Kenphut 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fortunately or unfortunately, your and their feelings no longer matter. If you have ever run a successful business (I have, many times) as soon as you start worrying about people’s feelings, you’re done. While it is always nice to employ happy people, they are only happy if you stay in business and none of them would quit of their own volition to help the company. It’s lonely at the top and if you can’t make the tough decisions you’re in the wrong place.

Kenphut 2 points ago +2 / -0

We had 2 alerts in The Bahamas today. Normally 1 alert every 6-7 months. 2 TODAY!! Something about to go down.....

Kenphut 1 point ago +1 / -0

The property fraud case in NYC he was convicted of. They delayed the sentencing until after 11/5. Was originally supposed to be on 9/15 (or thereabouts). Harris will be announced as winner, Trump will be in jail, election fraud will be revealed and military will take control. Remember, Trump cannot be seen to be pulling the strings. He will be isolated and safe. Just my prediction.

Kenphut 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Trump will be sentenced to jail on 11/18 so will definitely be away from the situation both physically and optically.

Kenphut 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hurricane Dorian in 2019 holds record of strongest storm to make landfall in Abaco, Bahamas with 210 mph sustained winds. I know this for a fact. I went through it. 98% of all structures destroyed. Power not restored for a full year. They have no idea what's about to happen. Pray them now.

Kenphut 21 points ago +21 / -0

I'm from Abaco, Bahamas where we experienced something very similar in 2019 with Hurricane Dorian. 98% of all structures destroyed. You were there for us and we are here for you. While we are a small island community of less than 20K people, we have raised over $10K last to send to a faith-based org that helped us out during our time of need. We will continue to find ways to help you as you helped us. We are eternally grateful to the people of Florida, the Carolinas and the rest of the South. We share history, struggles and even families. God bless and know that you WILL get through this. We just celebrated 5 years after Dorian and God is good to us. Christ is King!

Kenphut 20 points ago +20 / -0

Listening to criminals complain about law-breakers is just beyond comedy. If you made this up, no one would believe you. We live in bat-shit crazy-scary times, folks!

Kenphut 5 points ago +5 / -0

I recall they did once accidentally attack Israel and then issued an apology. Pigeon-holed immediately and forgotten about.

Kenphut 9 points ago +9 / -0

Because when we played by our rules we always won, right? It really is refreshing to see the right playing by the rules the left established. You're never going to win at poker if you're playing go-fish.

Kenphut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately I agree with you that Option 3 is probably the most likely to occur. As Q has said, sometimes you have to show the people. It would also make sense having watched the movie over the last 2 years play out with historically very intelligent people doing the stupidest, most obviously corrupt things out in the open. The blatant, transparent lies that everyone can now see are being made by historically very astute and savvy politicians. Saying and doing things they would have never done a few years ago. Its all theater and the climax of the show will be the precipice. Its going to be fugly.

Kenphut 2 points ago +3 / -1

He cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back. Saw that coming from way over here.

Kenphut 4 points ago +4 / -0

How many times can you say the same thing? Either it’s AI or someone who gets paid by the word. Waste of space and time article.

Kenphut 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pissing my self laughing! I wish I had thought if this!

Kenphut 15 points ago +15 / -0

You may be right. He is being forced into the light. Why would he not stay in the shadows and visit Sunak offsite or after hours? He WANTED to be seen. Or he was FORCED to be seen. Either way it kind of blows his cover.

Kenphut 6 points ago +6 / -0

Amazing insights and 1.9 MILLION watching online. That’s insane!!!

Kenphut 0 points ago +1 / -1

You did call it, sir. Founding Fathers hiding their heads in shame at what has become of a once brave, fearless nation. Can’t believe Canadians and Europeans have more guts.

Kenphut 13 points ago +13 / -0

That ‘victim card’ sure gets a lot of use from people who have been nailed as corrupt bastards. Eat a bag of dicks, swamp rat!

Kenphut 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pureblood here... watching this for some reason makes me SO ANGRY at what was done and how it was done. I, for one can NEVER believe anything our media or government says again.

Kenphut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also showing website frazzled.rip that has an evil looking picture of HC. Is this the actual release of the fabled video? Probably not…. Just another LARP

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