To a fellow brutha, that's just extra cushion for the pushin'. 😁
His beard when Big Mike is away.
Because Petrodollar & Israel.
This girl has taken more loads than a worn out dump truck.
Is that like... omg... hair gel?
I love how they picked the pedoiest pic of him you can find!
Between Krugman and Cramer, we have the anti-bellwether duo. How can you lose a trade?!?
What, pumping out babies every 9 months and collecting welfare isn't real work?
Wow... Just wow. Nope, no mental illness here!
Yes, with emphasis on coming.
Pretty obvious projection, isn't it?
Expected Vetting Response: "All nominees that are anti-swamp are dangerous".
I used to call that rag the "Star and Sickle." Pioneer Pravda isn't much better.
This is what I came to say. He knew something that implicated the DS.
This pedo is afraid! You know how some people just make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? I hadn't even heard a single word out of this liberal douche's mouth the first time I heard of him before my body told me he's a creep, not to be trusted.
One thing to keep in mind is Nixon had a liberal Senate and House during his tenure. In a lot of ways he was neutered from enacting sweeping change.
Lol. Tyrants gotta tyrant.
Aged like Fred Sanford's Ripple.
It would be a mostly peaceful binge.
This would be poetic!
I'm actually surprised Medvedev didn't mention this. Perhaps he is pessimistic that Trump won't be able to succeed in cutting off the funding...?
I came here to say exactly this.