You've seen the ad for her children's clothing line, right?
Searching "London Bridge ten days" will bring back more articles.
myself and my kids aren't going to get tested for something that has next to no transmission
You're missing out on the fun. My spouse got injected (twice) for his work. Came down with "covid". We went and got the test kits and for fun, I tested myself too (no injection). His came back positive, mine did not. We share food, a bed, and all that other fun stuff, yet I didn't get a sniffle and he had man-flu for a few weeks.
Try and watch it in D Box or the seats that move. Well worth the extra bucks.
As above Anon says, yeah, there are various races and a female pilot but their race or gender never come into question or become a plot point.
They are safer during these times.
Skype updated and required a birthday to continue using the program. I, a smartass, put in a fake birthday account with the year ending that same year. (2015 or 2016 I think.) Got locked out for being underage. Contacted both email and a phone call to Skype/Microsoft. To get my account back I would need to fax them my driver's license or other government ID to confirm my age. I asked them how do they know it's the correct ID? It's not like I'm standing in front of a Microsoft employee that can look at me and look at my photo ID and confirm. No, the customer support said just fax an ID and I can unlock my account. Insane.
For those who have not seen this, Wag The Dog is this exact thing:
CDC FOIA page:
No clue how to navigate it to get documents though.
They will just keep fucking us over and giving us PENNIES for our suffering.
Even more so because it's TAXPAYERS that will pay for this.
Any person who is found guilty should have their wages, property and any other capital garnished.
Yes, her accent does seem thicker now then before.
There was a good video, of course removed from YT, about the connections the Ramsey family had with others. I believe the guy that did the video was Brad C, goes by the handle WWG1WGA, LogicalBrad and Logical Faction.
It has to do with the flu virus' "drift" and "shift," said Fauci, who's part of the effort to fight future outbreaks. What's called antigenic drift has to do with small changes in the genes of the influenza virus year to year, while an antigenic shift has to do with a major change, which can cause pandemics.
"This is so different from other important viruses like measles. The measles I got as a child is the same measles that's in the vaccine that we vaccinated my children with. So you don't have to worry about that change," Fauci said Tuesday on "CBS This Morning." "So what we're fighting against is trying to get a [flu] vaccine that would induce a response against that part of the virus that doesn't change from season to season or with a pandemic. We refer to that as the universal flu vaccine."
Thank you! I see you posted about a YouTube channel in another post here, do you have recommendations on reading from it? I am spending too much time on the computer so focusing on physical books.