Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, did they lose because the spigot funding their utopian fantasy was cut off? I bet Elon will show we have been funding it all along. As Margaret Thatcher said, It only lasts until they run out of other people's money. That is now.

Knotnow 3 points ago +3 / -0

I listened and told others. Some listened, some didn't. Thank-you.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to understand the Karpman Victim Triangle because that's what those with an agenda (commies) use for all kinds of manipulations; not just land. It's a misnomer though. There are actually 4 parties in this game. It starts with someone with an agenda, I'll call him the "wolf." The wolf convinces his target that "she" is a victim, causing her to feel aggrieved, self-righteous, and entitled. He identifies her oppressor for her (the patriarchy, the white land owners, western civilization, etc.). The oppressor then becomes the target of her ire and demands. The wolf then puts on the cloak of the third party of the triangle, that of the rescuer (the Democrats have worn that cloak in the US).

So, in Africa, Purkiss, who is the wolf? Cui bono? The Chinese perhaps?

Below is a great description of what happens. Just replace the woman here with any victim group; it plays out the same: "How did we get to this point anyway, where it seems the most natural thing in the world is for a woman to throw a fit? It started in the ’60s when women were informed they were victims, a status that meant they could do no wrong. Slogans like “believe all women,” “the future is female,” and “hear me roar” became rallying cries. It is a powerful thing to be told not only that you are a victim who deserves special status but that what you think is unimpeachable. Women moved forward confidently in a politically manufactured sense of self-righteousness." https://thefederalist.com/2025/02/13/shrieking-leftist-women-cant-boss-trumps-nominees-or-anyone-else-around-anymore/

Knotnow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump wins, judges lose. The Democrats built, essentially, a Maginot line of defense with rogue judges. Trump just went/is going around it.

Knotnow 20 points ago +20 / -0

"The Trump Team fooled everybody, including me. As last week’s various lawsuits sprouted restraining orders like early buds emerging all over the willow trees in springtime, most commenters expected Trump to take a necessary pause for defensive retrenchment.Surely, we all thought, it would take Trump’s anti-bureaucrats some time to clear the judicial logjam. (Snip) Instead, yesterday Trump tripled down, jamming the battle tank’s accelerator into overdrive and smashing ahead in a whole different direction.His new battlefield banner unfurled yesterday afternoon in the form of one executive order plus three separate press conferences, which together sent a just-relaxing Deep State enemy racing for the bunkers with its trousers still half off."

Read all the way to the bottom. It has several sections that look like a different article. Actually, they are the different aspects of how Trump is circumventing the bad judges.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most normal people have never heard of Deagle, and don't understand the significance of this. It's astounding that something like half of the US population would be gone didn't set off alarms. What will deaths AND deportations do to our population. Its will be interesting to see.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's like Trump said (paraphrased), Yes, I use the loopholes to avoid paying taxes. If they don't want me to, they should change the law. But they won't, because they use them too (as recounted by Dave Chapelle).

I expect business people will use whatever resources are available to profit their business. If we don't like it, we need to pressure our representatives to change the law,

Knotnow 2 points ago +2 / -0

A neighbor girl had chicks, juvenile age, but it was still too soon to tell if they were roosters or hens. They were her babies. One day, while one of them was perched on her knee, a neighbor boy came up to her. The chick immediately started crowing (or croaking), jumped down and went after the neighbor boy. She figured out what that one was-the one with toxic roosteranity.

Knotnow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was USAID funding all the immigrant incursions worldwide, and supporting them (inquiring minds want to know)? Now with the spigot turned off, the assets have become a liability.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had a friend who mysteriously developed anger at her husband and was on the brink of divorce when she realized it was the music she was listening to during her work outs.

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