MAGAdeburger 3 points ago +4 / -1

It would certainly be quite the incredible twist to have the Resident speak the words that so many had convinced themselves would come from Trump, even though the Q post clearly never explicitly said as much.

MAGAdeburger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just when you think Pallone is the biggest idiot in the room, horse face woman chimes in.

The fact any of that discussion (?) even needed to take place is telling... it's clear that imbeciles like Pallone are fully committed to the lie. They are willing to go down with the ship. Frankly, it's well past time we sink it with all lunatics onboard.

MAGAdeburger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hypnotizer, neuralizer, vivid memories turn to fantasies [...] They won't let you remember

MAGAdeburger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sure, you could have had an account here for over a year and just lurked for a long, long time. But your comment history is limited to just over 20 days. No, your comments don't just disappear even if you delete them, unless you delete your entire account.

MAGAdeburger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not whatever I say, just reality. Mod logs are quite clear a mod deleted them. "DoOmiNg" yeah ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

MAGAdeburger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sometimes you need something so absurd as a balloon to warm people up to being willing to see all of the hard truths that they convince themselves aren't real. Consider all of those who doubted that tik tok was Chinese spyware. Now they see a balloon and think, shoot maybe they are spying on us... baby steps into finally grasping the reality of how our own government spies on us.

Quite brilliant strategy actually. I highly doubt the Chinese would be so stupid to let a balloon "slip" into our airspace. Whoever put it there, did it intentionally.

MAGAdeburger 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he did, then the real question would be where did he actually get the money to make the purchase? Let's just say, pillow sales wouldn't cover it... Mike appears to have quite the resourceful benefactor(s)

MAGAdeburger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Notice that my reply to this went bye bye. Lots of high effort towards targeting users.

MAGAdeburger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Here's your answer:


"a moderator" (because they'll never tell you who actually did what) appears to have felt the need to delete my comments without explanation. Either somebody reported them or a mod took it upon themselves to delete, even though the content didn't violate any rules.

Example 170017 from GAW happenings that make you think hmmmmm

MAGAdeburger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Now ... if I throw a stick, will you leave?

If I offer you a bone, will you roll over?

MAGAdeburger 0 points ago +1 / -1

I see you figured out how to delete your posts.

I have never deleted anything. If something is not there anymore, that's because a mod deleted it or deleted a comment higher up the thread that subsequently deletes all comments below it. Or you deleted a comment, which would also delete lower comments made in response.

Not very wise to make false accusations. Oddly enough, i remember a shill account making similar statements like this a couple months ago. Curiouser and curiouser.

A few deleted comments appear in your limited 20 day history. Not a ton. Unless you are referring to history from a prior account. Again, curiouser and curiouser.

MAGAdeburger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really have to wonder how many people were involved and won't ever escape their involvement...

There's a pretty huge irony that Baker would be so closely involved with the controversy in 2000, and then again in 2016 and 2020.

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MAGAdeburger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do you know you're an ad?

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
MAGAdeburger 0 points ago +1 / -1

No more of an attorney than you are.

If it doesn't matter that you're not an attorney, then why does it matter if I'm an attorney? Why make such a masked accusation in the first place? Because it was an attempt to undermine and discredit me, as opposed to what I stated, interestingly a claim you've yet to even attempt to refute.

On the other hand, you claim it has no legal standing. You have no proof or legal experience to make such a claim.

As you've admitted, you have no proof or legal experienced to make such a claim to the contrary, that the plaintiff does have standing.

You only have your pessimistic opinion.

You only have your deluded HoPiUm in this specific case. It's good to be an optimist, but not at the expense of refusing to be a realist.

Since you're so interested in my credentials, I actually have far more expertise than most attorneys in matters of law. Unlike said attorneys, I actually have multiple advanced degrees in American History and Political Science, am a constitutional scholar and have taught college level classes on the subject. Most attorneys are nothing more than showmen who know nothing of law, but only how to play the game that is courtroom theatrics.

As I said before, this case is a dud, regardless of whether or not it raises some valid claims (such as federal gov's refusal to protect elections and ensuring that states have functional republican forms of government... all pointing to conspiracy and treason against the US) because the Court will claim Brunson does not having standing. And technically, he doesn't. Furthermore, his claims that the Congress and VP violated their "oath" by failing to adjudicate the Electoral appointment dispute, is moot because neither actually has the constitutional authority to do what he claims they are required to do. Doesn't matter what 3 USC says. Constitution trumps statute.

MAGAdeburger 1 point ago +1 / -0

What we truly need is a restoration back to constitutional federalism: strong federal gov in matters where it holds sovereignty, and strong state govs in matters where they hold sovereignty. Balance. And informed, involved citizens who will check government abuses at ALL levels, including state and local. Here's the kicker... in order to drain the local and state swamps, it's going to require the draining of the federal swamp, and then the reformed federal gov to help the people restore actual republican governments in their states.

MAGAdeburger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would think it'd be a good idea to have an Acting POTUS Pence in place to pardon Trump should any efforts against him had been successful...

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