Lord_Moo 6 points ago +7 / -1

Symbolism that I've seen so far perhaps

Baby + Meat = Children sacrifice/fuel basically pedo elite shit (think spirit cooking) Vial with 9 = Strychnine more than likely. Near her head, maybe she's afraid of being poisoned? Yin/Yang + Abe Lincoln + Jack in the box + White Rabbit + gender Symbolism = The balance to all things, politically and presently are out of balance and it made a joke of all things. Things are out of balance and it's almost comical. Clock at 3:55 - Today the move 355 releases today which already had viral marketing out for it. Piano SSS Blood + Picture with beach scene = Direct callback to Epstein Island (considering the baby food stuff too)

Sheet music with Chinese symbols? an Eye, and 683? I don't have much there yet.

Alice in Wonderland Feels (rabit + blonde girl in blue dress) Perspective warping = Hallucinagenic?

There's more notes to take for sure but its hard to say if it actually means anything or is just perspective

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Who are these experts they keep talking about? Is it just a filler word for the media to use as a fake source of credibility? What kind of person is an expert on queen "phases?" Jesus Christ, they make everything up don't they? But what am I supposed to do about it, experts already told me they'll handle everything for me.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gross... Yea evidently it looks like something they are pursuing? I just remember seeing a brochure of this a week or two ago and I saw that it was not a real brochure (but that possibly the change was real, but not yet changed) I don't wanna see this in fact, a lot of the communities out here would have a problem with it.

One thing is for certain, if it goes against the grain of the Mormons here it won't survive long. Sad in a way, since they have some of the strictest policies on a lot of stuff but honestly I feel safe where I live. It never got bad here at any point but it feels like an island sometimes, can't go anywhere else and get this kind of freedom. (I'm in southern UT I hear SLC is way worse) but yea it's a bit shocking seeing the other parts of the world react the way they do. Seems alien that people would just be like "vax me harder daddy" vs "wtf is this gonna do?"

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I live in Utah and I haven't heard a single thing about this. I even work within a block of the DMV. Most everyone except Salt Lake City is conservative and would absolutely bust a gasket if they tried to use this kinda thing here. I have every reason to believe it's faked. If it isn't then I'm shocked it hasn't been slapped down.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh my god, yes! I have had this SAME video suggested to me. What's strange is that I can usually trace back my YT video suggestions about which videos i started taking interest in. I'm pretty damn basic guys...

I watch videos on cutting Black Opal (I took it upon myself to get into rockhounding and I think Black Opal is my favorite of all gemstones and the guy I watch is so damn interesting) and the other is MrBallen videos (scary stories/thrilling stories/good story telling etc).

For this to show up seemed random to me, seemed pre-predicting, lots of telltale signs of "Yea I heard/saw that recently" before an "event" took place. I saw something on Reddit a few days prior about solar flares and how they are already a danger at any random moment. I also think I saw the same video linked somewhere else, gamingcirclejerk? I can't remember for the life of me.

Basically, it seems as though THIS is going to be the next event this weekend, it's no doubt to have another terror event around sept 11th for effect cause the media is going for any and all sort of tropey fan made fiction of terror these days why not 9/11 as their pinnacle of false flags.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the perfect response here is not to attack him based on any conjecture that would bother bringing medical relevance, as his position is to dismiss that for peace of mind. Rather, prove the fact that dilligence is always required, even when we want so bad to trust the hand that feeds, sometimes we have to bite back, because then the hand won't give us something that would poison us.

Bring the distrust back, the checks and balances of power. We have eased into a state of well being that things will "always work out" if we seek them with good intentions. Let's just remind that the people we are trusting with something that has the optics to reach every corner of the world is going to be used for complete and utter altruism is a naive concept that should be stopped.

Might we remind the world that just our government has been responsible after atrocity after atrocity to every American let's compile a list. A few short examples at the top of my head already are:

MK Ultra - Tests and experimentation on the psyche with mind altering drugs and treatments, all within the ruse of bettering medicine for the good of humanity, rather testing secret mind control tactics and mind altering that goes well beyond the realm of ethical straight into evil mentality.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Testing men who had an easily treatable and testable illness (syphilis) and telling the men who were undereducated and explicitly trusted their government to treat them for this mysterious illness known for "bad blood" were essentially given no treatment for the course of their lifetime just so that we could know what the causes of untreated syphilis would do. They did pay them, but they never disclosed till late in their lives about what they had and that they had chose to do nothing. Some of them died, some of them lived normally-ish, they could ONLY see their government doctor, this superseded military doctors as well.

