Very interesting take fren. Trump does all sorts of winks and nods and weird language, and that triangle hand thing when he sits down. I remember one press conf where they were talking about pfizer but he kept saying "FISA" instead, as in FISA court?
Another consideration is that the vax is for something else? Ive considered it being for smallpox, what with all the "dark winter" talk.
This doesn't explain why every MSM outlet push it so mega hard on us all the time. Unless theyre being forced to by Trump. But why would it seem so evil, and why are people getting heart attacks and blood clots?
He never conceded and won't say he's running in 2024 so I guess we're still waiting to see. I don't know if the people are going to tolerate them trying to do more lockdowns until the midterm elections. But look how subdued and cucked half the people in this country are on the issue.
I love the idea that he's arrested all these bad people and is still in power but I don't think that hed allow the country to get as bad as it has.
The Damage that NBC and CNN do alone daily to peoples minds should have been stopped a long time ago.
more like neil old