JSSS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Such a shame he had such promise. After he didnt follow through with releasing all the J6 tapes I knew he was most likely compromised.

JSSS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Any elected official that gets in trouble sexually should be removed from office, no exceptions..............The tax payers should not be paying bribe money for degenerates!

JSSS 2 points ago +2 / -0

You need to get the farmers liquid manure trucks to spray them down.

JSSS 2 points ago +2 / -0

They did that once I would be removing all my cash immediately.

JSSS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone blocking roads should be rounded up and deported from the USA for life!

JSSS 1 point ago +1 / -0

The typical toxic dose for fluoride ingestion has been estimated at 5-10 mg/kg, but symptoms may appear with 3-5 mg/kg. The estimated lethal dose is 5-10 g (32-64 mg/kg) in adults and 500 mg in small children, but death may result from ingestion of as little as 2 g of fluoride in an adult and 16 mg/kg in children.Jan 17, 2024

JSSS 8 points ago +8 / -0

Flouride is a Poison. Its a by product of the of aluminum, fertilizer, and iron ore manufacture. Dont believe me, look at the fine print at the end of the ingredients on your toothpaste tube. They pushed this as a good thing for your teeth. Now they put the shit in baby food. Babbie's that dont have teeth. We have a reverse osmosis system in our house. Its the closest you can get to distilled water that had ZERO "0" Parts per million of crap in the water. My wife for years distilled at home drinking water. You should see the crap thats left over in the tank after distillation. That crap is going into your body.

JSSS 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am with you 100% with the exception that this election wont be stolen this time. I believe they have it under control with a few pockets of liberal shit birds still out there that are not controlled. Its been a long operation and I am hoping the real declass with appropriate arrests and public outings with big names starting this November or sooner.

JSSS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even if this is true (which I dont by) fraud vitiates everything. There is no way they can pull off this type of fraud. Nobody in there right mind would sign off on this. If they push this BullShit there needs to be a Tea throwing party!

JSSS 2 points ago +2 / -0

They all need to be charged for Treason!

JSSS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Politicians have proven to be so unreliable and self serving we need a way to clean house sooner rather than later.

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