Radioactive testing - On numerous occasions the government has done testing with radiation and either given a false perception of the circumstances (you have cancer (no you dont) we are trying to treat you (with more raditation)). A lot of plutonium was injected or administered without knowledge to patients just to study the effects.

These are just a few of the more than enough examples that there are on just OUR government in the US have done to it's citizens. It's his duty to think half a damn thought and question the motivations and altruism of "the hand that feeds" and ask if it they need to find a new government or replace the people in power.

It really is a big ask, and I think that's why it's hard to ask a coworker to do something so extreme just because of a few bad notions. But, those who had done so in the past have paid the price and now we are on a global scale of disagreements of medical treatment for something either people understand to well and it conflicts with the medias story or they don't understand well enough and eat the stories right out of their hands as they ask for more vaccine fluid in their body to feel like they have the approval to be healthy from the government.

I don't know that's what I have gone to when I don't want to bring someone into my "conspiracies" because these "conspiracies" in the past were already proven, and admitted, and 'apologized' for. Bill Clinton apologized for the Tuskagee experiments. THESE PEOPLE WERE IN OUR GOVERNMENT. These people who did the experiments LIED, made things worse for the sake of watching to see what happened, they have no empathy. You can't placate your own fears and say "it'll probably be fine" when the track record has always been at our detriment.

The government has never tested "super soldier serum" secretly and watched how well someone's life got better, it's a story that only exists in comic books, where you can think the governments ideology is aligned with the betterment of it's citizens. There are good people out there, but they aren't the ones who chose the job, but rather the job called for them because they were the type people wanted. A truly elected official, not this scamdemic nonsense of a circus this has turned into. If that doesn't get some cogs moving in his mind hole, then he might as well have an empty mind hole and get vax 3.0 and 3.1 3.2 and make sure he gets all his shots cause he will need them to please daddy Biden, although pray his kids are grown up...

by BQnita
Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am totally on board with the Netflix hate, but I will go down on a sinking ship to say that She-Ra was a great show when analyzed through the lens of psychology specifically through abuse and how you can be entirely blinded to an entire culture and fight against it relentlessly without realizing their ideals because leadership literally used propaganda to hide those ideals (good people doing good things painted to be evil, evil painted to be good) and the intricate workings of how characters developing realistic personalities when heavy trauma both physically and mentally come into play.

Yes, it does show LGBT type material, but I wouldn't consider this show to be for the younger audience anyways. This is like a young adult show that even grown adults can resonate with. That being said, I don't try to make a bigger deal of a fantasy world's culture to try and apply it to our own in some sort of masqueraded sense. It's just a "this world is different" trope, imagine if people just liked who they liked and they didn't make a big deal on the why because of gender - it wasn't important so they never explained it, nor cared to elaborate.

Netflix is complete garbage on their other show line ups without and remorse or candor. The show in the pic is the only one I'd defend from this angle. Just because it's great if you go into it with the right mindset.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Umm... Yes it 100% has to do with frequencies. I mean, technically yes you can throw any amount of energy into a frequency and aim it at something and it will have some sort of effect, but there's something I may want to bring to your attention and that is the physical characteristics of an antenna and it's effect on frequencies, especially in the electromagnetic spectrum and it's ability to receive and transmit energy. This handy device is called an antenna.

Now EVERTHING is an antenna, to some regard, if steel in a particular shape, or type of material receives at a different frequency, you'll have more efficiency using that frequency.

But saying you're shooting a beam, what frequency would YOU use? Gotta pick something, might as well make it damn efficient to take out a building.

The only way we take frequency out of the equation is if the beam is not actually a beam and uses some other kind of technology using a different form of energy.

You could also just like... I don't know, send so much energy across a broad spectrum and just melt stuff, but as you might guess, would take up more than a literal shit ton of energy and would likely have signs of melting across all objects, not just steel, or you can fine tune it to effect just one thing.

