My prediction is that people who took the v/x are going to test positive for HIV. Don’t know whether they will actually have HIV, but their body will be giving out signals like it does.
This man memes
Just enough time for suicide weekend
Great post, fren. Seeing this in a new light.
Guys, chill out. This was a preliminary hearing on a largely procedural matter. Assange has not "lost his battle". The decision to refuse his extradition still stands and the Gov't appeal of that decision is still open and requires a full hearing.
Adam Parkhomo
So no one told you life was gonna be this way.
Fake votes for Joe, you’re broke, cabal says vaccinaaaaate.
What I found interesting is that neither of them actually say the word "training" anywhere in this video.
You seem like the sort of individual that just has to have the last word.
Floor is yours, pal...
Calling other people shills and then attempting to frame their own defense against them reeks of shill behaviour.
Same. Look at all the downvotes. Over the target.
Not a shill bro. My post history speaks for itself. Peace and love to you.
Wasn't Lin Wood talking about a having a password a while ago and the password I think was 'password' - try it?
He also may not have known it was recording and this was taken without his knowledge.
White Hats in control?
Protect this man. Sack of pure steel.
Same, but the lightning strike of the mural today is far too coincidental. Perhaps our wait will soon be over.
Delete the thread. This gets people heated for no reason. We’re here to fight disinformation, not spread it.
Anyone else catch the subtle “Study the Past” etched in the stone?
Who is MbS (I only ask because it's not in the list).
Listen to the June 20th podcast of 'Trish Wood is Critical' with guest Dr. Byram Bridle.
This literally confirms it was edited. The one you posted cuts everything she said before “there’s no crisis” to make it sound like that was a standalone statement. It wasn’t. She’s saying that Biden isn’t treating it like a crisis and if “there’s no crisis”, how can we expect people to treat it like one.
Fake and gay.
I hope she said this but this looks edited. You can see a slight skip on Gretas side of the screen right before she says that. Can we find the original?
Be suspicious of these stories. I am not trying to sound callous, but not a single body has been dug up at any sight. The “findings” at these burial sites are highly suspect. The first one claimed to have discovered precisely 215 unmarked buried bodies using a special “ground radar penetrating technology”.
I smell a distraction.
The vault can be accessed at