I think Tucker wanted to join the CIA but was deemed to not have the goods for the agency. I think Putin was letting Tucker know—“I know you.” In a KGB kind of way. Putin also said he was glad Tucker didn’t get a job with the CIA, and I took that to mean he recognized Carlson is doing good work at exposing the matrix.
Brilliant! Yes, this is Putin! He made a big deal about handing Tucker that file—right up front in the interview where NO ONE would miss it. Every deep state player is shitting their pants right now wondering what’s in that file.
Great catch!!
Aunt died in the hospital being treated for Covid. They basically killed her. Her husband, out of guilt, went and got his first vax. Died of a stroke within 48 hours. Found dead on the floor.
Niece, 48 year old surgeon, had a heart attack after the vax, but lived.
Everyone I know who was vaxxed is sick all of the time.
So, the two places we live have awful water. Our dog won’t even drink it. It’s sad because when I was a kid, we drank water from the hose—good clean water. But as the years have passed, water has gotten progressively worse. Anyway, we bought a Berkey and enjoy the kind of water we remember. We have both their regular filter and their fluoride filter. We don’t buy bottled water. We’re convinced if the shit hits the fan we can filter just about any kind of water through it except sea water. We use it for coffee, cooking, etc. We’ve already paid for it by not buying bottled. You couldn’t pay me to drink the water in Florida or NY. If this makes me a Karen, I could give two craps. It’s part of our prepping.
It’s not a trivial question.
Zero Hedge was reporting today that 38% of American companies may lay off workers in the coming years, especially banks and retail. 50,000 American retail stores are slated to close by 2025.
We’re close to a recession, if we’re not there already and people are already suffering….but what? Royal Caribbean built a 2 billion dollar cruise ship now? Who is going to fill its decks?
You’d think the captains of industry know more than we do. So what are they thinking? Things are going to get better? There’s hope?
20 stories. 9 decks. Rooms for more than 7,000 passengers and 3,000 crew members. 9 pools. A wave pool and putt putt golf course. Nine neighborhoods, each with a unique theme. 9 restaurants. Insane.
We have five kids in their 20’s and 30’s. All but one are vaxxed.
Of the four that are vaxxed: three are constantly sick. One has been sick just this month twice in three weeks. But all three seem to pick up every bug or virus.
One of the three who are always sick, has not been able to get pregnant, but keeps covering it up saying she isn’t ready. It’s so incredibly sad. She was, just two years ago, so excited to start a family.
One of the four keeps getting Covid. Over and over.
All 4 have been vaxxed three times—and two maybe more.
All 4 refuse to debate any of the issues—vax, Deep State, truth, at all.
Thankfully, one is fully awake.
And that just might be an accurate reflection of society right now: 1 out of 5 awake, the rest stubborn, 1 out of 5 can’t conceive, everyone sick as their immune systems are destroyed.
But isn’t this exactly what the DS has been planning?