So his plan is to expand the "war on drugs", and people are cheering? WTAF.
In a free country all drugs should be legal, they used to be until the Rockefellers bought the medical industry.
How will this be used? To hang big pharma execs, or your local weed dealer who cut into the profits of big pharma?
That's what happened to the library at Alexandria. It all got burned because it all fit in one of two categories...
I disagreed with Islam, in which case it was blasphemy.
It agreed with Islam, in which case it was unnecessary.
Nothing has changed.
You should read her "royal decrees" if you want a laugh. Death penalty for sex under 26, mandatory draft for 5 years, etc, etc. She reminds me of Gail, from the church of Gail.
The best thing is that an anagram for "ROMANA DIDULO" is "I AM UR DONALDO".
No way would they have just spilled the beans of a worldwide master plan.
I disagree. They love to throw it in your face. The part where he says "I'll tell you because no one will believe you anyway" is especially telling. Could be legit, tragically.
Oh, I remember this one. Your vaxx didn't work because I didn't take mine.