Think X-Ray, we specifically use these because it's easy to go thru skin, but reflects off bone, giving us an image of bone directly. We use just a flash, it's a really high frequency, therefore, lots of energy/short distance, but we want different materials to react with it differently and use that information to deduce some sort of information. If you're going to destructive aspect, you can blast someone with radiation in the x-ray range and give someone cancer, say like 1,000 times more energy (idk im not a biologist) but 1000x more energy for such a short distance just to give a little bit of cancer and not melt someone first... you get my point right?

I figure DeathRayDesigner would have known that... But death rays may vary in technology? idk man, frequency is the key to most everything in terms of energy an things ranging from radio to x-rays, even to visible light.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe more importantly he didn't tell people he hadn't actually died in season 2 (maybe unaware or trying to be more or less nonchalant) He shows up to his own funeral to surprise everyone, that after his all out battle with "the ultimate life form" he had actually survived.

Also fought vampires, or "the pillar men" who largely drank blood from their victims and thought they were elite and on another level.

Also traveled the world being attacked and evading the enemy who basically had a hit squad after him.

Had access to practically any sort of transportation.

Had a stand who took "spirit photos" using photographs and later using TVs to divine information about his enemies.

Again led others to believe he died AGAIN after fighting DIO.

Also don't forget Joestar family has a Star on their body somewhere, considering McAfee's tattoo? Maybe you can associate Jospeh's mechanical hand with that as well? Hard to say, but a lot can be gleaned from that.

Could be he was just a fan, just speculation.

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea I didn't really analyze DEWs all too much besides what I believe to be the theory behind them, which is a beam from space.

I'm just asserting It's likely not a satellite. Energy weapons exist, and in fact are really fun to theorize, but to get something to work from space to hone in on a signal to take out a building is just very unlikely.

That being said, I would say that starting a fire is definitely feasible, Higher frequencies can be honed into a tighter beam, making the energy and focal point very direct. Would that take out a building with what seems to be raw force? No. Do I think they could burn it? Oh for sure, but there are many counter measures to that so it's probably why it isn't super practical to always use.

Now I do think the idea of a fire causing some of those can be done, maybe not likely but that doesn't always mean it didn't. Also, hate to say it, but pictures aren't enough evidence to conclude alone that "it must have been the DEWs!"

I was pretty skeptical of the whole fire scenario when that stuff was going down, definitely foul play imo. Just doesn't have to be DEWs.

I'm in no way a resident expert with them though, but I feel as though there would be some very specific signs to investigate. Like, if it was a beam how does it operate? How does it burn exactly? Is it the focal point of frequency? What kind? Is it even EMF? or is it something else? If it's EMF then the specific frequencies would affect some materials but not others possibly. Idk, I just kinda doubt it, if you had a fire starting laser what would you do with it?

But in no way did it take out a building, it just seems too far fetched, the fires I give it a plausible since i haven't looked more into myself. Not trying to be all skeptical Sam, but I'm just trying to direct things in a more productive way, ya know? I don't think it's harmful to reshape other possibilities. Personally, I just think it was something like thermite or something to simultaneously burn thru the supports. Also to choose to make the building collapse vs just burning it where you know what your target is seems like a very valid way to not guarantee destruction of what your target was. Fire would likely be a better way.

Lord_Moo 17 points ago +18 / -1

It is very likely not a DEW from space, if you have a satellite in space, the lowest orbit ones are 160km from Earth. Even if you focused that frequency, which would affect steel, which would likely be it's resonant frequency which is under 1Mhz would have a large wave length. The larger that wave length is the larger the focused array has to be. A 1Mhz frequency alone is 300m, they don't have satellites that big.

Also, for a building to be targeted with just it's steel remotely like that you'd need to take in effect the entire building and it's materials, as other materials would inhibit the resonance of just the steel. Higher density > lower frequency, higher stiffness > higher frequency.

