Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

I looked too and didnt see the refund thing. I noticed the debt is still climbing but i think the climbing is slowed down. I dont really rememberand might be wrong but i could sware like a year or 2 ago the 100,000 number was faster than 1 mississippi.

Jmadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im on the same boat got a large packet in the mail. Not sure if i should sell or just keep because it says its look for x amount of shares to buy, or if it means come feb 4 or the date is i habe no idea if that means i will be forced to take 7.50 a share or if the market is higher then if ill get those shares. I have no idea so im just gunna hold and if i win i win and if i dont i still win. I have so many questions. Is the market gunna rise at a certain point before that date again and then should i sell if that happens or if it means its expected to drop real low and ill still get the 7.50 if i sell before the deadline. Im also wondering if after the date if the stock will rocket high and thats why they are trying to collect their many shares. I have no clue.

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

A capital cursive q looks like the way i write my 2s. Ill give it that.

Jmadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

All week my google headlines have been non stop making sure i knew about a very bad snow storm that is coming.

Jmadness 5 points ago +5 / -0

My other question is how did these people get my name? My identity still seems to be intact.

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was at work when this happened. I got the first alert. And the girl next to me go hers a few seconds after mine. And then about a minute later i got a second emergency alert but it was in spanish. The girl next to me didnt get a second alert.

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dont really pay much attention to the moon. But when i was driving home from work about 5 hours ago the moon did grab my attention. Im 90% certain i was heading north. It looked 3/4ths full to me, extremely close and orange but i have seen the moon like this time to time in the past. The look of it being gigantic usually stands out to me than youe typical far away looking moon. The dark part of the moon was facing as if it was a clock in the 11:50 to 1:50 hands area being the dark part. I didnt get much more observation because i was getting that feeling the car behind me was following me while 2 car before that almost hit me and then i had to watch a semi truck almost get stuck going under a bridge. This post does stick out to me mainly because the moon also did make me wonder tonight.

Jmadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just get a hunch in the next few years if they are still playing this game this article can be used as a reference if it goes that far and they make the article, "early warning signs we missed." You know after they blocked out the sun and said they still need to do more lol

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could DNA be tied in with memory? I had an intresting conversation with a friend one time and i was telling her about a reocurring dream i have every once in a while. She said its possible that dream is a past memory from an ancestor. Because here its also saying knowledge is power and maybe its possible someone knows the knowledge of a memory they dont realize they always know and a way to protect the knowledge is to keep living and passing on the knowledge quietly considering instinct kicks in when its time to do whats gotta be done and we seem to know exactly what to do even if its a first time encounter. Kinda like when you have those moments when you remember something and you have no idea why you know that since there is zero recolection of where you could have even possibly learned that. RNA can get phased out or become dominant. Intrestingly 5 fingered hands is a recessive gene verses 6 fingered hands are a dominant gene. If you look at your hand there is a spot for a second thumb to fit just right.

Jmadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

The biggest crowd and its not even people who are allowed to vote for him. Maybe its all making sense now.

Jmadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

One time in school they made us sit through an assembly on HIV. They explained in that assembly that no one dies from aids whay happens is the immune system is so messed us that HIV turned into aids and thats you died from the common cold not aids. They explained this for 3 hours to tell us that HIV is just the mechenism basically. Thats prob the logic they are validating behind the common cold stance. Thats my guess.

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean from what i understand from gene therapy is you have to mutate the code of a different already existing virus to instruct the virus to take care of a problem and your body doesnt kill itself because the idea is you arent supposed to have the antibodies for that virus already so your immune system is unable to attack and kill the instructions before it can do what it was instructed to do. I saw a video in 2016 or 2017 called fight fire with fire and they mutated the HIV virus to kill cancer. I started asking the questions and was explained what a virus is down to the basic understanding of its a means to instruct what it is to do inside a host. Instructions are instructions the intent and outcome behind the writer is where the questions need to be asked. If you ask me its honestly pointless and a waste of time if mutating this virus to avhieve what this dude is excited about since everyone has had the cold virus and now apparently sars too lol. Now our bodies have antibodies so any future gene therapy is more likey to sponaneoysly kill the host using any mutation of the virus. Ugh and lets say this dude has the best intent, if i am correct, then his excitment is coming from actual misinformation or there lack of. Then again humans will ultimately end their own existence if they continue to play God and not let the actual science of natural selection do its job. Ugh.

ADDITIONALLY: What I mean by the virus, from my understanding, is any form of gene therapy with any trace of a sickness or anything else in said Host's antibody bank, will cause the therapy to kill the host regardless how its been mutated. It would have to be an entirely new virus. Kinda like the table of elements and even with the table of elements all the ones at the bottom of it are man made and unstable. That is even if I am correct in any of this understanding. That is all.

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

I googled what happened in 1917. First thing Google says on my phone is that was the entry into ww1.

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Might just be where he grew up. When i moved to a different state id tell the people waiting in line that i can help the next person on line. Had a coworker tell me its in line not on line even though i see it as someone standing on a line.

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just two important questions rehtorically being asked. What is Elon's ultimate goal in life not including the side effect his wants are bringing to the table and who is the their being refered to here. Hes got that computer chip smarts enhancer going on.

Jmadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if its a warnning to the enemy as a reminder that patriots are in abundance and so much in control that we will just snap into proper action should the enemy cross the line and do something irreversibly stupid.

Jmadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

And then bill them on the state insurance they end up on so they can get their methadone or suboxone to keep them from getting sick if and when they decide they want off the street stuff and then bill insurance. The create the problem sell the solution strategy seems to be the common factor.

Jmadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didnt see any of the violence aspect. I dealt with a shooting at midnight the day before the police reform though. I think that was gang related. 2 shooters. I got to see both shooters after the police found them. One was heavily covered in gang tattoos. The second one appeared to be an initiative because i didnt see any tattoos and based on how that scenario happened. When i asked police if they think the shooting was gang related they dismissed my question. Thats really the only violence ive seen but i was an over night worker. But i would see younger and wounger kids come in under the influence. When drugs got smoked in public and the police were called to remove the person smoking drugs in a public building and even witnessed by police... notta. Not a ticket or a warning just a simple get off the property. Ive had dealers tell me about the jail and i called up the police department to ask them if what the dealer was telling me was true about the jail being the main source of the trafficing and you wanna know what they said? "YEAHHHHHHHH...but you really dont understand how the drug world works." When i asked what they are doing to solve that issue the subject got changed and i didnt realize it until after the fact we ended the phone conversation.

Jmadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ive been in my new location for about 3 weeks now. Ive already noticed there are barely any obvious signs of high rates of drug abuse here to the point im 100% covinced they are experimenting on the people there. Ive never been to vancouver so im not sure if its much different from where i was living.

Jmadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very very intresting. I was in spokane. What about you?

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