LaylaTee123 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jamie Dlux does excellent coverage of AIDS and Fauci. He's done several videos lots of receipts. Please check him out. He's on bitchute YouTube and maybe rumble nit sure.

LaylaTee123 5 points ago +5 / -0

My husband gets anxiety attacks. He gets dizzy, light headed and a few times passed out. The doctors were no help. Gave him adivan at the hospital and it helped but prescribed him an antihistamine because he was a medical marijuanna card holder and they can't give him narcotics if he has that card. No matter he wouldn't take those anyways. So I did alot of research and started making him ghost pipe tincture. One handful of the plant makes enough tincture to last a year. When he feels an attack coming on he drops a little on his tounge and it works almost immediately. Please do some research on this, it might help.

LaylaTee123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Update...I called the office of Joycelyn Benson and ask about the situation. The lady on the phone was a total bitch and was clearly pissed that I had the nerve to bother her with such questions. She said "ma'am ballots could be from anywhere,a truck rally or coloring contest....what do you want me to say?" After a snarkey comeback she decided to answer my questions. Long story short, she said that there has been early voting so they were most likely from the clerks office in Washington Mi.

LaylaTee123 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't know. She said it 3 times that they are coming from Washinton. Did not specify.

LaylaTee123 11 points ago +11 / -0

I live in Michigan and I was at the post office yesterday. There was a lady there to pick up ballots. She was frustrated because the lady working there didn't know where they were. I know Michigan has early voting but she specifically stated that they were coming from Washington. Anyways, they found her ballots and after she left the mail lady said she's always mad because she comes to pick up ballots and they are always late and she has to wait or come back for them later. So, when we early vote we send it to Washington then back to Michigan for any no name Nancy to pick up?? I might be an idiot but it seemed weird.

LaylaTee123 22 points ago +22 / -0

Easier to digest if people were "tricked" into being there. Maybe that's the case for some but alot of those sick fucks visited epsteins island multiple times. They knew what they were doing.

LaylaTee123 8 points ago +8 / -0

I guess we will just have to let the military step in and handle the elections. They could make sure that only AMERICANS are voting.

LaylaTee123 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can get mullein oil from most health food stores or maybe amazon. It's supposed to help with the pain.

LaylaTee123 1 point ago +1 / -0

I took a teaspoon of honey mixed with cinnamon to make a paste and a fish oil pill every day. Fixed my numbers in 4 months. It was quite a few years ago so I don't remember how high my numbers were but my doc was impressed.

LaylaTee123 18 points ago +18 / -0

I just learned how to make my own. Drained the apple scraps out yesterday. Sits for a few months and then I'll have a years supply. I'll never buy it again.

LaylaTee123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess that's just what they do with all the contaminated properties here in Michigan. It's a shame.

LaylaTee123 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a pic of the warning sign in this article. You have to click it to read it.

LaylaTee123 8 points ago +9 / -1

It's so bad! In my city the cleared an old contaminated site that once held an auto plant and made it into a recreational walking park. Didn't bother to totally clean up the property, just posted signs warning people not to have contact with the soil. But it safe to bring your kids for a nice walk right?? It's the second site withing a few miles. Last time the put playground equipment in, and new signs to warn people not to touch the soil. Just sickening! Both sites are on very contaminated rivers thanks to dow. Saginaw river and the titabawassee.

LaylaTee123 4 points ago +4 / -0

The stupid "president " is in my city today and they have blockades to keep everyone away from him. It's a shame when you have to hide from the people!

LaylaTee123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love this guy. His content is very informative. He's got spreadsheets showing who owns what in the grocery store. Good stuff

LaylaTee123 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm sending all the good vibes over to ya. Hopefully you get this miracle.

LaylaTee123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly exercising and stretching helps. Tell them to Google exercise for sciatica. It takes time but does help.

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