Also with frequency there is a steep drop off of power over distance. Although low in frequency it can travel far, the power behind that frequency would not be very strong, you'd need a monumentally large power source, and dish in order to focus a directed energy weapon to take out a building like that, high tech or not it's bound by physics. You don't need a strong signal to receive with a receiver, but in order to have a transferrence of energy, well, even if the signal drops 10dB that's 10x less power. How much power do you need to obliterate a building? no idea, I assume it's a lot. I say obliterate because in that video if that's low frequency energy weapon then that's straight up a weapon of mass destruction, they'd do more with that if they had that.

DEWs are cool in theory but mostly science fiction if you're thinking satellites. I can see some applications that they have an effect but not strong enough to destroy a building that focused from 160km away, with a frequency with a wavelength of 300m. The parabolic reflector must be larger than the wavelength, so 300m+ dish in space might a bit of a problem being discrete.

Likely if this was an energy weapon of sorts, if you choose to believe so, it's much closer than you'd think. also you'd have to take into account that when we do see steel start to lose it's integrity it isn't nearly instantaneous like what we see here. If it was then holy hell, mega death satellite in space kinda means ultimate power to anyone on the surface.

Not trying to be a downer, but although it's not directed related to my field, I'm an electrical engineer who works in the cellular field, I mostly did a ton of google fu to reiterate the concepts that I am not very versed in, but it's easy to say it's a bit more science fiction than reality. DEWs exist, but their power, strength, range, scope, are all more limited than you'd imagine.

TLDR; I nerded out on some science stuff, likelihood of DEWs from space are almost 0 to be the culprit, frequency isn't magical it makes a lot of sense, just gotta wrap your brain around some universal concepts and apply it to a new medium.

by BQnita
Lord_Moo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Jack has been incommunicado for awhile right?

Something tells me he got the "dude you're fucked" moment on the 13th and then just kinda packed up shop and is probably now "working remote" on some VPN while the FBI is lookin for his CP infested Servers.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're right he is president. You're wrong that he should or would be considered legally the president. Why do you think we have the laws in place like we do. When they are ignored or aren't backed by the people it isn't a democracy anymore. It's not even a republic. It's a god damned dictatorship dressed up as a "progressive" elected president. So yea. You can have that, unlike you I don't need to know the taste of his dick, to you I'm sure you'd say it's kool-aid and beg for more.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude I'd say get a day job but this looks like yours is to go thru new and just post doomer shit and say Biden is our president accept it.

Give me one reason why I should accept someone who didn't give us a chance to count his damn votes, the ones that were legitimate by the way. Do you know how fucked everything was with this election?

Changing laws right before election, not doing the screenings on the voting machines to the extent that was required.

Georgia literally saying in their court review of the machines, paraphrasing "Hey we will use these machines, but only because by the time we found out how sketchy they were we didn't have the time nor funds to switch to another system, so dominion you're on thin ice, it's not if this will be abused it's when so fix it" and the very first election with it we are already having the largest controversy ever? No.

Biden getting away with saying the stupidest shit. If you're so comfy with Joe and kids leave him in a room with yours give him a few hours.

No one watches Joe's videos, he gets massive dislikes, everyone would rather watch trump every damn minute. All Joe knows how to do is fuck everything up, Obama is on record of saying he is a complete incompetent fool. No one respects him. Reports from female SS staff that he makes them very uncomfortable, he swims naked all the time too there when he was VP. He doesn't know the word honor. Not when he hangs out with the most vile politicians of all time. He knew he lost, he hid in a fucking basement all thru the election because when he opens his mouth they can't trust he won't fuck it up. His audience for the inauguration was a bunch of flags... Don't you dare say "but the Rona" because CLEARLY we pick and choose when those moments matter, and when there is gonna be a "super spreader" even based on what the news wants to report and not on actual fact.

It's all a fucking game to people, funny thing is the people are always losing while we let people like Joe think we picked him. Well no, he has to no this time around no one fucking cares about his wretched soul.

Bed over and let YOUR president fuck you over and over. Unless you're young he won't be interested, but don't worry just throw some crack on ya and I'm sure his son will shoot his shot for ya too.

Joe Biden, Not a president.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well it could of been an exchange, like if you do that we do this. The situation was probably guaranteed mutual destruction so they just walked away, and stay the course. Do I like that option no, but it's the only way I can rationalize it.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just gonna throw the note out that Trump did declare that the 20th of January 2017 (his inauguration day) was National Patriotic Devotion day...

