JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's ex-IDF Special Forces.

Prolly in Japan to kill two birds with one stone.

  1. Beg the Japs for missiles
  2. Find a way to establish the Joo pipeline into Japan so they can start the supplanting process and eventually establish a Joo-run (Japanese) government.
JohnnyMagnum357 40 points ago +40 / -0

An observed life is not a free life.

Even if you "have nothing to hide, so, why are you worried?"

Its repugnant to Life and Liberty.

JohnnyMagnum357 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im getting it too. Finally got in, everything looks weird.

JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +4 / -1

I didn't see any rallies.

All I saw were acts of war against the American People

JohnnyMagnum357 16 points ago +16 / -0

Did everyone forget the Ryan / Pence "coup emails" from 2016? Remember when they tried to overthrow Trump while he was still a candidate?

Pence attempted more than one coup......

JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lucky for us, the Congress/Senate just recently banned CBDC in the U.S.

Also, the SCOTUS just allowed States to decouple from the feds and issue their own State Bank-backed currency.

Plus, a large swath of States have just cancelled tax on gold/silver and a lot of them have gone so far as to allow metals to be used in banking transactions, now.

JohnnyMagnum357 12 points ago +12 / -0

We need to flash-mob spin-mark these satanic, ritual humiliation street paintings.

Spread the heat out a little bit

JohnnyMagnum357 6 points ago +8 / -2

The chick who called us "terrorists" for not supporting her McCarthy push.......

I won't listen to a single word this missing-link, half-man, has to say.

JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its actually pretty amazing how difficult it is to revoke "these guys' " clearances. As a rank-and-file service member, you'd have your clearance yanked for so much as bouncing a check. Even just one time.

NSA issues all clearances and C.I.C. is the executive head of NSA.

Clearances are a privilege held "at the pleasure of the People".

Remember when Trump tried to yank Brennan's clearance? The dems torched him, threatened him and stonewalled him. I think he eventually succeeded, but I do believe the commieDems were able to get it reinstated for him. Just like they put McCabe back on the fed payroll.

JohnnyMagnum357 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kenny Griffen fled Chicago after he ruined it. Takes refuge in FL trying to weasel his way in to DeSantis' good graces, thinking DeSantis was going to be the POTUS nominee, donated $10M to his campaign and then asked for Treasury Secretary position if Ron won.

Failed on two accounts, now wants to spread his caliphate to Texas.

Nah. Stay TF out of TX.

JohnnyMagnum357 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not to mention, the observable demons seem to legitimately hate Trump and writhe at the sight of him. Unless they're just good actors......

If the demons really do hate Trump, and Trump is the A.C., then that Kingdom is Divided and cannot Stand.

JohnnyMagnum357 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've thought about #2 a lot, especially since it has been said that "even the elect" will be led astray by the A.C., which would most likely require him to be someone that everyone likes.

Except........we also know that the Son of Perdition is the Father of Lies. There is no Truth in him.

Donald Trump speaks Truth. The A.C. wouldn't be able to tell even a simple truth. If his favorite fast-food is McDonald's, he'd have to tell you it's Burger King.

I don't think the Trump is the A.C. (JMO)

JohnnyMagnum357 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now we just gotta get the ladies who like hetero men to show up, lest it become an unintended sausage-fest of it's own.

JohnnyMagnum357 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is true what you say, that has certainly been the speculation (amongst anons) over the years

I was referring to the actual wording of the drop that says: "First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction".

Over the years, it somehow, in many peoples' minds, morphed into "First arrest will shock the world".

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