by gamepwn
Kryshun 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hello! Where did you find out they are here legally?? How do we find out why they are being dumped here? I mean I know a lot of the service industry jobs are having hard times finding employees. That is their own fault for trying to mandate crap, but why only males in that age range? Seems sketchy

by gamepwn
Kryshun 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh no! I'm in the Conway area and it's finally been getting better! Of course they couldn't let their little blue area become more red. UGH! I don't even know how to go about changing this.

Kryshun 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a big reason I chose to homeschool my kids.

by gamepwn
Kryshun 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another Orlandoian here! Deming's is disgusting and needs to get out. At least all the stores I go into never enforce anything. A lot of people are still masking up though. I had to take my kid out of school and homeschool because his school was mandating masks back in August. Blueish city, but not too bad.

Kryshun 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think every child is different. My son cringed a little every time but my daughter screamed her head off. I always felt horrible. Especially now realizing I shouldn't have done it to begin with.

Kryshun 4 points ago +4 / -0

Way too many! It's insane that we just let our babies get shot up with so many things.

I didn't want to type them all out sorry haha

Kryshun 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ya my husband and I decided to stop doing the vaccines all together for our kids. They each got their initial ones before 3 but after that no more. I don't trust anyone. My son has ADHD and I blame the vaccines, fluoride in the water, baby food, and formula on it. I have been researching so much lately and all of it adds up. We put fluoride filters on all of our water sources, got rid of fluoride toothpaste, and stopped vaccines. Still looking into other things. I used to call people like me crazy and now I get it!

Kryshun 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wrote him quite a nasty letter. Telling him he is either ignorant or evil. I told him we all know masks don't work since he was out with friends maskless. Either way he is a horrible mayor and will not be voted in again. I said he should have followed our great governor and given the people the right to decide. I can't stand him! I still never wear a mask anywhere in orange county though

Kryshun 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fauci wouldn't be begging Trump to tell us to take it if it were the case

Kryshun 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aaaggghhh Florida!!! Whyyyy???!!! I thought we were doing so well...oh well they will be voted out.

Kryshun 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for the info! I am just getting into more natural alternatives for medicine so everything helps:)

Kryshun 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where do you personally get it from? I was looking into it and I would like to get some. I just want to get the real stuff. Thanks!

Kryshun 2 points ago +2 / -0

That for sure isn't her. She looks haggard and off white when she has a mask on in the house. Here she looks 20 years younger and off. It's just too off.

Kryshun 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe it will show the "Antifa and BLM are mostly peaceful activists" people that we aren't the problem. They just memory holed the whole summer so it will be a reminder. Maybe even a wake up call to alot of sheep.

Kryshun 4 points ago +4 / -0

Orlando also has mask stupidness everywhere! Orange county schools making kids where them. I actually just wrote our mayor a nice long email with all my complaints. I basically told him he is either ignorant or evil. Gave him a bunch of articles on how unsafe and stupid masks are. Called him out on his pictures of being out without a mask and that he should have followed our amazing governor's lead and let the people decide if they want to wear a mask or not. I told him he is just virtue signalling to the stupid people in orange county and the evil liberals high up. He needs to be a true leader and give people the facts and not require businesses and schools to wear them. We are working on moving out of the city.

Kryshun 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ya my brother asked how it actually was when he saw I was there. He isn't a trump fan or a biden fan. He is just has no opinion one way or the other which drives me nuts. He figured it was a set up though. My mom on the other hand has tds and was disappointed. I basically told her to shove it and that I will forever be proud of standing up for our country. Even she wouldn't turn me in. I think this is a product of being taught that family isn't important especially depending on where you grew up. That and getting money and short lived fame for doing basically anything stupid.

Kryshun 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where all the minors are being held is completely off limits to any reporter due to "covid". That is concerning. These kids could disappear without anyone knowing they were here. We can't even see the conditions they are putting them in.

Kryshun 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have also had this strange calmness. I was fired a month ago and was so okay with it. They were forcing me to wear a mask. I said no and then was fired immediately. I ended up starting my own e-commerce store and keeping my daughter home with me. I am now able to actually spend quality time with both of my children and have so much more family time. I'm starting to enjoy the here and now and it's beautiful. I used to have a vodka soda drink every night to relax and now I don't need it. I listen to some vibration raising and healing music and fall fast asleep. I'm loving life right now.

Kryshun 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think there are aliens here and they have been hiding it. This would be so great if they finally came clean

Kryshun 93 points ago +93 / -0

So that stolen c4 from the military last week is used for a false flag to blame trump supporters and not be able to proceed with the impeachment just when it's trump's turn to defend himself......just my opinion

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