that most of the population doesn't.
Their entire religion is about trying to cheat their own god. All sorts of ways to obey the letter of the law and flaunt the spirit of it. Like Manhattan's Eruv. Like with Islam, their religion itself is toxic and this toxicity has had dysgenic effects, meaning even non-practicing jews (and muslims) are not people I want to be around.
That's just his dog whistle to say democracy is bad because it isn't what he wanted.
They either use it on themselves, or are too afraid to own a gun for that reason.
The slippery slope is very real. There's a reason homosexuality was dealt with very harshly.
Voter fraud isn't even the problem. Dominion flipped millions of votes from Trump to Biden. Millions. You could catch 50,000 fraudulent voters and deport them and it wouldn't be a drop in the bucket.
The fraud is way bigger than 2020. This has been going on for a long time. So many people knew 2016 was rigged and that is why they were surprised by Trump's victory.
Yes, just 2 more weeks of trannies telling your kids, "it ain't gonna lick itself"
70% voted for Trump yet the news is covering the Jan 6 hearings like the Jan 6 protestors are the ones that hate democracy.
"Law and order" is defending the blatantly stolen election. The law and order of psychopaths sucks.
Democrats are the real racists!
The Deep State is, by definition, not elected officials (or their spouses). They can sacrifice a few pawns here and there. The Pelosis probably paid a big fat bribe on their own without involving any large scale corruption besides what their millions can buy on its own.
"my vaccination plan" 🤣
Fast and Furious.
We need common sense food control. No one needs three square meals a day.