Luminosity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Condolences, anon. May God comfort you and your dad’s other beloved as you mourn his passing, may He give you all strength and comfort. 🙏✝️

Luminosity 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m so sorry for your loss, LTL2. Know that your Dad is with you in your heart for eternity, watching over you, smiling and very proud of you. Cherish the memories of time spent together, the love shared. And thank God every day for His giving you such a great father in your life. Condolences and prayers for those who know and love your Dad, that your hearts may heal and the good Lord will comfort you. 🙏✝️

Luminosity 3 points ago +3 / -0

(The other picture in the NY Post article looks different, much older - perhaps this picture is from his teen years?)

24 years old - dumb kid who screwed up his life by allowing himself to be deceived by evil and consumed by hate. What a shame. He needs to find his way back to the one he sported on his tee shirt - Jesus who doesn’t need a surf board to walk on water. Maybe he’ll find Him in prison.

Luminosity 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen, friend. They are deceived … still. Several of them. I pray daily for them as there’s been no reaching them as yet. Only God can reach them, only He can protect them.

Luminosity 3 points ago +3 / -0

This collapsing incident did happen today. There was news of his then-vaccination status a couple years ago. Still scary as I worry about loved ones’ health even after this whole time since the scamdemic.



Luminosity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you - and your mother - so very much for the translation!

And thank you for sharing the artwork with us. It’s very fine and all the better with your translation.

Arigatou. 🙏

Luminosity 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s nice artwork, OP. Is tweeter Drewski the artist? Also, can anyone translate the writing? There’s a lot of it and I’m curious as to what it says.

Luminosity 3 points ago +3 / -0


This is what the society-corroding push for “Everyone gets a gold star and a trophy so no one’s feelings get hurt” ultimately leads to.

Luminosity 4 points ago +4 / -0

That was…. good. Impressive, actually. Carter was well-spoken and, I believe, authentic/honest, seems to actually care about these topics and the human beings affected. DL, of course, is just a clown, but JC was rattling off the statistics like a champ.

Thanks for the link, anon.

Luminosity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very nice! Thanks for sharing this, OP. Grabbed the link for future listening:


Luminosity 5 points ago +5 / -0

Assigned by the Lord Almighty and noted by the delivery physician.

Dr FruitLoops here looks to be a problematic SG choice.

Luminosity 7 points ago +7 / -0

Your intuition was definitely divine intervention. Prayers for your dad’s full recovery and stability, hopefully an important lesson learned. May God give you all strength and comfort to pull together through these challenges. 🙏✝️

Luminosity 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s a lot of deceased individuals out there as well as foreign invaders paid to vote blue and then the multiple-count ones. It’s probably one of the few activities leftists put loads of effort into - cheating (also violence, crying victimhood, other fraud, etc).

Luminosity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lying to and brainwashing the public for decades on end is “misleading”, too. When they stop lying to and deliberately deceiving the public, stop censorship of the truth (by any means including violence) we can show a population-weighted map. How’s that for a goal instead? Most of these gullible youth (and adults) would run screaming from the left if they knew the truth so I imagine a “real” map wouldn’t have but a few pinpricks of blue showing where the truly malicious, psychopathic, sociopathic individuals would gather.

Lol by Qtoad
Luminosity 3 points ago +3 / -0

Giorgia Meloni, Italian PM. Her disdain for the fey commie is apparent.

Luminosity 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did he say (@0:03) “… Pfizer vaccine, made by a turkish couple…”?

Luminosity 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed - at least for the majority of working Americans. I know some liberals who still are socialists, communists, whatever though they still think they’re average democrats.

And what’s interesting in reading this article is that the “moderate” / “establishment” dems of the dnc complaining are not denouncing any of the radical left’s positions, but rather implying that they should have been veiled until they got in power.

I still remember being dumbfounded when trying to make a (now former) leftist friend understand how horribly bad Obama’s push to offshore US manufacturing was for America. They were swallowing the narrative hook-line-&-sinker and repeating the marxist talking points - a behavior they continue to do to this day. I threw in the towel on that friendship a few years ago, thankfully, but people like that made me understand just how brainwashed some can be. Btw, when I tried to send them info on the dangers of the jabs, they dismissed it, telling me it was “from partisan sources”. Sadly, as they suffered from deleterious physical ailments, they still refused to wake up. Their TV has to tell them, apparently.

Luminosity 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s almost amusing (though not at all surprising) watching them double-down on stupidity.

Luminosity 4 points ago +4 / -0

That cultist on the right - with the horned creature on the wall behind her - is likely a DS instigator. They’ll try to kill humanity any way they can - including trying to get young, emotionally unstable women to sterilize themselves. Sick, sick beings these reptilian-brained, evil beasts are. I pray this is a step too far for young, vulnerable, impressionable women. Abstinence is fine until they wake up and regain mental stability, but mutilation is radical.

Luminosity 7 points ago +7 / -0

Does anyone want to tell them that ship has already sailed? Aka too little too late.

Definitely spend some time reading through the comments on this article, quite entertaining. (Scroll down beneath the article and click on the blue Comments button and it will load comments on a new page).

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