That could be. It still makes him a bit dishonest, but not nearly as bad as being an Intel Agent.
But it also would mean he either skipped critical thinking himself or did a bad job.
For regular people, they were often just missing information, but I don't think that would apply to Scott since he is so active on the internet.
I don't know if he specifically commanded people to take it, but kept telling people who were against the vax they were stupid.
He implies people against the vax were bad at critical thinking, but it is him. He is either a liar(Intel Agent) or really really bad at critical thinking. Just this alone would have been enough:
- Existing vaccines all have high risk
- Covid is no threat to health people
- Ivermectin is safe, cheap and highly effective and can be taken prophylactically by people who are at risk.
If the shot, indeed, was supposed to be the end game, Trump or someone else must have thwarted it.
And it provided us a great opportunity to see which influences were likely controlled opposition and which stood their ground against evil.
The uniparty-right love to talk about the word "facts".
Remember when "facts" Scott Adams and "facts" Ben Shapiro both took clot shots and encourage their viewers to do so, despite the fact that the world Global Elite have stated they want to eliminate 95% of the Earth's population.
I think finding the truth has much less to do with intelligence than we think it does.
I think finding the truth has more to do with pride/humility, trusting in man or not and just choosing to seek the truth.
James 4:6 "As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
Jeremiah 17:5 "Thus says the Lord, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind And makes flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the Lord."
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
There is nothing against blow jobs in the Bible.
Sex outside marriage is immoral and degenerate. No matter which act or position.
Sex inside a marriage is moral and glorifies God. How couples carry it out is up to their own tastes and their own consciouses.
I suspect Hanlon's razor was invented by masons or criminals to dumb down the public and help bad actors get away with crimes.
Playing dumb when caught doing evil, has got to be the most basic play that people do.
A better adage would be "don't throw away your wisdom or common sense because an adage tells you to"
This is the real answer.
I remember watching Badlands when it was revealed that Nakasone had been fighting hard against the Trump appointment from within. John Harold had to do a full 180 on him as it was revealed Nakasone was actively working against the Trump Team from within the agency.
I believe the 66 books are the real scriptures of God.
Christians and believing Jews before Christ have always known deep inside which books are real.
John 7: 16-17 “My teaching is not My own,” Jesus replied. “It comes from Him who sent Me. If anyone desires to do His will, he will know whether My teaching is from God or whether I speak on My own."
The golden billion is bullshit, though.
Western citizen are the only countries whose governments are openly racist and almost openly genocidal against them.
The citizens of Western countries are brutally oppressed by a ruling elite who are sort-of semi-foreign.