It must be his personality!! Kek!
Jesus never leaves any of them and I am sure each one is also held by the guardians angels assigned to them in this life!!!
A nation turning back to God ~ hallelujah!!!
While they have it out for inspection, they should make a whole new one. Who wants anything from fake royalty anyway? Only a select few would know if it's remade.
KEK to the 10th power!!!
I have come to the same conclusion!
As you should be!!
I don't have a lack of faith but maybe I had too much faith that we would see droves of people waking up by now especially after the election. Maybe when revival hits soon, we will see them flip in big numbers. I thought exposure was the big key but they are getting meaner with exposure lol.
Watching the Left for the past month, I am starting to believe that these people ARE NOT going to wake up for years. Things that should be slapping them upside the head and waking them up, is doing the opposite. They don't want unity, they don't want to share freedom, they don't want to have civil conversation. They only want to accuse and condemn. What a truly sad group of people! So we march forward into our brave new but free and just world. Maybe one day they will join us.
I thought he did so in his first term?? Maybe that was cutting off funds and telling other nations to pay their share??
So much good news coming out that FB won't let me post any of it today - ugh!!
I must be dreaming!! Winning feels good and God is good!!
There is a FB post going around with detailed instructions of how to go hard against ICE supposedly lawfully if they are not involved in physical altercations.It's pure sedition and treason. I think it's more than free speech because they are telling people how to break the law and betray America and Americans. If I knew how to report this to Tom Homan anonymously, I would!
My home territory in southern Oregon. Underground city beneath Mount Shasta. My Gramma would tell me about this in the 60's. I just listened, I couldn't process it. Nor the UFO that flew around her in her country home. Then there is very deep and strong witchcraft/occult throughout this area. No wonder the devil and cabal fight so hard for this area.
You are so correct!!
I also believe that all of us saying, "Fine. Print up the ballots. American patriots will vote for him, for a man who does forensic auditing on all of these suspect and corrupt corporations, NGO's, The Fed, Education and on and on. They scream because they are hiding their complicity! Transparency is everything!
They've never been very smart!!
RFK Jr. will be horrified lol. Diet pop is worse than your favorite with sugar. Aspertame or whatever they call it now, is deadly! Let's hope a lot of our food is clean now but not public yet to keep waking people up!!
That was the goal of 'TOO BIG TO RIG !!!'
There will be 1000's of people, one day, not only thanking God but thanking President Trump for ending these mutilating surgeries and medications. Even after President Trump passes away in the future, thousands will pay tribute to him for the ways he saved Americans. They'll need a whole section in his presidential library, for letters, cards, gifts, etc., thanking him for each and every life saving measure he has taken and put into place. I'm sure it will also include 'thank you's' world wide!
I came here to say this!! Is it even possible?? Our hearts are expanding!
Love this!