National Patriotic Devotion Day

Patriots Patriots Day. Have Faith

Maybe it's a hang in there, maybe it's nothing.

Lord_Moo 15 points ago +16 / -1

They are occupying DC for security purposes, lots of national guard troops. They are definitely physically there. They are there because they didn't want there to be riots to break out like on the 6th... which honestly was pretty damn mild compared to everything else we've seen this year.

Lord_Moo 13 points ago +14 / -1

So.... I was gonna reply to this and then I had a thought...

IF trump had "lost" what could he have "lost" that would be so bad that he couldn't tell the people? So bad that he wouldn't tell the people the cost and have us decide what to do. To tell us all the information.

What if the WE were the bargaining chip, we the people were the hostage?

It makes sense doesn't it? They have already released a biological weapon, and in Biden's speech he just said that this virus has reached possibly it's most deadly point.

What doesn't make sense is that if we had the deepstate by the balls (which by all purposes it started to look that way) What is their nuclear options, which obviously aren't nukes, but a weapon handed to them from China if things got bad enough. Covid 2.0. The modified deadly part we all kinda made jokes at might be an options. Maybe this is why the "second wave" was always teased about.

Speculating on the method at hand, what if in exchange for silence this plague wouldn't be released. Trump would have no choice right?

Just some food for thought, it's the only way I think he stays quiet during all this, is either the plan is still on. Or he bartered an agreement for the people, one that can never be talked about.

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm thinking that is where the speculation lies. I think the question we need to ask ourselves was, is this communicating that some other form of government that COULD take control was in fact in control? It's not like whoever wrote that was gonna put FEMA is not in control.

It's easy to dismiss sure, but EVERYONE heard about it pretty quickly thru the channels. Does that mean that is in fact what happened? No. But does OPs point still possibly stand? yea, it's a plausible outcome, but I'd say it's unlikely. It definitely is hitting the bottom of the hopium barrels but I'm just holding out till midnight then it's time to readjust my whole perspective on this stuff.

I want it to be true, I just am gonna let lady Luck take the reigns.

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Evidently they already cleared it like 6 minutes later or something like that... how peculiar.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's kind of funny that to us, the ones who are being censored on platforms and in general have seen this sort of thing for a long time now, where the left agenda was always pushed up and highlighted and we identified manipulations in trends, this is like. Ya... so like what's new?

To someone else, who would be on twitter a lot and be like, nah man you're just making it up. No one else thinks that, or everyone thinks this see it's trending #glowie4Lyfe

Like I was a bit underwhelmed until I thought of those who thought it was a 100% legit platform. We already knew what it was. We saw the fuckery afoot. All it did was label twitter as a confirmed propaganda machine (WE already knew, they were) and as a platform to social media, it's not just another echo chamber. It will die on itself.

Things they mentioned that were confirmed:

Retroactively affecting tweets - Either removal or search algorithms to find them I'd imagine. Either way, old data is susceptible to being violated. The platform is unsafe and unreliable in a historical sense.

They have departments for "Trust and safety" and "Civic integrity" which unilaterally decide if violence is imminent and the call to action is not weighed against this, once this is decided action is taken. It wasn't confirmed violence either, it was potential violence, literally any moment is potential for something...

They disable the spread of your message if they disagree or think it will negatively impact you, by adding the departments above to echo chamber a point of view. "we judged ourselves innocent and you guilty" so we are going to not just "de-amplify" your message, we are deleting your account, for the safety of the WORLD yes it's confirmed that they do this in other countries what have they manipulated in the past? What is the limit of their manipulation? Hell, Qanon, when did censorship start there? And why? They are self-proclaimed experts on what is socially acceptable, think about that. What gave them the right besides just working for twitter? They went to get a quick tech degree and hired a like minded hive and then went to work to push that, anyone who didn't likely got pushed out. Is that fair? Is that right?

Bye Jack

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was being sarcastic but apparently I'm not sure if that was well received. Considering the whole notion of if he is "leaving" he's leaving to go kick ass. I guess I didn't emphasize he wouldn't be leaving office with it, but I do think he will crush the commies.

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