There is no level of hatred and disdain for the Leftist elites that is appropriate. As we’ve seen over the last few months “we do not hate these people enough”.
They are evil, demonic, arrogant, pseudo-intellectual, despicable, vile, narcissistic, sexual deviants.
We are constantly finding out how promiscuous these people are. That only reinforces to me that they are demonically oppressed.
The only way to save this Country, even with Trump in office again, is to stand up and turn back to God.
It has become so clear to me over the last few years that some people are just incapable of contributing to a functioning society. They are too stupid, too lazy, too violent, or all of the above.
There is a reason these illegals’ home countries are all complete shithole disasters. It’s because they are all idiots who do not have the ability to form a prosperous civilization and society.
Praise God! He works in mysterious ways.
These people are evil demons. No other explanation for their behavior.
Only one tweet I care about… we all know.
Say what you want about Putin, but he is a strong and effective leader. He does not allow anything to come before his country and her people.
Sure seems like we are seeing a global revival. The kind foretold in the book of Revelation before Christ’s return.
lol. Anyone who pays attention to any of this shit is lost at this point. If a virus becomes actually serious, it will be readily apparent to all of us. Until then, fuck em.
This is absolutely wild to me. I’ve been on and off with the hardcore Q stuff, but the fakery of the Kamala rallies is really interesting to me. It is certainly the most compelling evidence I’ve seen that we are watching a production.
Seeing people support this woman because she is “happy” and “joyful” is so disheartening. So many people are just completely lost, and it’s our children who will pay the price for their ignorance.
Not a word or thought about policy. Just support her because she smiles and is fake nice. Plenty of stories about her being a total c**t behind closed doors.
“Standing” is made up gobbledygook that courts use to get out of having to rule on important issues. It made sense as a legal doctrine when SCOTUS first crafted it, but it has sense become an excuse to ride the bench, or actively shoot down otherwise valid cases.
These two don’t even like each other. Leftist politicians are completely manufactured constructs. An amalgamation on pandering, identity politics, pop culture garbage, and whatever else appeals to the lemming masses at any given time.
What is wrong with these fucking people? Their thinking is so warped and backwards. I truly cannot think of a non-spiritual warfare way that someone could think things like this.
I am becoming more and more convinced that everyone on the Left is demonically oppressed. Especially the politicians.
Make no mistake, they will try this. They will try whatever they possibly can to prevent Trump taking office. It’s going to be a LONG 6 months.
Our government is nothing more than a money laundering operation. It’s like the multi billion dollar high speed internet deal she was a part of that never actually hooked anyone up with high speed internet. Not a single person.
It’s a sad day when Muslims have more courage and will to fight to defend the image of Jesus than most American Christian’s do.
He’s 100% right. For way too long Christianity and the Church have been weak, feeble, and completely submissive. The watered down “gospel” and doctrine of “ God loves everyone no matter what” has turned Christian’s into weak, inept, benchwarmers who sit on the sidelines while a clear spiritual war is going on.
Christianity has take “turn the other cheek” way too far. Let’s not forget that when Jesus saw the money changers in the temple, he fashioned a whip as a weapon and drove them out. He didn’t try and talk through it with them. Christians need to stand up and follow suit.
The amount of times I’ve seen this clip taken entirely out of context and used as a basis for someone claiming Trump wants to become a dictator, or will never leave office, is ridiculous. People are so stupid. He’s obviously talking about Christian’s being able to go back to not voting in 2026, since they typically do not vote it would seem.
This is good to see. It’s been brutal the last couple days. Just being inundated with the Democrat Machine and pro Kamala garbage. It’s everywhere.
We are supposed to believe that not even two weeks ago she had the lowest approval rating of any VP ever, but now she is some kind of polling darling? Ridiculous.
Idk. Certainly won’t be loved around the world since he appears to have been enabling a tranny groomer for the last 5+ years.
Absolutely disgusting.
Since when does the left play by any rules or any provisions in the constitution? Wouldn’t surprise me at all if they nominated him as VP and called everyone racist for having a problem with it.
Also wouldn’t surprise me if they nominated him as VP and the Republicans in office did nothing to combat it.
Good riddance. Every last one of these late night show ghouls needs to be done away with. Who even watches these talk shows anymore?
No excuse for anything but mass noncompliance with any regulations and mandates they put out with this next pandemic.
Every time is a see someone, specially a Black American, wake up, it warms my heart. We cannot save this country without an awake and aware Black America. Before LBJ the black family, and specifically black fathers, were strong, wise, and moral. The Welfare State decimated and destroyed Black America and their once healthy and strong culture, which is exactly what it was intended to do. We all know the quote from LBJ, an avowed racist, who for some reason is held up as a paragon of virtue by the MSM to Black America.