LilyBee24 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing like having slave labor to provide you income. Isn't prison for punishment? I joked about attending the south American prison school but truly, who is benefitting the most when prisoners are creating an actual product?

LilyBee24 -3 points ago +1 / -4

It's the get the fuck outta here. You started off sounding like a whiny jew, and I wasn't interested in listening. Embarrass myself? You think I give 2 shits what anybody in this world thinks of me lol. My president said antisemitism and death penalty in the same fucking conversation. Yes, I have reason to be concerned when my first amendment rights are trampled one.

And I am just super lazy about reading long messages. I have no desire to correct people online. I'm interested in my own thoughts and feelings, not yours. Unlike many of you, I don't come here for self assurance.

So forgive for not caring about giving a full response before, but my heart is not here for you.

Now, I'm done. Take that as you will. And take care.

LilyBee24 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow. Well, your mind is still super sharp!! And you seem to have lots of energy. I hope I'll be as blessed as I age! And you are definitely as asset here. 😊

LilyBee24 -4 points ago +1 / -5

Lol some of you sure get upset. How about you fuck off buddy. I don't appreciate that smack talk for simply sharing my opinion.

Take care.

LilyBee24 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's alotta time spent responding, I appreciate your effort.

I'm still not convinced 100%, but luckily my opinion has no bearing on the outcome of whatever may come.

LilyBee24 1 point ago +3 / -2

It was at one of the rallies, I think. I'll try to look for a video after I'm done work.

LilyBee24 4 points ago +9 / -5

When my president threatens the citizens with the death penalty for speaking against Israel, that's a little more than just a psyop. And now Florida has Israel license plates, wtf?

Half the days, I'm hopeful. Half, I feel like we are being led off a cliff. Time will tell.

LilyBee24 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember a story shortly after her election win, I think. A cafe in Italy was bombed and her best friend was there. She was killed. After that she started back talking some of her immigration policies.

LilyBee24 2 points ago +2 / -0

But that's like saying a black in Germany is German. I disagree with this. If a person don't share my ancestral blood, they're not German.

LilyBee24 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel a little bad. I understand how hard it is out there but you stupidly vote for the ones keeping you down, believe the ones constantly lying to you.... I mean, somethings gotta give, even if it's your sanity.

My daughter rear-ended some Russian guy not long ago. She's so programed to 'do the right thing' she told him to call the cops, all frantic. He wasn't going to at first lol. I'm like, well, that was silly.

LilyBee24 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was excited for that organic farmer to be Secretary of Agriculture. I guess that was a rumor. I don't care for a covid pusher to be in government but at the same time, a lot of Republicans still believe in covid. Maybe she knows the truth and will speak it when the time is right. The manufacturers are immune from liability still.

LilyBee24 3 points ago +4 / -1

Wait, does he have an AIPAC handler? If Tom Massie is the 'only one without one', who is Ron's?

LilyBee24 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe lol.

I'm impressed by some of those food vendors but he could have looted 7-11 with a better outcome.

LilyBee24 11 points ago +11 / -0

Damn. The only part of the story I'm interested in, isn't there.

'What food is worth is worth dying over??!' Lol

LilyBee24 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm so excited for the future. Believing all of these children growing up now will be so much better off in the future has me thrilled everyday!

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