Yes, I remember an increase of serious events that outweighed the benefits, thus my original question.
Not shocking I agree. Just the first I’ve heard about that specific question.
To think that the guy that had the radio controlled bull and was shut down because the probes inserted in through the skull into the brain of his subjects were considered cruel, went on and dedicated his research trying to accomplish the same results electromagnetically.
It’s done knowingly to prove they are committed to the deep state. Once they prove themselves loyal, they hope to advance to perhaps a senator.
No different than the thug that murders a stranger and gives the weapon to the crime boss in initiation. He has given the boss (evidence) power over him in exchange for trust and expectance.
Sold to the devil
Saw a poll that said people was in favor of restricting laws.....“and banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons (60 percent).“ What made me call BS is it said gun owners favored it. A simi-auto ban would ban virtually every common self defense handgun in use. I’m not seeing the gun owner reference now. https://www.foxnews.p/politics/fox-news-poll-voters-favor-gun-measures-doubt-congress-will-act
I would bet that polling would show the majority thinks the politicians can’t give one iota of care whether we we suffer and die or not.
SCOTUS has assaulted justice many times. -Ruled death penalty unconstitutional for child rapist. -Rulled it unconstitutional to work inmates ( instant financial burden on states that resulted in release of some before their time). -Forced states to build new prisons resulting in more releases. - Catch the killer with a bloody knife but didn’t read him his rights?
If 187= murder And July 6th is the 187th day. And on that day U.S. Congress resolves the name of U.S. currency to the “dollar” And..... I guess I’m still trying to figure out why it was July 6th that the Georgia guidestones bit the dust.
Imagine it. A place where you could go up to a perfect stranger and give him a tommy gun feeling confident he would do no harm. Our grandparents lived in that world.
If this method of suggestion is not already being used against us it surely will with the advancement of A.I. This may be a brand new battleground that can be influenced or exposed. Just pointing at the break in the wall. Not sure how to fix it.
That’s all for now
To understand how covert the suggestion could be... There was a experiment that went something like this. People were repeatedly shown a video of someone saying “Ba” then repeatedly shown someone saying “Ga”. When that was installed in the brain the subject was shown a video where he heard the person saying “Ba” but visually (lip reading) the person was saying “”Ga”. When asked, the subject said he heard “Da”.
I’m exhausted so forgive my ramble, Lost work so I’ll try to recreate something.
I’ve had a theory on brainwashing that could be used against us and it is so subtle that it would require a computer to decode what is be long suggested to to population. Much like having to build a computer that could send the German code in order to retrieve a message.
I’ll drop this old quote and hopefully explain why.
I believe too few people are aware of the extent, the breadth, and the depth of the advances which have been made in recent decades in the behavioral sciences...the increasing power for control which it give will be held by someone or some group; such an individual or group will surely choose the purposes or goals to be achieved; and most of us will then be increasingly controlled by means so subtle we will not even be aware of them as controls... it appears that some form of completely controlled coming.
Carl Rogers. On Becoming a Person
I’m missing my childhood pet right now. Why did I love a dog that couldn’t even fetch. The leg and a half she had she couldn’t use. Anyway it’s sad she is not around to pet or take for a morning drag.
Q: What post or comment did you make that didn’t gain the traction you believe it deserved. Or perhaps you think it was misunderstood.
The patent is a means to get useful ideas in the public realm but it’s not complete. Some still die with what should have been a contribution to man kind. I’m thinking of a dead mans switch. If one could make a secure system, one that is trusted, I believe the benefits would be immeasurable.
Looks like the blue states that made it high in the list are are also high in voter fraud. So they are most likely red.
Just now on Fox talking about COVID possibly coming from a lab. “Why was there no 9/11 commission on this?” My answer: Because the victims haven't forced the government against its will (kicking and screaming) to do it.
How long did the 9/11 victim families have to push to get that sham of an investigation? Was it 2 years, 3 years?
Rant over
Pretty sure that’s a malcolmX shirt on the one holding the flag on the right. They went from fakeNgay to full on transitioning
I was trying to make this point a year ago but perhaps I’m not as gifted as this guy is in getting my point across.
Physical copies.
What I’m saying is if you read an encyclopedia from 1940 you could have an entirely different view of the world.
“Knowingly and willingly” was an interesting choice of words. Also, for a good laugh, look to this dudes crime stoppers videos. Here is one....
$ on baby’s head.
What was said about fluoride being used to refine uranium with cattle dying downwind seems to tie in to what Cooper said about cattle mutilations happening downwind from a radioactive source.