Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 5 points ago +5 / -0

A few years back, I believe it was in 2019, I went to the Chicago Auto Show the day that Louis Farrakhan was speaking nearby. Man o Man, the Hyatt was packed with the weirdest group of well dressed black folk you could imagine!

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 3 points ago +3 / -0

NEW construction in liberal cities already has GAS appliances outlawed. No GAS being plumbed to new construction, period.

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminds me of Richard and Sal calling Tradio selling Westinghouse Barometers and Westinghouse Basketball Goals.

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think she sought these changes, or at least was predisposed to this sort of behavior. Leaving home gave her the total freedom to enact this total transformation without any backlash from her family.

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would a surgeon ever tell someone NO? IF someone comes in WANTING work to be performed, it's the laborer's job to do as they ask. NEVER dissuade someone from making a poor decision so as long as you're getting paid and you weren't the one to suggest said poor decision. Every man has free will afterall.

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 2 points ago +3 / -1

I have a feeling Eatglobalists feels similar as to how I do about all of this, which is why he asked the loaded question 😁

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 2 points ago +5 / -3

You see, on this website, when something that's been propped up as THE PLAN for months and years turns out to be a nothing burger, it's wiped from headlines everywhere as if it had never happened in the first place.

The playbook here is no different than the democrats. You can't question the official narrative, and when anything BAD happens, no one reports!

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 26 points ago +26 / -0

Why would they ban someone who's just making sure that we're all in this together and that everyone is receiving their regularly prescribed coof boosters?

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 5 points ago +5 / -0

My Fiance's 69 year old father died on December 22nd. Hospital labeled death as "Post-Covid Infection." Death certificate reads "Pre-existing Heart Conditions and Age" as the cause of death.

There was NO way they knew anything about a "Post-Covid infection" and I'm not sure where in the hell that came from, other than that he tested privately at home behind closed doors a few months prior and tested "positive."

As far as I know he only took 2 shots and then started to feel ill after the second shot and refused to get any more. He had severe memory problems for a long while after that second jab, but they began to clear up, and then all of a sudden his wife found him lying on the floor of their kitchen. Later spoke with a friend, said they had talked on a phone less than an hour before she found him unresponsive.

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Trust me, I said earlier this week that I take classified materials seriously." Well OK, that solves it then, case closed!

Kwanzaa_Ist_Kaput 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be consistent on fake news. Places like GP make us all look like fucking idiots.

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