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KneelBeforeTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Obviously true.

On the other hand, Bucha was a notorious colony of child rapists (which is legal in Ukraine), so it was justice being handed out by Russia, if you ask me.

KneelBeforeTrump -6 points ago +1 / -7

Looks like he's setting up a street execution for both of them. It's not pretty, but remember that Trump is immune from prosecution for life, so it makes sense. You've got to assume there'll be a lot of entrapment leading to a quick end. Same with Vance and his "family" of blood poisoning invaders. Same with Pedo Hang Mike Pence.

KneelBeforeTrump 1 point ago +3 / -2

Makes sence. The CIA has been the primary source of Global Communism for many centuries.

KneelBeforeTrump -1 points ago +1 / -2

The purpose of Space Force is to purge the rest of the military (or should I say, pedophilitary) after the Take Over in November.

The vast majoirty of the pedophilitary are at least cultural pedophiles.

KneelBeforeTrump 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just a thought, but maybe:

Hal Turner news. Two Russian doomsday nuclear weapons loaded airplanes are airborne from the nuclear arsenal. Posters all over Russia say, “Alaska is Ours.” So Alaska might be the target but it could be Scotland since King Charles III declared war on Russia the alternative news media reported a couple of weeks ago. Or NATO headquarters. Unknown what the targets are. Just hunches. The Russian govt is telling the people there that the West is going to nuke Russia. Looks like Russia might start the exchange with the nuke bombers airborne. Pray for peace in Jerusalem so there will be peace in the world. Captain Kyle on Telegram. Med beds are made in several countries: they have been manufactured 24/7/365 since 2020 producing 5000 per day. Walmarts have been militarized and their computer systems interface with military operations. Fed Ex and Amazon have been nationalized , taken over by the White Hats and will operate when the military takes over publicly. Medbeds can be used for Mental disorders and return normal function to the brain. PTSD can also be healed.Those who have lost limbs can have them regenerated but will have to go through a process of therapy to use them as they did before they were lost. Free Electricity will be available fairly early in the process as the grid is already built out for it, the electrical source will be Tesla electric as opposed to electric fired by Fossil fuels. Trump’s Border Wall is also designed to produce electric power and is set to release an energetic frequency at 432 megahertz which is healing frequency for human beings. Ascending to a higher level of frequency allows your brain to operate, learn, and understand more information, emotions and the spiritual aspect of our lives. Biden will be removed in the midst of the chaos and immediately removed using the 25th amendment. NESARA will be released early in the process so people don’t panic and feel that they are financially in trouble. Wagner FF Coup Analysis. Prigohzin Triple Agent Intel. Belarus & NATO Deterrence Lithuania & Reverse Color Revolution Cultural Tide Shift & Silent Weapon Disclosure Hidden Technology & Frequency Healing Military Deployment & The EBS Moscow Recalls Its US Diplomats NATO Long Range Missiles In Ukraine Sound Of Freedom & Magnitude Of HT SSP Whistleblower: Antartica & Tesla Tech Arrest Wars Set To IntensifyBiden Articles Of Impeachment Cocaine At The White House 25th Amendment & McCarthy Scenarios Ongoing Fiat Collapse & Protecting Assets Election 2024 Military & Geopolitical Assessment Commentary On The Nature Of Evil White Infiltration Of MSM & Big TechParallel Construction & The Art Of War Congress Authorization Act & Tech Disclosure Cheyanne Mountain, USSF, 9/11 & Nesara The Real History Of The Patriot Act Ongoing International Military Tribunals Canadian Military Mobilization & 5 Finger Lakes

KneelBeforeTrump 0 points ago +2 / -2

The condemned is made to stand before a specialized vertical pole or pillar, approximately 10 ft in height.

A rope is attached around the condemned's feet and routed through a pulley at the base of the pole.

The condemned is hoisted to the top of the pole by means of a sling running across the chest and under the armpits.

A narrow-diameter noose is looped around the prisoner's neck, then secured to a hook mounted at the top of the pole.

The chest sling is released, and the prisoner is rapidly jerked downward by the assistant executioners via the foot rope.

The executioner stands on a stepped platform approximately 4 ft high beside the condemned.

The executioner would place the heel of his hand beneath the prisoner's jaw to increase the force on the neck vertebrae at the end of the drop, then manually dislocate the condemned's neck by forcing the head to one side while the neck vertebrae were under traction.

Just saying

KneelBeforeTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Confirms my view that bullets literally bounce off Trump

You could machine gun him point blank in his Holy Face, and all you'd get is a room full of dead pedos, slaughtered by the richochet.


KneelBeforeTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a few things

When Pedo Hillary Clinton was Sec. of State, she was illegally funneling sophisticated weapons through Communist Libya to terrorists in the Communist MidEast in an effort to take out Pedo Assad in Communist Syria for Communist Israel. When the weapons transfer went sideways and the Pedo US Ambassador was killed in Communist Benghazi, it was discovered she was using an illegal private server for secret communications. She destroyed the server, but not before its contents were leaked by Wikileaks, including communications about bizarre occult rituals and inexplicable code words involving children and pizza. Instead of investigating the leak themselves, the Communist FBI relied on a Communist Crowdstrike investigation that falsely claimed the server was hacked by Russia. The Communist FBI cleared pedo HC despite admitting she broke the law, and launched the Russiagate investigation, using more fake Pedo Clinton campaign disinfo to tie Trump to Russia to get a Communist FISA warrant and spy on Trump while leaking dirt to the press to undermine first his campaign, then his presidency. When Trump had a call with Pedo Zelenskyy and asked about Communist Crowdstrike, a “whistleblower” falsely claimed quid-pro-quo and launched the first impeachment to stop Trump’s inquiries. (It was in the midst of this impeachment trial, btw, when Communist Event 201 took place. But that’s another story.) Fast forward to 2024 and Trump is dominating Pedo Biden when he miraculously survives a deep state orchestrated assassination attempt two days before the Rino NC. Two days later Communist Crowdstrike causes the biggest computer network crash in all of history, knocking millions of corporate and government systems offline for hours.

Other than the fact that Communist Blackrock owns Communist Crowdstrike and a Communist Blackrock affiliated investment firm placed millions of Communist dollars betting against DJT in the hours before the assassination attempt by a shooter who was featured in a Communist Blackrock promo, did I miss anything?